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I was enjoying a warm summer's day in electro, looting and wondering about the general lack of people, as I had not seen anyone, going into one of the 3 story buildings with the stairs that open in the middle of the floor.  I was checking the area as I came up behind the stairs and there was a lovely chap there with a shotgun.  He greeted me with two barrels of buckshot and I politely shot him with my blaze 95, I saw it hit him and didn't think too much of surviving the shot gun blast, it has happened before, I went down stairs to reload and then my screen popped you are dead.


This isn't the first time such a thing has happened to me and I'm starting to wonder.  Is my computer in need of turning down the graphic's or should I stop playing experimental (80ish ping) and go back to the 40ish ping servers that I'm used to?

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Pretty odd.  Certainly sounds like a desync issue since yeah, two barrels of buckshot, even when you take into account the randomness, will kill most anyone at 10M or less.

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yeah the only thing that bug's me about the whole experience is it's not the first time it's happened, actually it happens almost every time I engage close range, I guess it's time to be a long range asshat

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 Maybe the buckshot was damp.


 Seriously now... The ping changes so I wouldn't go by the number that much beyond joining a server with an initially low ping. Like the poster above said, it probably was desync.

 I'm just guessing because I'm very new to the game. I read up online and watch YouTube uploads but my actual playtime is just about 2 weeks now.

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80 Ping wont drag you down that far. I could only see something upwards of 600 ping doing something like that. If he hit you, you were most likely very very low on blood and bled out without realizing it. There have also been reports of people, even being the only one on the server, dying randomly.

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Any CQB in DayZ is dangerous right now due to desync and optimization issues.  It is best to avoid those situations completely.

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I doubt it has anything to do with ping. I play on US East coast servers sometimes with ~150 ping and I have no such troubles (not on experimental though)

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