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Please make more equipment colorable by Spray Can

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Currently color is the only way to customize your gear in game. I have seen a lot of shirts/pants/boots using same model with different color. I really don't see any reason why you shouldn't let color your gear? Maybe not Spray Can, other item - any way to customize your items will be appreciated.

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They will. The reason it's not going faster is that they have to create textures for each and every object in every color, which takes time, and is probably a low priority right now. 

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Here's one of the patch notes.


Action: Ballistic helmet variants can be spraypainted to black and green color with spraycans.


It will probably be more and more that will be sprayable, atleast it's heading towards the right direction.

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Some gear already had black and green variants. Those equipments should be able to be sprayed. For example:


And so on. It's a pain finding a black vest in pristine condition to match my character's outfit. I've found 2 green ones but didn't bother to take them since green makes me look like a bandit.

Edited by Boogyman93

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They will. The reason it's not going faster is that they have to create textures for each and every object in every color, which takes time, and is probably a low priority right now. 

Huh, I was pretty sure they just apply a different color filter to the same texture. I was wrong?

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