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Combat in DayZ

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Hi there, i've been playing DayZ for a good 30 hours now, mostly roaming and scavenging, but the thing is when i see a player he/she always gets me.

Now for the real question, how do you practice combat in DayZ? i've met about 20-30 people so far in my adventures and either they see me and kill me or i avoid them.


Any way to practice combat? I dont understand how people are so good at shooting.. :(

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Keep playing, be offensive, calm and smart. Being passive and freaked out in combat will get you killed 9 out of 10. 


Be conservative in ammunition, make every bullet count. Don't sprey. Aim your shots chest and above. 


In all the above, be a Man. 

Edited by Meik0

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yup, same here xD

You can't really "practice" right now.


But once deer and animals (Wolves, bears) are implemented (which can be very soon  klick1 or klick2), you can practice firing at animals.

Of course not like battling other players, but at least they can move and attack you.

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Consider the combat much less ''run and shoot'' and more ''tactical shoot''.Get knowledge of the advantige points, like covers and confusing your enemy.Try to be unpredictable, often change your position especially if the enemy is not sure where you are to confuse him even more.Learn where the high PVP areas are.


Learn all the weapons sounds (they are just a few in SA).Learn the accuracy they have, the distance they travel and the location of the shooting when you hear it.


Also the the PVE servers with bandit AI in the DayZ mod is a good practice to learn how to be calm and judge the situation better.

Edited by Silentine
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First of all - don't let the enemy spot you. If you see him first you have the advantage. Don't waste it. If you're shooting from over 100 meters use zeroing(PgUp and PgDown) to make it accurate. Try to confuse the enemy. Even if he spotted you, try to hide and then approach him from a different side. There's much more. Just try to surprise the enemy and you'll probably survive.

Edited by MrMoyubori
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Ohh and try not to be a douche like 80% of the playerbase in this game. :P

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Any way to practice combat? I dont understand how people are so good at shooting.. :(

Play some Arma2. Or the mod on one of those PvP servers.

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remember to use zeroing

only use a bipod in prone otherwise always keep it retracted

dont shoot straight after sprinting 

dont charge into combat zones, asses the area, walk around hidden in trees and so on

make sure you land that first shot, as to not scare them off without at least damaging them

bushes and trees make good cover, grass not so

wear camoflague clothing - greens and browns or the TTsKO stuff

take time to aim your shots, make sure who you are shooting is preferably not moving


Arma 2 weapon mechanics are similar but not identical so it can get you the basics

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Find a quiet server. Go to an airfield or a city- somewhere with lots of zombies and some space. Just be ready for someone to show up though- if you have friends in game have them on lookout for you. Practice on the zombies. That will help with the mechanics of shooting, understanding zeroing and so on, but it won't help with firefight tactics. Stay aware, stay in cover as best you can and learn from your mistakes there, because everyone makes them.

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Always shoot from cover, ADS when you peek out of cover, move from cover to cover, use sprint only when your gonna retreat, double tap or burst then return to cover.

Dont panic and bandage immediately, always check your immediate surroundings, when your gonna loot an airfield or base, organize your backpack before going in, have a plan on how to loot, and loot fast. Its not about practicing, its cover beats open, crouch beats standing, and prone beats crouched.

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Hello Nadbuddy. If you have experience from shooter games you should be good to go, but here are some pro tips:


1) See your enemy before he sees you




3) Find good cover


4) Watch you back at all times, it's really easy to sneak up on players


5) Change you positions and keep on the move, the enemy might have friends and they're on TS


6) Have an escape route ready


7) It's never a bad idea to leave the combat and flee (unless you're playing with friends)


8) Use clothes that match the environment


9) Get to a good advantage point


10) Use the element of surprise


11) Keep you weapon full of ammo at all times


12) While in combat don't loot the people you have shot


13) Every time you victim drops when you shoot him, shoot him a couple of times in the head. He might just be unconscious


14) Before engaging the enemy, observe if there are more than 1 enemy.


15) Keep your friends updated for the enemy movement


16) If on TS use cardinal directions




Good luck!

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