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Start with one food and one drink.

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Seriously, could we have this added? If you like playing on full-ish servers the coast is generally picked over and Cherno/Elektro are gigantic deathmatch clusterfucks. Having one of each wouldn't make the game significantly easier, it would just allow you to head inland faster and avoid being used for target practice by military-geared douchebags who enjoy killing people with no way to defend themselves.

Everybody is always quoting Rocket's "most people don't own guns anyway" bit to justify removing Makarovs from spawn, but it makes no sense whatsoever that somebody with the foresight to pack bandages and painkillers wouldn't think to bring a can of food or a bottle of water with him.

I don't mind having to scavenge for a gun. What I do mind is having to scavenge for a gun in a place where I'm almost certainly going to be shot down like a dog 2-3 times before I find one. I tried to run straight inland yesterday after being killed several times on the coast and ended up dying from thirst due to getting unlucky spawns with no food or water in the first town I came across.

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... but it makes no sense whatsoever that somebody with the foresight to pack bandages and painkillers wouldn't think to bring a can of food or a bottle of water with him.

+1, I like this agument :)

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At the end of 2010 it was estimated that 45% of Americans own guns.

That's a pretty decent amount, my friends and I, most relatives etc. own guns. No we aren't redneck, we like to hunt though. I'd have enough guns for a few people, as would most of the other people that I know own guns. Most people don't just own ONE gun.

And yeah, I agree with the water/food thing. Its funny how back and fourth people are on realism with this game. "Let's take away everything, that makes it more realistic!" Christ, why do we even have a backpack? I'm going to pack this backpack to survive, better put just this flashlight in there so I don't have to hold onto it because my hands will be so full. Oh yeah, and one bandaid and some advil, I'm set!

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starting with a food and drink is a very bad idea.....it sounds great till you realize that you would then be a target for every high level gun toating survivor to spawn cmp and farm relentlessly.....if you need drinks search the structures they are abundant the food is not so much but zombies tend to drop food if you can find a safe spot to pick a few off you have a good chance in getting some beans or pasta from them make sure you search all your zombie kills.....also once you get an axe, hunting kife and matchbox you can make unlimited food by hunting animals and cooking them...go look at the Day Z wiki for details....

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Exactly what Hendrix said. You're a bigger target. There's a reason you don't start with everything someone might need anymore.

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One thing I forgot to mention if your worried about the insanely broken zombie aggro/infinite respawn mechanic atm remember using an axe or a cross bow to kill zombies is 100% silent and will not aggro the horde on you in a town as long as your not running around making noise and you sneak up and take them out one at a time you can harvest them with an axe for loot....make sure you stock up and have bandages, pain killers , and morphine (all available in either deer stands, houses or the hospitals in major cities) if a zombie acts buggy and won't go down right away it can break your bones or bleed you out fast key is to not make noise and aggro more by running but stand there and take him down....

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You're already a target at spawn, though. That's my point. Let's face it, here. Most people killing survivors on the coast aren't doing it because it's easier than looting an empty grocery store up north. They're doing it because they get off on killing players who can't defend themselves. I even had one who was taking potshots at me yesterday ask me to sing on directional chat if I wanted to live. It's all about their ego, not what they can loot from you.

Yesterday I got killed once in Elektro, twice in Cherno, once in Balota, and once in Kamyshovo all within ~10-15 minutes of spawning. It was over an hour of playing before I was able to find a gun and head inland without taking a bullet to the dome, and then I died from thirst trying to find something to drink and had to start over. I'd rather spawn with one food and water and take my chances trying to break the blockade to head inland than being forced to scavenge in coastal towns which are almost always being camped on high pop servers.

I know you can hunt, but finding matches, a hatchet, and a hunting knife isn't that easy. On the off chance you somehow spotted all three within a short time period after heading straight inland you would still almost certainly die from thirst/starve before you found an animal to kill.

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i would like to start of with

Empty Makarov or Melee Wep (Who would be in a apocalypse without a wep .. cmon)

Empty Canteen (Can be refilled at coast)

Compass (again , we're in a apocalypse here)

Bandages and Painkillers

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I had similar issues to you untill I figured out which structures spawn weapons....you don't need to enter a city to find a gun....in fact your much safer going int0 the interior and searching small towns and barns till you aquire a weapon....you can also farm up on a low pop server then log into your regular server once your equipped....and if you go to a spot that should spawn alot of items and it's baren you can server hop till you find weapon's in it.....remember everyone has the ability to do this use every advntage you have....

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Server hopping or playing on low-pop servers just to gear up is kind of lame, though. Just my opinion, but I don't think a 'feature' which half the community regards as cheating should be mandatory to your survival.

I know you can get guns from barns, but seriously, try spawning on a server with 45+ people on it and search the area around the coast. It's pretty hard to find anything good, most the buildings you come across either have ammo you can't use or tin cans. This includes the barns and whatnot nearby, not just the cities themselves. Basically everything within a 5 or 10 minute jog of the coastal spawn points is usually empty.

