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DayZ SA : guess what? SESSION LOST

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My name is Matan.

I've been through a really bad bugs on my dayz.

After the last UPDATE , I see the message SESSION LOST

and my friend says that in game they say : Signature check lost ( or something like that)

Today I've reached the longest time I played with no session lost .

I played like 30-40min. And before that I could play for 5-10MAX.

I know that the problem is with the inventory and might be a couple of loots that might make this crash

Please , help me to fix this.

I payed to enjoy the game.

so please make this happen.



reinstalling DayZ

verifying game cache .

re-installing steam.

And planty more .

Edited by matanasa66

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First of all: Try to fix it for yourself.


You can reinstall DayZ and so on. 

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First of all: Try to fix it for yourself.


You can reinstall DayZ and so on. 

I've just posted what I tried.


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I know that the problem is with the inventory and might be a couple of loots that might make this crash

Do you still have the same character?  If I thought it had anything to do with inventory I would kill him and respawn.

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I have the same exact thing happen to me. I can login, but once in game I can't perform any actions in my hotbar, nor open doors. Then after about 5 mins. I get the dreaded "Confirmation of changes. Session Lost" message. It's really frustrating.


Does anyone have any news on whether this is being acknowledged/addressed? Any idea what may be causing this?


Thanks in advance.

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I'm having the same issue with the exception that I Can't play at all. Most servers I'm stuck at waiting for host but once I manage to log on to a server the game freezes up after I open my inventory. Sometimes when logging in it states confirmation of changes to the ammo for SKS, missing file or something. I've checked DayZ files but still no change. Oh and this all started after the last patch update; prior to that patch I never had any issues with login on or disconnects at all.

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The Session lost issue is effecting a lot of players. Since like the OP I have also tried everything all the way to reinstalling game, it is obviously not a client side issue, but something occurring host side or in the stable after the patch.


Dev Hicks is mentioning something about working on a hotfix on twitter, but I can't quite make out if it is a hotfix for this issue. If not it should be, because it is a serious problem that seems to be happening to a large part of the playerbase.

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its happening to people with limited steam accounts

Im trying to get the devs to see this hopefully they do, its CAUSED by the limited steam accounts

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