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Current best server hosting company

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I am looking to rent a DayZ server for my clan, everyone will be chipping in so it's important I find a good company to go with.


So far i have looked into:


Game Servers

Gaming Deluxe




I used to run a DayZ Mod server with Vilayer and found them decent so am tempted to go back to them. However previously my clan has had servers with Multiplay and still use them for Teamspeak so have suggested I look into them also.


I do find when playing the game, sometimes I log into a server with good ping and find it laggy, cant equip weapons or open doors etc, but swapping servers fixes this. I really dont want to sign up for a server that has this lag. I know it can happen occasionally, but there have been servers where it is constant.


Does anyone have experience with the above companies?

What are peoples thoughts/opinions on the best company to go with?



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I'd love to see what criticism the gentry here have so I can go show it to higher ups here at Multiplay.

Hi, I'm the community manager. :)

Edited by Skitrel
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Looking into it, the servers we currently play on with the least lag are Gaming Deluxe ones.

I like the idea that you can have the custom restart xml, server messages etc. Do the others offer this as standard too?

Also, is adjusting the time on restart something they all offer?


At the moment I'd want it daytime only, but in the future when loot and zombies respawn without restarting, like the mod, it would be nice to have it on a cycle that allows for night play.

Also, assigning sub-admins that have limited 'powers' but are able to look after the server when needed would be a nice option.

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The DayZ server we rent is hosted on Vilayer. They also have the ability to schedule restarts and has worked flawlessly so far. We have our server in a central location (Dallas) and I am from Georgia. I can typically connect with zero issues and zero lag. I say typically, because I have noticed that their entire server infrastructure seems to take a hit all at the same time. we have had the server for about two weeks, and I have noticed this about five separate times. Symptoms are that everyone I am in game with complains about a shitty ping. I then go to the Vilayer website and look at the pings to all of their server locations (this can be done by adding a dayz server to your cart and looking at the field where you choose your server location) Every single server area was a red ping (expect sometimes Atlanta for me, which is only about 30min away). Sometimes this only lasted 10 minutes. Sometimes this lasted in the upwards of an hour. Because of this we are debating changing server providers.

The thing that bothers me is that there doesn't seem to be any venue, like twitter or facebook, where vilayer can acknowledge that they know there's an issue and they are doing something about it. I don't mind that they have issues once in a while. What I can't stand is not knowing if they know, or if they are doing anything about it. After monitoring things more, I plan on calling them about a week before my month is up with them and asking them about it. If I get no good answer, I will simply not renew, and look elsewhere.

Edited by wolf-mind

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gaming delux has no on par right now ..simple as that...


..when it comes to restarting the service, no one comes close to fragnet though ..that is "simple" defined...

Edited by mssing

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So yes, with vilayer you can set the time and choose how often to restart the service. It is a service provided at no additional cost. It is also easy to set up. However, based on their performance over the last two weeks, I would not suggest them.

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@ Wolf-mind, You should connect them straight away and not wait, never wait with problems just make a ticket explain your problem and they will check it out for you and fix it if possible.

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actually that is not true. vilayer has a bad habit of not fixing the smallest of things but after a few days ..if you are lucky... i know. i recently terminated a few instances there because of there inability to serve me. you better look at any of the other hosters.

Edited by mssing

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actually that is not true. vilayer has a bad habit of not fixing the smallest of things but after a few days ..if you are lucky... i know. i recently terminated a few instances there because of there inability to serve me. you better look at any of the other hosters.


Yesterday the box where my TS server on got hosted got DDOS-ed within 5minutes of my ticket I got a response and after 10minutes they swapped my server around onto a other box. Can provide screens if needed because I know you arnt believing me anyway   :P

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well ..i can provide correspondence to show that one of my dayz mod servers still is down despite me addressing the issue 1 month ago ^^ a simple matter you would think, right? loking at that one of my instances is running but not the other ..lol... vilayer in a nutshell! and chauz ..if that instance now suddenly woul dbe running, i would post about it here ;) because you know ..eveyone see right through you ..well, except the kids that is =)

Edited by mssing

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@ TS


You could also just join some community servers and check on wich servers you play the best (regarding ms/lag ect) on. If you are the person renting the server and paying the most make sure you find a server host that is best for you, if its a server host you have no experience with try using the forum search option and do some research. Everyone has their own fav server hosts and server hosts you dont like. 


Best tip I can give is like I said before, try playing on some server community servers and look whats best for you. 

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I will put in a ticket with them tonight. I'll report back here as to how/when/if they respond.

Edited by wolf-mind
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well it is funny how these thing work! ..incidentally i just started a thread about one of my servers here and with that i suddenly haven't had any abusive players log on?! can you imagine!

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Our server is with Gaming Deluxe, cant fault them. They always keep you in the loop what is going on or when there is downtime or any problem that come up and very quick to react etc. Good pings for me, I get about 10/15ms. We do have a box with them, for TS/BF3/DayZ SA all run fine with no lag etc.

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Also forgot to add "doh"


On the DayZ server you can set it to what ever you want ( Long as it stays in the server hive rules).


BEC is working good, restarts every 3 hours with no problem at all. Also you can add xml files for admins/daylight, which they let you adjust etc.

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gaming delux has the most versatile admin panel. with there bec system you can put off looters with odd server restart timing. there admin panel is fairly responsive as well, not as fast as the on fragnet has but faster than gameservers. gaming delux support panel is pretty much on par with everyone but vilayer, who seem to have the worst of everything (what the fuck is a "layer" anyway?!) i still have a server reporting an error even though i've started two tickets about it!

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If Buffalo, NY or the UK are OK with you for a server location, then take a look at gaming deluxe.

Being stateside, I'd prefer a company that hosts in a few more locations.


Its a shame that nfoservers.com didn't get on the band wagon.  That being said, while I don't really care for gameservers.com, with the current state of DayZ SA and the limited options there are, we've had good luck with gameservers so far. The server has been loaded with 40 players many times and there really hasn't been any performance issues that aren't common to all DayZ servers.


I generally prefer to use nfoservers.com. Perhaps when the server files are released and the game goes 'live'.

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I've been with a few server company's, I will not name them but some are in the list of the OP post,

Some have given a poor service and where complained about many times.


I will simply say I have stuck with Gaming Deluxe and over the last 2 years, I've not had any problems

with them, even when the DDosing was effecting the Dayz mod servers in 2012 they where on top of the

problem. ASAP.

This is both with server rental and dedicated boxes, great pings and great customer service.


Just my 2 Cents.

Regards. :)

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Thanks for the replies

We will likely be having it in the UK as that is where the majority of clan members live.


Sounds to me like Gaming Deluxe is the way to go.


I am still very interested in what members and server admins have to say though, so please keep replies coming in!!

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Which has the best options and value for server hosting a DayZ SA server?


I'm not sure if this is an option, but it would be nice to set an automatic reset time of two hours instead of 4 hours, we are currently using gameservers.








Thanks any help much appreciated!!

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Vilayer do allow you to change, Not sure about the other ones, However my vilayer server crashed every 30-45 minutes, So there was no need for restarts =\.

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OP, you should have made a poll. 


Our server is with Vilayer. Flawless so far. Support tickets answered within 30 minutes. No issues here... 

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