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About ferroviere

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  1. ferroviere

    Map objects loading and streaming.

    One of the problems in Dayz, and not just DayZ it`s also in Arma 2 and Arma 3 and all other Bohemia`s games, is the bad fps in bigger towns, villages etc. It`s not just a case with people with older or not so good PC-s. People with better/good/high end PC-s are also expiriencing this problem in larger cities in game. Nobody knows the answer to this question except the devs. How the system of loading map objects is working and actually loading and streaming these objects on server/client. Also, to remind you, this topic is not for like, "get the better PC" or "your PC sucks". Imagine this, If the Rockstar Games GTA V has the system like this, it would be really unplayable and they would not sells as much of copies as for the every GTA series they`ve made, but yet it works really fine, and their maps are huge and mostly filled with huge object models like skyscrapers, massive houses etc. Also, what I managed to notice in SA-MP ( San Andreas Multiplayer ) while I was playing it a few years ago. Only objects that are being loaded to the client are actually the ones you are looking at in that moment and it works great with great fps. Every game in GTA series works perfectly fine with large cities. And what DayZ players get is less than 20 fps in Elektro, and even less in Cherno, Berezino etc. It`s not just a case in GTA series....vast majority of other games with large open world maps and a lot of objects and cities work perfectly fine. So, If you think a bit you`ll see that there is a problem with Bohemia`s games and I`m sure that this problem can be fixed. Whether it`s a problem with loading and streaming objects on server/client or the problem is in the objects and how they are made. Maybe the old objects that are made for Chernarus are not so well made and they cause this FPS drops in cities. What you should do is maybe remove all objects from the map and put them one by one back and test them so you can find out which ones are causing bad fps. If one object causes the fps drop make it again. This is surely a long process, but can be done. Other thing that you can do is rewrite the system of how the map objects are actually loaded and streamed, maybe the problem is in that. I really hope that you are looking to fix this sometimes in the future.
  2. A lot of zombies should help. And when I say "a lot" I mean if you can imagine, for example, the streets in Berezino and fields around Berezino filled with zombies. Now some will say that it will have a bad influence in performances. Not completely true, if devs do the server architecture really good with multithreaded processing on the server and good optimization then it is very possible. What I was saying is, if they manage to implement a lot of zombies and balance the food and water spawning properly, people will have to go to the cities more common and of course to not have a chance against zombies if you are alone. That will really help against KoS and banditry people will be more occupied with zombies and actually will not have time to kill others. There is nothing here what I said that the thread creator haven`t already said.
  3. ferroviere

    No DayZServer.exe in game files

    I don`t think that the problem is in making the server stable in that way. Devs have to do some big changes in server architecture. As they never made an MMO game before. Server is still single threaded, Rocket mentioned that it offloads some processes to other cores but thats obviously not enough. And this kinf of game where it has to run about 20000 dynamic objects, zombies and all other kind of requests on the server they need multi threaded server, and it surely is not a easy task. They will need few months to finish it as the programming processes to CPUs cores is really complex. So probably the server will have to process zombies on a single/two thread/s (Intel cpu-s) or on a single core (amd cpu-s) and so on. The reason for big desync in game right now is laying in that, there is too much to process and a single core/thread is too slow so it`s desyncing. And you surely make sense for server rent prices, too much for a dedi machine and if you pay less you get shared hosting and shitty performance.
  4. ferroviere

    No DayZServer.exe in game files

    Sub-private hives are not necessarily for separating hardcore from regular characters. I think it`s mainly for smaller communities to have their own database with 3, 5, 8 servers whether regular or hardcore mode and that database is separated from public. Altough, it is still controlled by the central hive about the server info and files. Well, private hives could be good. Firstly, most of the public servers which are rented by community members are hosted on shared game hosting, which means that there could be several DayZ servers on one machine. And that gives the shitty performance on the server and the client...unfortunately... I remember some really good private hives which used to host DayZ mod servers. The best for me was myDayZ.de. They had several dedi machines on gPortal and they were hosting about 10-15 servers. The fastest and best working servers I ever had played mod on. So private servers can be good in one hand...
  5. ferroviere

    No DayZServer.exe in game files

    They haven`t stated when they are going to release server files. Probably not for a long time, at least until they stabilize the server (no crashes, no desync etc.) And the support for sub-private hives is actually running some servers on different database, but still connected to the central hive. So now you can rent your own servers with separate database from public servers and you still don`t have access to the server files.
  6. ferroviere

