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It is turning into a game.

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It is unfortunate but this seems to be turning into one of the many "games" out there. It is starting to lose whatever made it special in the beginning.

I could guess at what is wrong but it would just be a guess.

Here's hoping Rocket can turn it around and recatch whatever vision the game had.

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Maybe you can specify what DayZ has lost in your opinion? I think its going the right way with the Zs getting stronger and the loot getting more balanced and stuff.

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I'm not sure what you're specifically talking about here, but I personally am still having a blast with the game. Maybe go a bit into detail on exactly what's wrong and ruining your experience.

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It is unfortunate but this seems to be turning into one of the many "games" out there. It is starting to lose whatever made it special in the beginning.

I could guess at what is wrong but it would just be a guess.

Here's hoping Rocket can turn it around and recatch whatever vision the game had.

Did someone, by any chance, just feel like a moan? ;)

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By "those" games I'm assuming you mean Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3? And if so then let the twitch based FPS fans come at me. While they're spraying and praying with their Makarovs from over fourty meters away I'll be carefully lining up the shot from my Enfield or better and knocking them down.

I was actually called a cheat today. I laughed hard at that.

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