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I would add that going on expert servers is actually better then regual severs because on expert servers there are no cross hairs for weapons you are forced to use iron sights so people cannot run and gun with pistols....also some servers remove 3rd person view and are less camper friendly use your best jundgement on what to do but there are a ton of ways to aquire a weapon once you figure out spawn locations remember there are only a hand full of buildings in the game that spawn wepons go look online untill you know what they look like and can spot them to make your routes less tedious....

Server hopping or playing on low-pop servers just to gear up is kind of lame' date=' though. Just my opinion, but I don't think a 'feature' which half the community regards as cheating should be mandatory to your survival.

I know you can get guns from barns, but seriously, try spawning on a server with 45+ people on it and search the area around the coast. It's pretty hard to find anything good, most the buildings you come across either have ammo you can't use or tin cans. This includes the barns and whatnot nearby, not just the cities themselves. Basically everything within a 5 or 10 minute jog of the coastal spawn points is usually empty.


There are alot of weapon spawn locations in the interior....low levels characters are drawn to the two major cities like mothes to a flame or the costal air field and that is where they usually die....stop going east to west and head north into the interior of cherno you will find small towns and barns with abundant loot....and sever hoping is a part of the game....use every advantage you can get I promise you the guys with all the gear are doing it why would you do less and expect a better result?

Server hoping is only considered a cheat by players if you use it to gain position in pvp and player kill no one is complaining about searching spawn points for loot that I know of....to put it in perspective the games spawn mechanics are not fair in their design at all...

If your the first guy to spawn on the coast in a server and they stick you a stone throw away from the airfield and some OP gear don't you have an advantage that noone else has?.....

Same goes for spawning close to a major city compared to mid map in a small town costal region. To prevent the uneven advantage you can server hop evening out your odds if you don't want to do it , fine but others will and your just making life harder on yourself if your on a high pop server the game is harder the number of people that spawn ratchets up the difficulty that is the games design...

You can always start farming gear on a low pop then transfer back once you have what you want or even play late at night when fewer people are on to get the gear you need. Most imprtant thing is learning spawn locations there are only a few enterable structures but alot of locations total you can get weapons.

I had your exact same issue till I went on the Day Z wiki and went online and figured out spawn locations if you search them you will find gear with or without "creative use of game mechanics."

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Everybody is always quoting Rocket's "most people don't own guns anyway" bit to justify removing Makarovs from spawn' date=' but it makes no sense whatsoever that somebody with the foresight to pack bandages and painkillers wouldn't think to bring a can of food or a bottle of water with him.


Agree completely with this.

To my mind, and I know others disagree, what you should spawn with is basically what average people would take from their house before they made for the hills.

A bag of some kind (backpack)



Advil (I don't think I'd actually bring pain killers, tbh, but ok)

Maybe a kitchen knife?

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If someone started with food and drink we'd probably see more people shooting them rather than risk their own asses looting it.

My two cents.

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As I said, I'm honestly hard pressed to imagine how it could get worse than it currently is. The coast is already a shooting gallery on populated servers. And really, how many people are going to run all the way back to the coast just to kill fresh survivors for a can of beans? It would be less dangerous to loot the mostly abandoned towns up north, because there are already a lot of well-geared bandits on the coast killing unarmed survivors for the luls.

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In my 60+ hours of DayZ, I've never been killed on bean coast by bandits, always further inland or in one of the major cities, so I'm afraid I can't relate to your issues there.

But, to reaffirm my point, if I decided to play as a Bandit one life, I would get a gun, go to the coast, shoot newly spawned players and build up a small stockpile of survival supplies before I head north, so I wouldn't have to worry about food or drink.

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you used to spawn with food. the coast was camped heavily by military-geared douchebags for those beans. rocket removed it to stop this and it has. qq more and get over it. within 10 minutes of spawning I have a hatchet and food/water/matches every time. you are obviously doing it wrong.

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As I suggested in my post we need at least an empty canteen (and ability to drink from water bodies) so that you can at least survive inland.

Its understandable that food would make you frag bait to people who are lazy. If someone is gonna kill you for shits and giggles... they're gonna kill you whether you got a rocket launcher and an AK47 with unlimited ammo or not.

In my situation if I had to evac due to zombie apocalypse

- Pain killers *

- My camelpac/2x 2L bottles of water *

- Some food *

- A camping knife (one with 50/50 serated and flat blade) *

- 50-100ft of paracord

- Batteries

- Dymo LED Flashlight *

- Garmin GPS receiver

- Mobile phone

* == essential items that cannot be done without

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I don't buy the don't own guys part, as in rural areas guns are very common. However, removing the Makarov was still a good idea, and I think it should stay, as, for once, I met another survivor who was unarmed and we made a freindship. It was amazing.

