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Goose Springsteen

Do you in any way regret this mods sudden rise of popularity?

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Do any of the other "veterans" (yes I dare to use that term :P!) feel the same? I'm excited by the possibilities but it feels to me that we have seen the end of something in the beginnings of this mods "mass" appeal.

Nostalgia in the space of a month this must be a new record eh? ;)

You've been registered for 7 days longer than I have, I don't know if that makes you, me, neither or both qualify as 'veterans', but this is an incredibly selfish and greedy attitude to have.

As for the 'xbox live' or 'lowest common denominator' type player, for one I think this being a sandbox mod in a very clunky ArmA2 engine already filters a lot of them out. Cherno and Elektro are basically always going to be a bad time, they were when I first started playing and still are now, they're the places that attract brand new players, and griefers or those who are lazy to figure out anything else in the game, I don't think that's really going to change with the type of players that are coming here.

Basically, if you goto Cherno or Elektro, you're going to have a bad time. The game opens up on a whole new level when you leave those areas, and you rarely ever run into the same problems elsewhere.

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Basically' date=' if you goto Cherno or Elektro, you're going to have a bad time. The game opens up on a whole new level when you leave those areas, and you rarely ever run into the same problems elsewhere.


I don't know man - Olsha gets pretty rowdy on a Friday night!

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Today ive seen some disgusting behavior on chat. Bordering xbox-live.

if you see this sort of stuff notify one the admins immediately and they will be removed. Last thing I want is people bringing their immature attitudes onto the servers.

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yes, some of the new players decided to try out actual arma 2 servers, and seeing how they basically can't play, they've decided to troll and wreck havoc instead.

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As one of the new crop of players, my POV:

- I'm not sure it's fair to discriminate against the players who found out about this amazing content later than others did :) Why can't we all enjoy it? I paid (40?) dollars to get the Arma software JUST to play this mod.

- The servers don't feel particularly full to me (other than "you cant join because it's full"). I find I can play all night and see only 2, maybe 3 other players - even in the bigger cities!

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