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Osteogenesis imperfecta

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For the love of Zed. Please look into the brittle bones. I have put up with it as we all must in an alpha. Apart from Zeds hitting you from the flat downstairs and breaking your bones, and getting a fracture when crawling through a door they seem to break by just moving the landscape at times such as dearstand ladders etc.

But I just loged in, (in a safe place) with no damage, in good health.

I stood up from the crouching position and my leg broke lol. I kid you not !

It has to make sense to buff bones a bit until the time when these bugs are ironed out...

There are bugs we understand that. But it doesn't take much of workaround so people can play.

Please take pity and include something in the next hotfix.

Kind regards, A fan.

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