As for food? spawning with no food is your friend. Bullets aren't free, and if you can't at least provide a garuenteed bean drop, the bandit spam at the coast will drop.

As for the "Douchebags" who just kill for fun, well, you can't change them. Its also not like you can't hit any of the smaller inland towns as you go.

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I would add that going on expert servers is actually better then regual severs because on expert servers there are no cross hairs for weapons you are forced to use iron sights so people cannot run and gun with pistols....also some servers remove 3rd person view and are less camper friendly use your best jundgement on what to do but there are a ton of ways to aquire a weapon once you figure out spawn locations remember there are only a hand full of buildings in the game that spawn wepons go look online untill you know what they look like and can spot them to make your routes less tedious....

Server hopping or playing on low-pop servers just to gear up is kind of lame' date=' though. Just my opinion, but I don't think a 'feature' which half the community regards as cheating should be mandatory to your survival.

I know you can get guns from barns, but seriously, try spawning on a server with 45+ people on it and search the area around the coast. It's pretty hard to find anything good, most the buildings you come across either have ammo you can't use or tin cans. This includes the barns and whatnot nearby, not just the cities themselves. Basically everything within a 5 or 10 minute jog of the coastal spawn points is usually empty.


There are alot of weapon spawn locations in the interior....low levels characters are drawn to the two major cities like mothes to a flame or the costal air field and that is where they usually die....stop going east to west and head north into the interior of cherno you will find small towns and barns with abundant loot....and sever hoping is a part of the game....use every advantage you can get I promise you the guys with all the gear are doing it why would you do less and expect a better result?

Server hoping is only considered a cheat by players if you use it to gain position in pvp and player kill no one is complaining about searching spawn points for loot that I know of....to put it in perspective the games spawn mechanics are not fair in their design at all...

If your the first guy to spawn on the coast in a server and they stick you a stone throw away from the airfield and some OP gear don't you have an advantage that noone else has?.....

Same goes for spawning close to a major city compared to mid map in a small town costal region. To prevent the uneven advantage you can server hop evening out your odds if you don't want to do it , fine but others will and your just making life harder on yourself if your on a high pop server the game is harder the number of people that spawn ratchets up the difficulty that is the games design...

You can always start farming gear on a low pop then transfer back once you have what you want or even play late at night when fewer people are on to get the gear you need. Most imprtant thing is learning spawn locations there are only a few enterable structures but alot of locations total you can get weapons.

I had your exact same issue till I went on the Day Z wiki and went online and figured out spawn locations if you search them you will find gear with or without "creative use of game mechanics."

You should not have to server hop to get gear. When you are on a large populated server the small towns get picked because people die often and they respawan on the coast. Sure you can try to hit the loot spots (all the ones on the coast are hit) but how long will you last with out a gun,drinks,food,meds ect? It makes it frustrating when you have to spawn 10 times to find loot just to survive on populated servers.

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You should not have to server hop to get gear. When you are on a large populated server the small towns get picked because people die often and they respawan on the coast. Sure you can try to hit the loot spots (all the ones on the coast are hit) but how long will you last with out a gun' date='drinks,food,meds ect? It makes it frustrating when you have to spawn 10 times to find loot just to survive on populated servers.


How many times have you died from starvation/dehydration running north? The north isn't a barren wasteland a thousands miles away. If I don't find any loot right where I've spawned, I head north. Don't waste time running around where everyone else has been, hoping to stock up on supplies. Especially without a weapon.

I agree about the server hopping.

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Bandits with good enough gear are unlikely to kill for food. Honestly they can easily get the food by cooking meat or simply raiding small towns. Getting food isn't impossible and people spawning without food has not stopped or even really slowed down spawn killing a lot. Now you are seeing people killed for no reason at all. Personally I would rather not waste bullets on a survivor for some beans. The same beans I can easily get by raiding some house or barn out of the way.

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I don't agree that having ONE can of food and soda would somehow make the game easier, but whatever. All it would really do is significantly cut down on the stupidity one has to experience before being able to go inland. Yeah, sometimes you find food and water at the first northern town you hit. Other times you get unlucky, and if you get unlucky more than once you're going to die from thirst or hunger. But I usually only play on heavily populated servers, and it seems like a lot of people don't see a problem with just switching to empty ones on spawn to get gear, so maybe that's just my choice getting in the way of my fun. The tension of trying to survive other players once you have a couple items to your name is enjoyable, getting used for target practice for fun and dying less than 10 minutes after every respawn until you manage to find a can of beans and escape the coast is irritating.

On the subject of people killing players for fun being douchebags, I don't think anybody who kills another survivor is a douchebag. I enjoy fighting other players myself. I enjoy it because of the risk associated with it, though. There's a very large difference in mentality and personality between people who enjoy fighting other players and people who enjoy killing players who have a 0% chance of being able to defend themselves.

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