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"You are dead" Wont allow Respawn

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I've been stuck in the infamous "You are dead." screen for the past 27 hours, when I log in I'm alive once again for a few seconds then I "die" with no respawn option available I've tried re-logging the same server, other servers, restarting the game but to no avail I'm living in purgatory; I understand others have had the same problem in the past but this was before the last update that was meant to have fixed the issue. 

Any ideas?



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AFAIK there is no "FIX" for this issue right now. It happened to me a few weeks ago, and I just kept trying different servers, normal/hardcore, until finally I managed to spawn in alive. Good Luck !!

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AFAIK there is no "FIX" for this issue right now. It happened to me a few weeks ago, and I just kept trying different servers, normal/hardcore, until finally I managed to spawn in alive. Good Luck !!

I managed to fix it, for the few seconds that I spawn alive I kept rolling for miles, then I'd die so I'd have to relog wait for the server timer and roll some more I found a ladder climbed it and jumped off; I have successfully re-spawned.

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You are lucky. I am stuck underwater and can´t get anywhere :(

So that´s it for me?


Any ideas?




Do you know where you are on the map? If so I could add you on skype and try to kill you  when you are alive for a few seconds this will allow you to respawn it seems. Is it possible for you to roll your way onto shore?

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I finally found out where I am...

I´m in Svetlojarsk. In the harbour basin at the edge of southern part of the harbour buildings. I can´t crawl out becaue there are piers and no natural coast.

I will try to reach the natural part of the coast without pier but its going really slow underwater and I don´t know If can even crawl at the coast...


If you could come an kill me it would be great!! :)

Thank you very much for your help!!

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I don't know why this works but it does. Server Browser, edit filter settings, set your max Ping to 0 and in server name type the following without quotes..
"dayz gb"

Wait for servers to populate then pick one. it will respwan you. When you save out of there and go to any other server, your toon will be the fresh spawn you log out with.

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Nevermind, I got out of the water and it appears that I didn´t have the same bug.

When I was out of the water, the "you are dead" Screen didn´t appear anymore.

I crawled to a Zombie, got killed and finally the restart button was active again.


Thanks for the hint anyway!!

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Nevermind, I got out of the water and it appears that I didn´t have the same bug.

When I was out of the water, the "you are dead" Screen didn´t appear anymore.

I crawled to a Zombie, got killed and finally the restart button was active again.


Thanks for the hint anyway!!



no Prblem. I can't take credit for it, someone else posted that a few weeks ago, i've been using it since.

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