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Tents still duping/losing items

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this needs to be a priority fix. spending HOURS to get gear and storing them in tents only to have them deeleted is frustrating.

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Confirmed. Tested it with some meat and it lost all of the meat, so I wont be using the tent to store items until this is fixed.

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Not sure if this has been considered yet, but to everyone having tent issues, are these with tents that have been packed up and replaced at some point in time? We have a camp set up where three tents were placed. All three of these tents were spawned naturally, and had yet to be packed. One of the tents was placed somewhat visably and packed up. The other two were placed on first attempt and never repacked. The tent that was packed up continues to spawn, empty, in its original placement, even after it is packed up. The other two have had zero issues with item lose or duplication.

As far as I can tell, tents can only be placed once in Hive's mind. Once you place that tent, it can never be packed and replaced. In the event that you pack it and place it else where, Hive does not know what to do with this newly placed tent, respawns the original in its original place, and since the original had no items in it when it was packed, clears the newly placed tent of all items.

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Not sure if this has been considered yet' date=' but to everyone having tent issues, are these with tents that have been packed up and replaced at some point in time? We have a camp set up where three tents were placed. All three of these tents were spawned naturally, and had yet to be packed. One of the tents was placed somewhat visably and packed up. The other two were placed on first attempt and never repacked. The tent that was packed up continues to spawn, empty, in its original placement, even after it is packed up. The other two have had zero issues with item lose or duplication.

As far as I can tell, tents can only be placed once in Hive's mind. Once you place that tent, it can never be packed and replaced. In the event that you pack it and place it else where, Hive does not know what to do with this newly placed tent, respawns the original in its original place, and since the original had no items in it when it was packed, clears the newly placed tent of all items.


we pitched a tent for a first time, next morning its items were gone.

we packed said tent up and pitched at another place, next moring its items were gone.

its the current patch, some tents will be fine, some not. i came across a good bunch of tents lately, most of them are empty, i bet due to server restart. but some few are not, and their loot will remain even after server restart.

could it be they were saved on a prior patch?

if anyone knows how to actually make tents saving their items, please share.

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Probably bad karma. Ill gotten loot. Think that's part of the mod now, to go along with the humanity stats. Something they sneaked in the last update. They forgot the Karma Icon though. Of course I'm just joking.... but not a bad idea.

This sounds like a not so nice glitch. I'll remember If I ever find a tent before being shot to set it up on flat ground. Guess some of us have never been camping before. Who puts their tent on an inclined plane anyway? Sounds funny though. The bus someone left parked above our tents on the hill rolled down and crushed everything....... Who forgot the parking brake?

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Same here, server was an FR,

Unpacked three tents, then thought "hmm, in the open too much", so I reallocated are tents. Once we were done, the server crashed/restarted. When we heading back in that direction, our three tents we originally moved were still there. With our original stuff also.

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Lost 2 vehicles and a tent, fully stocked with m107, m4, omg, so many guns, and so much ammo. blah, second time this has happend to my clan.

boo. but i understand this is a tough logistical problem and we are still in alpha yes?

plz fix, there really is only so much we can take before we say screw it, nothing we do matters in this game.

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Also happened to me and a mate.

Lost our UAZ + a Tent (not even empty, they were just GONE after Server restart).

Thing is, Tent and UAZ had over all 9 weapons, many mags, morphine, bloodbags, food/drink...well everything you need in it.

Evene though we saved the shit like over 9000 times because we knew there was this bug^^

Well doesnt matter, we both got shot by other guys about 2 hours later (good fight guys^^) just because i missed my first M107 shot :/

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Same thing happened to my group and I.

We found a nice and hidden location and started to set up 2 tents so that we could stash all of our loot (which included a M107 with 10 magazines' date=' a DMR, a silenced MP5, 2 rangefinders, 2 pairs of NVG's, a ghillie suit, several silenced M9's, a Coyote Backpack, and a truckload of food, drink, and medical supplies--it took around a week of playing to accumulate so much loot). However, when I was placing the second tent, I placed it in a poor location so I decided to take it down and replace it in a better spot. After all was done, my group and I went back to doing what we normally do--loot and raid towns.

After about 3 hours of playing we had found more loot worth stashing in our tents. We then ventured back to our camp location, only to see 3rd tent next to our previously placed 2 tents. Unaware of the bug, we freaked out and our immediate response was that our camp location had been compromised and that all our loot was gone. It wasn't. This was very confusing, and despite all of our loot still being in our first 2 tents, we decided to move servers and locations in order to insure that our loot would be safe.

