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Calorie, Weight and Movement

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Okay I looked through some of the topics and didnt see this or atleast not as I propose.


This is a group of systems that couple together to create a new gameplay systems.


The simplest explanation without a wall of test are as follows:


1. All food has a calorie rating

2. All items have a weight rating

3. Sprinting has a calorie rating

4. Both Calorie, Hunger, overall health and weight contribute to movement speed



Coupled together the more you carry equipment and run, the more you need to eat instead of just the blanket hunger system. If you want to grab the biggest backpack and loot everything in sight then you will need alot of food to replenish your calories extended. Conversely if you're traveling light or just laying in a mountain sniping you'll need a little less food.


Additionally there would be a movement tax* as it were for calorie and hunger rating. I.E. if you're starving you can not sprint across the map. Conversely, if you are healthy and energized you can run alittle bit faster than normal if you're not carrying alot of weight..


I would keep the default *jog speed as it is, only slowing it down if you are starving or carrying a huge backpack with 200lbs, and speeding it up if you're a new spawn  with no gear weight or a light traveler where you can sprint faster if you are healthy and fed.


This would add a dimension of gameplay to running around with a huge backpack and sprinting across the map.


Coupled with the upcoming storage of goods and lockable containers they have this would create the need to have "Pack Mule players" and people to guard them as they hoof a large pack back to their base.


On the other hand you could capture a player and use him as a mule jockey to carry your crap while you run around and fight.


Discuss please

Edited by Duenan
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I'm all for tying hunger and thirst to movement. Not particularly invested in how the actual system works, and to me this seems like a good idea. 

I just find it utterly ridiculous that I can sprint the equivalent of 50km with no penalties at all and I can't wait for whatever fix they work out to limit this type of thing. I assume we won't see something like this until at least basic vehicles are implemented though, as the QQ that will follow stripping sprinting down will be massive.

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I like the idea. It makes sense and the level of complexity would tie in with the health system, adding encumberance to prevent unlimited sprinting.

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Keep in mind, there will be vehicle updates in the game later


So if your char is sick or poisoned you would have the option of driving.


But I think mixing this system with the other systems would just add different dimensions and new problems for players to face as there would the wall of sprinting infinitely with a loaded backpack across the map

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Some of this is already in (i.e. the Kcal system) and some of it will be added in the future (fatigue, weight). Good ideas, but the devs probably already have some version of this working. 

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