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Losing faith in dayz

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With rocket's departure at the end of the year, his interview about the fundamental flaw of this game and how how the game is progressing I am afraid dayz won't live up to the hype. I mean look how Bohemia addresses tech issues. They don't even know how to stop zombies from clipping into walls. The 1st person view gun mechanics suck ass and they still haven't figured out how to turn off the mouse acceleration. Instead of getting a team of hunting programmers how about fixing the basics. I don't care if my flame for cooking is redder or more blue; just fix the most pressing issues! since they got their money i think they are going to half ass it.

A case in point, dayz zombies clip through walls and cant climb stairs. In State of decay they can jump through windows and other smart ai moves. And it's a $10 game!

Edited by Ironrice
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They are addressing all these issues lol. They don't take two seconds to complete. Each person is working on a different task, and they are at different levels. Designer has nothing to do but make more items, the coders code the items cause the have nothing to do. Then the person continues to work on zombie pathfinding. Calm down man.

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With rocket's departure at the end of the year, his interview about the fundamental flaw of this game and how how the game is progressing I am afraid dayz won't live up to the hype. I mean look how Bohemia addresses tech issues. They don't even know how to stop zombies from clipping into walls. The 1st person view gun mechanics suck ass and they still haven't figured out how to turn off the mouse acceleration. Instead of getting a team of hunting programmers how about fixing the basics. I don't care if my flame for cooking is redder or more blue; just fix the most pressing issues! since they got their money i think they are going to half ass it.

A case in point, dayz zombies clip through walls and cant climb stairs. In State of decay they can jump through windows and other smart ai moves. And it's a $10 game!

They dont know how to fix zombies? Or Acceleration?  :blush: you got to be kidding me..

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Hello there


Please use the search tool, all these things have been addressed in depth.


Im closing this as your lack of preparedness and knowledge about the topics you bring up will just cause flaming.





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