We then found a better location, and after unpacking and repacking several tents, we had an almost invisible camp. Nobody was going to find our tents. After around 30 minutes of transferring our loot to a different server, we logged off content that nobody was getting their bandit hands on the loot we spent so long to acquire.

The next day (around 12 hours later), I logged on next to our camp location only to see tents everywhere. In a panic I quickly looked through all of the tents only to find that our loot was gone. My first thought was that all the glitched tents that had spawned made our camp noticeable to scavenging bandits, but after taking some time to breath and think, I realized that something wasn't right. I then started to suspect that this was a bug, and that tents were reappearing in places that people had previously taken them down, and that since the tents were bugged, our loot had likely disappeared.

Everything was gone from our tents. Even the more menial items that no bandit would even want to take--not to mention that the sheer amount of items we had would take a long time to loot and relocate. And regardless of the amount of tents cluttering our camp, it would still be very unlikely that a bandit found our camp, especially in only 12 hours.

This topic confirms my suspicions. Sorry for the novel, I just figured I'd write down exactly what happened, in the most detailed manner possible.

I really hope this bug is fixed soon, but it is extremely discouraging to have a weeks worth of loot scavenging just disappear to a bug. It also nearly nullifies my favorite DayZ playstyle.


Exactly same thing happened to me and my crew. 3 of our tents were empty upon server restart, plus a tent appeared in the location where I had previously packed a tent because I didnt like the location. Wish I could contact the server admin on germany 14... his name is fong....

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This bug gives me some relief...I thought someone actually found my tents within 15 hours everytime I placed them. I have lost 5 tents full of items so far. All placed in what I think to be good locations :P Guess we should hold off on the tents for awhile...

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Not only are our tents deleting items but they delete themselves. Then they reappear a few restarts later with all our stuff in them!

This I can confirm. Unfortunately the last restart made them dissapear again :)

On other servers my tents just get their inventory wiped and tents that were replaced reappear in their first location, effectively doubling the amount of tents :s

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ok my tent story:

A friend of mine put up a tent and put some items in it. My friend then died and the tent was gone, so I put up a tent near his old tent. After a while his tent reappeared with all the Items in it. We then put all the Items from his tent into my tent in case his tent would dissapear again.

So now every couple of hours his tent spawns all the old items in it and we can take them all out and put them in my tent. These items are all usable and can be equipped by anyone.

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My friend placed two tents on different servers and they both were cleaned up after server reboots. They had loads of "junk" items too that nobody would or could really take along. We also stole a truck from a camp after loading it up with all the good stuff the camp had and some stuff we found at a heli crash. While moving the truck to another location the server rebooted. We rejoined after the boot and the truck had reset to the same inventory it had prior to us adding items into it.

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One of my tents inventory's were wiped after a server reboot, camp wasn't raided either..

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3 out 10 of my tents reset within 6 hours on US331

Lost 1 FAL, 2 M4 CCO's, 1 AK-74 kobra, 1 M14, 1 m16 w/ 203, 22 DMR clips AND 6 MORE FUCKING TENTS JUST TO NAME A FEW! GIVE ME A BREAK GAME! STOP DELETING MY RARE ITEMS AND LEAVING MY COMMON STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(

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This bug is still in the latest patch. All our tents are now empty. Taking a break till this is fixed :@

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Would also be cool if a dev or whatever could confirm that this is a known bug (it should get priority)

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I've been raiding a camp everyday after a server reset because all the good stuff I have taken just keeps on coming back.... It is bad to have to come here and complain about getting infinite amounts of gps, nvgs, range finders, m107s, and AS50s....

It kind of ridiculous really.

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had 3 tents and lost an l85 and an m16 as well as several medical and food items thought someones stealing them that is both good and bad news

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We're constantly raiding camps that keep respawning on server boots and we don't get to keep any of the gear because it all disappears from our vehicles on server boots. We also know the location of a tent that keeps respawning an L85 AWS so we can basically pick one up whenever someone dies.

Edited by Diwwah

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I have only had luck with vehicles saving equipment, but even that is not fool proof. Vehicles are also tending to duplicate items, which is quite exploitable. I don't understand why tents and vehicles don't just automatically save whenever their state is changed. Add item? Save. Take out item? Save. Just saved? Wait 5 seconds then save! I find the whole saving when you want thing to be error prone and ripe for abuse.

Please add an automatic save feature on top of fixing the tents!

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