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Map objects loading and streaming.

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One of the problems in Dayz, and not just DayZ it`s also in Arma 2 and Arma 3 and all other Bohemia`s games, is the bad fps in bigger towns, villages etc. It`s not just a case with people with older or not so good PC-s. People with better/good/high end PC-s are also expiriencing this problem in larger cities in game. 

Nobody knows the answer to this question except the devs. How the system of loading map objects is working and actually loading and streaming these objects on server/client. Also, to remind you, this topic is not for like, "get the better PC" or "your PC sucks". Imagine this, If the Rockstar Games GTA V has the system like this, it would be really unplayable and they would not sells as much of copies as for the every GTA series they`ve made, but yet it works really fine, and their maps are huge and mostly filled with huge object models like skyscrapers, massive houses etc. Also, what I managed to notice in SA-MP ( San Andreas Multiplayer ) while I was playing it a few years ago. Only objects that are being loaded to the client are actually the ones you are looking at in that moment and it works great with great fps.  


Every game in GTA series works perfectly fine with large cities. And what DayZ players get is less than 20 fps in Elektro, and even less in Cherno, Berezino etc. It`s not just a case in GTA series....vast majority of other games with large open world maps and a lot of objects and cities work perfectly fine. So, If you think a bit you`ll see that there is a problem with Bohemia`s games and I`m sure that this problem can be fixed. 

Whether it`s a problem with loading and streaming objects on server/client or the problem is in the objects and how they are made. Maybe the old objects that are made for Chernarus are not so well made and they cause this FPS drops in cities.

What you should do is maybe remove all objects from the map and put them one by one back and test them so you can find out which ones are causing bad fps. If one object causes the fps drop make it again. This is surely a long process, but can be done.

Other thing that you can do is rewrite the system of how the map objects are actually loaded and streamed, maybe the problem is in that. 

I really hope that you are looking to fix this sometimes in the future. 

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