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DayZ Story elements - Kevin's & Alice's Diary

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Welcome ladies and gentlemen, I tried doing something very different from my usual style of videos containing gameplay and tutorials. Now for the first time I am about to release a set of story driven narrative videos that both tell the story of two survivors and also try and capture what happened in Chernarus, why the outbreak started and what lead to the events of the actual in-game gameplay we experience. Starting off with two prologue stories concerning Kevin (spoken by me) and Alice (spoken by my girlfriend) I want to develop both survivors and Chernarus to become one big set of story to keep in mind while playing DayZ which, in itself, does not provide any kind of lore at all.


Enjoy the project, I will update this site every wednesday and thursday with new chapters of both sides of the story alongside my gameplay and tutorials that will keep coming as well. Any suggestions and opinions on the project either here or on the videos themselves.




Kevin's Diary


Chapter 00 - Prologue


Alice's Diary

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For some odd reason I am enjoying this. I had something like this I made a while back. But mine was written



BUT BUT BUT, the microphone is so close to your mouth it makes it difficult to watch even with the volume down.

Edited by Jfiles

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For some odd reason I am enjoying this. I had something like this I made a while back. But mine was written



BUT BUT BUT, the microphone is so close to your mouth it makes it difficult to watch even with the volume down.


I reckoned that too, but mostly it sounds like it does because I used normalization on audacity, which, after re hearing it a few more times now, seems like a stupid idea. Fixed for the next part :)


Interesting Idea brah


Thanks brah

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