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No Side Chat turned me into a Bandit and game less fun

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just face it the game is going downhill with these ridiculous changed.


I like the side channel. There is a lot of funny stuff coming in from it and I really enjoy laughing

Funny? Really enjoy? Laughter?

It is pretty obvious that those words are almost impossible to comprehend for you, but worth a try. :) Have fun..or maybe have no fun, whatever makes you happy... or unhappy. Hm, I can't really decide...^^

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Removing the chat was one of the best changes to Day Z imo.

Not having 5 people spamming russian characters every 2 seconds - and other 5 asking "Whose shooting in Cherno/Elektro" adds to the already claustrophobic feel the game provides, you are ALONE, no one can hear you, no one can help you.

And in cities it's easy enough to use the proximity chat/voice, just make sure you got something between you and the guy you're gonna talk to! :D

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I like the idea of once you find a radio side chat and other chat channels open up to you. Of course the radio shouldn't be a rare spawn.

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The thing is, even when there was side chat it was practically stuff that didn't relate to the game or "WHO'S SHOOTING IN CHERNO?!?!?". This game is suppose to be realistic, side and global chat were just full of people talking about things not relating to the game and occasionally someone asking of someones friendly (Followed by that guy getting killed of course.)

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Should be a server side choice, just like veteran and not veteran servers. Really no reason to force others to play the way you specifically enjoy playing the game.

Just as an example: I have played a lot of CoD in my life, and back in the day, my clan ran a Realism Mod for CoD 2. We all had a blast personally, but I am sure a lot of others didn't like it. They could just find a server that did not have the Realism mods installed and play it normal. Would it have been fair/fun for other players if CoD was just like "tough shit" and forced this Realism mod down every single players throats?

I don't see how or why this would be such a big deal to just make it up to the server admin, and let the players find the server types they wanna play on.

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Not much to add since ZedsDeadBaby posted. But removal of the side channel strengthened this game tremendously. The game you other people is looking for is called Instant Messenger or possibly IRC.

When Rocket explained that he made the mod to make people feel something within a gaming context, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean the feeling of a giggle coming up after reading something funny someone is writing in the side channel.

To all people saying "I bought this game to have some fun", maybe next time buy a game that is made for fun. This mod is explicitly NOT made for a jolly good fun time.

Why do people continue to look for something in a game that is not offering what they are looking for?

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