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NotoriousNation [DayZ clan] | Recruiting

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Hi guys we are NotoriousNation we are a group of "organised" bandits who like to both scavenge in towns and kill other players. We have a team speak server to talk to each other and like to think we work as a team fairly well.

We are looking for experianced dayZ players who know what they are doing in both finding loot, killing zombies... and other players. Even though we are bandits we like to have people who are trust worthy in out clan.

So if you are interested dont hesitate in contacting either me or brewer on skype or steam.

Steam - (UNCROWNED95) (brewer88)

Skype - (liam-paterson95) (brewer88)


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Hey I added you both on steam :) I'm pretty expierienced and have some pretty good gear, I could help as a sniper, but I'm better as a scout if any positions are open for that. :)

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Sounds interesting wouldnt mind joining a group, would you consider leting my group join yours its like 5 of us or 6?

and to the guys above me you should let them know how good you are with a sniper, for example i have clocked guys out at around 500 to 600 meters its a blast!!!!!

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Sounds interesting wouldnt mind joining a group' date=' would you consider leting my group join yours its like 5 of us or 6?

and to the guys above me you should let them know how good you are with a sniper, for example i have clocked guys out at around 500 to 600 meters its a blast!!!!!

[/quote']sure you guys could, the only thing is the size of your group means that you could kill us easily but apart from that if you dont kill us that would be awesome haha, do you have skype ?

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Looking to join up a new group, old one kinda scattered. Hit me up on steam/skype. I'm known to take out moving guys at 800m easy with a DMR/M24/AS50. Also very effective with the M14, able to use it past effective range.

Skype: Belmail91

Steam: Belmail.

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Looking to join up a new group' date=' old one kinda scattered. Hit me up on steam/skype. I'm known to take out moving guys at 800m easy with a DMR/M24/AS50. Also very effective with the M14, able to use it past effective range.

Skype: Belmail91

Steam: Belmail.

[/quote']i'll hit you up :D

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Got a preferred age? Other than that I might join up, been playing for about 2 and a half months now

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Sent an invite to the Steam name, no response.

Add me on Steam: Euroluv

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I'm 24. I've been surviving on my own for a while now. Looking to clan up. I've taken out a squad of three alone. I'm probably better suited as a raider or scout.

Steam: gjack4200

I have team speak 3. Hit me up UNcrowned

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I just recently friended you on Steam. I am experienced with the game, primarily using a Sniper rifle, which I do have along with other useful equipment on my current character.

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Notorious clan has been revived, send in an application. We will persist through the release of StandAlone. We also play Wasteland.

We have a strict recruitment and trial period policy allowing only competent, mature players.


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We have teamspeak and play regularly. A couple of us stream if you want to see what we're about before applying.

twitch.tv/anammox (nomnomnom, me)


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Locked at the request of the OP/clan member.

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