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View distance, player, window and door rendering

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Hey guys,


I'm a dedicated sniper for my squad, and usually sit on a perch or somewhere in bushes to spot for any incoming hostiles while my squad raids the place. We don't KoS as a policy, but if new arrivals turn out to be hostile, I'm more than happy to take them down for my team.


Anyway, over the days I've noticed some weird behaviour in rendering, and it's really limiting my ability to function for the group.


It seems that anything over 300m, glass won't render properly and I won't be able to see people through them.

at anything over 400m, doors stop rendering, so I cannot see whether they are open or closed, and the legs of players don't render, only showing their torso and head.

At anything over 500m, I can only see the player's gear, like their vest, and weapon, move. Requires extreme focus in order to spot anything, and so far I've only managed to see my squadmates like this since I knew where they were at. Oddly enough, zombies still render fully at this distance.

Over 600m no models appear whatsoever.


This is all when zoomed in with the long range scope on the mosin. Without zooming in windows and doors are even more poorly visable.


Now, I was wondering if there are any settings I could change (in-game, or in the text files that you acces to fix your fps) that mends one of the issues mentioned above.

I saw someone saying that player model view distance is hardcapped in order to make a level playing field, but this makes little sense to me as 1km+ snipes were possible in the mod, and the mosin long range scope goes well above 400m (up to 800m actually). 


Anyways, was just wondering if anyone could help me out, since these issues really hamper my functioning in the squad. Cheers guys.

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I have noticed some of these things as well, particularly the doors being closed and the opaque windows.

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See patch notes on "improvements" .... :/

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Hello kaeden, there seems to be a bunch of rendering problems in the game ATM. I don't think your settings have anything to do with it. I suggest you to send a bug report and learn to live with the problems. Or just come back later.

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See patch notes on "improvements" .... :/


Could you provice a link please? As you can tell by my post count, I'm quite new to the community. Thanks in advance bud

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Turn object detail above "normal" or "medium" if you haven't done it already. It helped me.

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Cheers, will try that. My pc is decent. Not good, decent. Since dayZ is quite poorly optimized I've turned a lot of stuff down and did some tweaking in the files in order to get good FPS, so I'm trying to find out what settings to keep high for functionality (or that just don't demand a lot of resources), and what settings to give the axe.

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I'm aware some ppl said it's serverside, but what's about "viewdistance" and "preferredobjectviewdistance"?

I got them both on 3200 and can pretty easy spot guys @ 1300m

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user/documents/DayZ Other Profiles/steamname/steamname DAYZPROFILE file




the higher the number the more distance is rendered in.


I think...

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Have you tried scrolling the view bar inside configure? The one changing how wide you can see (can't remember what it's called).. If you scroll it to 0 you'll see further, I had to do this to see far enough with PU scopes.

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If far away (sniping distance) objects are looking dodgy you will need to crank your Texture Detail and Texture Filtering as high as you can without dropping frames. Also, the Objects in the Quality setting need to be as high as you can go and if your rig can handle it, dial in some Antialiasing.

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heers guys, I'll try and crank these things up gradually and see at what point my pc is likely to burst into flames.

Can anyone confirm changing the values for object view distance and scene complexity in the files?

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I'm having the same problem, it's horrible and it makes the game non playable ( especially as a sniper ). I don't know how to fix it, I've put the settings on very high even tho my PC cant run it well, on low, medium everything it's the same. Scene complexity 500000 view distance 3200. nothing seems to be helping

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Increase Object detail from settings, worked for me.


also the thing that you dont see their legs has to do with how arma engine hides people in Grass and other vegetation.

This is best seen in arma3 where when you look at enemy from far away they look like their under the ground.

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