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where to loot

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I recently got dayz after a lot of reccomendations from friends and from reading about it and watching videos on the internet.

I have got the core mechanics down, but I just can't seem to find good loot. I usually go to the airstrip when I can, because it is one of the few places I know how to get to. I usually get an M1014 at the airstrip and I have a blast. But other then the airstrip I usually can't find guns. I've hear people tell me to go to electro or cherno, but I can't find them unless I wander into them.

So my point is can anyone tell me where to find some guns. I'd also like to know how to get to those places. Also I know a lot of people say to go to barns, but I'd like to know where I could find those barns.

This isn't a rant thread. I really like dayz even though I suck.

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Get a map and get used to reading it if your not used to reading flat maps already.

It's how I started and I can get from most spawns to where I need to easily now.

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If you don't already know there is a map ( http://dayzmap.info/ ) which shows a lot of good loot spots.

great map it will really help. Just a quick question though. what will a low/medium/high yield building spawn?

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When you start a fresh spawn be sure to look at the bottom right of your screen, It will say, Chernarus & below that it will say roughly your location then below that how many days you have been alive.

Using the map above fine your location.

Say for example you spawn near Balota, As you can see from the map Cherno is East so obviously you wanna have your right shoulder to the sea and keep running until you reach Cherno.

Also another good way to tell where you are is look for road sighs the again find your location on the map.

Be aware going to the airstrips/fields & major city is very dangerous, There is a great chance you will be killed not only by infected but most likely the other players.

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