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    The idea was just a tought, ofcourse it would be horrible to have that in game. Ok, in one case, like hunting rifles, pistolc etc you can learn how to shoot more easily, but not with a AS50 for example. Also I wasn`t talking just about shooting, I was talking about combat, you surely can`t fight like a solider. btw. Justice for women drivers :D :D @Katana67 - ofcourse I was talking about SA, not about mod. Mod became Arma wasteland months ago.
  7. ferroviere

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Yes, that is maybe common for real combat game like Arma 3. But this is zombie apocalypse, you are being chased by zombies not by human with mad gun (atleast what we expect to be in DayZ SA). And so on, to save your life you have to run like a fool, not just casually jog near them. You are not making a good point even in war combat. Have you ever seen a solider casually jogging from cover to cover under enemy sniper/machine gun/infantry fire? I don`t think so. They must run to save their lifes. However, in DayZ you are a common citizen not professional trained solider, so you don`t have mad skills with guns and you can fight like them. Not even close. I think there should even be some kind of skill scale. Firstly when you find a gun, you should be accurate about 20-40% on target, and by time you should gain skill of shoting. Because, once more, DayZ is not PvP or PvE or whatever based. It`s a survival game where players fight mainly zombies, then hunger, thirst, cold etc and last the humans.
  8. ferroviere

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Almost every game has stamina system. Rocket also mentioned this at E3 or in the one of the devblogs, I think. He said that they`ve gone further into the health system. So stamina would probably not be in and you can run as long as you want, but if you run around like a fool you can get sweat and catch a cold/flu or something else if it`s cold. What I mean is, if you have ever been chased by a bunch of wild mad dog/s or by a crazy neighbours dog, you`ll know what I am talking about. At least I run like a fool when this happens to me :D The game will be slower if they implement stamina system. Look at Arma 3, they`ve changed the movement. It`s slower. You can`t sprint. Certain amount of players doesn`t like this movement system just beacuse it`s slow. And if they implement stamina into DayZ SA then wh should expect zombies to be slower, better, harder. Not like someone just shoved a rocket up in their ass so they run fatser than Usain Bolt.
  9. ferroviere

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    According to that, if I got it right, network bubble is finished and they are just pollishing the game, adding objects and other stuff. I hope I`m right. Also, they`ve got a lot of new workers in team, so this sprint backlog should be done until the end of October. In my opinion, things like network bubble, server-client architecture are global and core problems for dev team and probably they should not announce "sprint" until this things are finished first. But that`s just my toughts. And can someone please explain me, what the hell does this mean and how does it work? http://steamdb.info/app/221100/#section_history Thanks.
  10. If you ask me it would be real for alpha price to be 15-20 €, as they said, and like Arma 3 was on alpha release. It`s early and testing phase. For beta and full release, I guess we must wait and see how this situation develops. If they manage to implement all the things that they have said they will. Then, I think a price could be even a bit higher than Arma 3 right now, because then it will be a huge MMO survival game with a lot of features. We will see was it worth to wait for server-client architecture to get finished, for what Rocket said that it is maybe the best feature in game, network bubble, etc. If it really works as they said it does then they deserve to success. Personally, I won`t regret to give 15-20€ for DayZ SA alpha, and I don`t know why people post things like they will not play DayZ SA. Then why do you even post on these forums, especially things like that. If you don`t like it, then stop and leave, I don`t know why do you event post things like that here. Most of people that are active on this forums are here for nice discussion, to check news and read other peoples opinions. Not to troll.
  11. ferroviere

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Could be included, but not for sure. I recall that it was mentioned as an island with prison on it. But if you remember one video from Gamescom, on 4th of September. Rocket said that they made a prison on Utes but it doesn`t fit in environment and that it looks horrible. So they decided to make a new island from scratch with a prison on it. So there could be Utes but will be surely without prison on it.
  12. Why is there no DayZ on Expo this year? I was just looking at schedule on their site and I haven`t seen DayZ. Maybe Rocket is just a guest at some of developer panels?
  13. As long as we wait for the release and judge them for not releasing the alpha yet, we all will be the first in line to play it when they release it. I don`t think that DayZ is losing players because delaying alpha release. If you think about it big amount of players is still playing mod. Some of the players are just bored and they don`t play it, but they will all be back on the first week of alpha release. It`s addictive and the game we all wanted to play just cause theres no some alien shit and super magic shit inside the game. You sure can imagine what will the game look like when it hits beta or even full release. As I said before we can say what we want about this situation, but all of us will be there on the first day of alpha release. That`s a fact.