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JohnTheCynic (DayZ)

Stories of "Being Helpful"

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In short, post any interesting stories of you, your group, or somebody you witnessed contributing to society by helping a wounded survivor, a starving victim, a prisoner of bandits, etc.


Otherwise, post interesting stories of "helping" other survivors back to the coast, now with a lot less clothing, a lot less gear, and a lot more rage.




Don't devolve this into "KoS vs. being a hero/surviving". Both "heroes" and "bandits" are needed to make DayZ a tolerable, fun, and enthralling game. Without either side of the morality scale, it'd be bland. Suck it up and don't flame people for playing how they do.

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Unintentionally but I have before. Recently in a match of dayz I completly missed a group of survivors in another room. There were three and I was looking for food as I was starving. They heard me moving around so they turned to aim at the door. I poked my head in and noticed them quick enough to get out of the way alive. Not unscathed, but alive. Both had M4's and one had managed to hit me. I poked my head back in and sprayed one down since he was dumb enough not to move. The other tried to charge me. I ended up killing him as well as he wheeled around the corner. Then I poked in to kill the third guy present in the room to find out hes handcuffed.


Turns out, i saved some random newby who was about to be force fed disinfectant when I showed up. Unfortunately, this story doesn't have a happy ending. After rummaging around for keys I managed to remove his cuffs. Shortly therafter a second guy shows up and hatchets me in the back after he said he was with the handcuffed guy. Then I heard him congratulate his friend on keeping me distracted long enough for him to get there and kill me. -_-

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Unintentionally but I have before. Recently in a match of dayz I completly missed a group of survivors in another room. There were three and I was looking for food as I was starving. They heard me moving around so they turned to aim at the door. I poked my head in and noticed them quick enough to get out of the way alive. Not unscathed, but alive. Both had M4's and one had managed to hit me. I poked my head back in and sprayed one down since he was dumb enough not to move. The other tried to charge me. I ended up killing him as well as he wheeled around the corner. Then I poked in to kill the third guy present in the room to find out hes handcuffed.


Turns out, i saved some random newby who was about to be force fed disinfectant when I showed up. Unfortunately, this story doesn't have a happy ending. After rummaging around for keys I managed to remove his cuffs. Shortly therafter a second guy shows up and hatchets me in the back after he said he was with the handcuffed guy. Then I heard him congratulate his friend on keeping me distracted long enough for him to get there and kill me. -_-


hahahahaha thats class. u kill the bandits and try and free the bambi and get killed by a guy thinking ur the bandit. hahahaha

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I put this somewhere else, but it's more fitting in here:


I was in the hotel in Elektro looting a corpse, I hear footsteps downstairs... So I tell him "Hey buddy, I can hear you walking down there, what do you want?"  He said he was sorry for running into me, but he was getting sniped from a guy in the hayfields and he ran for cover. I asked him if he had a weapon, and he said he picked up a SKS but he did not have any ammo. I told him to come up with the weapon on his back,and don't make a sudden move so we could spot the guy who was shooting at him and take him out. He comes up, I'm aiming at him, he panicks and tells me to not shoot him.. I said that he shouldn't worry and that he could come in carefully. He sits next to me and points me towards the guy in the hayfield. I spot up, but he is just searching for cover behind a haystack.


I tell the guy I could give him some SKS ammo and for him to run out, go around the hayfield while I keep the guy in the field pinned down by mosinfire.. He agrees. I drop a stack of 20 rounds, taking a huge risk, but he's good for it and runs out, circling around the hayfield. As soon as I spot the other guy, I take a shot at him and he ducks back behind the haystack. This goes on for a few minutes until my newly aquired friend runs up behind him and pops him in the head.


Mission accomplished! I put my gear on my back and sprint towards the hayfield. There is my new friend in the dead guy's gear. Thanking me and telling me this is the first time he's got a loadout like this. Full of pride he shows me the fully modded Mosin and the extra M4 the guy had on his back. I told him he did a great job. He then said he would go to a better position to sort out his new gear and explore more in Cherno.


He turned around and right there I shot him in the back of the head with my Magnum. I then told my friend on teamspeak who was running all the way from Kamishovo to come out the barn where he was hiding for a few minutes and get the gear. There we were, succesfully used a person to kit out my friend. Because I'm a dick, and if you trust someone who you've just met for 3 minutes, chances are you will die soon. I will use you for the benefit of my own and my friends.



And that is what is making this game so amazing! The psychology, the social interaction.... Welcome to Day Z. Yeah it's buggy, yeah it's not finished, but it's a wonderful game.

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I put this somewhere else, but it's more fitting in here:


I was in the hotel in Elektro looting a corpse, I hear footsteps downstairs... So I tell him "Hey buddy, I can hear you walking down there, what do you want?"  He said he was sorry for running into me, but he was getting sniped from a guy in the hayfields and he ran for cover. I asked him if he had a weapon, and he said he picked up a SKS but he did not have any ammo. I told him to come up with the weapon on his back,and don't make a sudden move so we could spot the guy who was shooting at him and take him out. He comes up, I'm aiming at him, he panicks and tells me to not shoot him.. I said that he shouldn't worry and that he could come in carefully. He sits next to me and points me towards the guy in the hayfield. I spot up, but he is just searching for cover behind a haystack.


I tell the guy I could give him some SKS ammo and for him to run out, go around the hayfield while I keep the guy in the field pinned down by mosinfire.. He agrees. I drop a stack of 20 rounds, taking a huge risk, but he's good for it and runs out, circling around the hayfield. As soon as I spot the other guy, I take a shot at him and he ducks back behind the haystack. This goes on for a few minutes until my newly aquired friend runs up behind him and pops him in the head.


Mission accomplished! I put my gear on my back and sprint towards the hayfield. There is my new friend in the dead guy's gear. Thanking me and telling me this is the first time he's got a loadout like this. Full of pride he shows me the fully modded Mosin and the extra M4 the guy had on his back. I told him he did a great job. He then said he would go to a better position to sort out his new gear and explore more in Cherno.


He turned around and right there I shot him in the back of the head with my Magnum. I then told my friend on teamspeak who was running all the way from Kamishovo to come out the barn where he was hiding for a few minutes and get the gear. There we were, succesfully used a person to kit out my friend. Because I'm a dick, and if you trust someone who you've just met for 3 minutes, chances are you will die soon. I will use you for the benefit of my own and my friends.



And that is what is making this game so amazing! The psychology, the social interaction.... Welcome to Day Z. Yeah it's buggy, yeah it's not finished, but it's a wonderful game.


Your victim knew happiness but, like all great tragedies, it wasn't meant to last. Have some beans :-)

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I saw a guy stuck in a wall inside the ATAC tower after being bumped into it by a zombie. I let him live.


The end~

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Happened in Berezino, I was searching for something to eat and maybe a weapon, since the only thing I had was my fire axe and my good old Magnum...

Before I could even enter the town, some guy with a red motorcycle helmet runs across me, looks at me, waves and continues running - suddenly "bang", a Mosin shot from rather far away, the guy drops dead only some meters away from me.
I run like hell, a bullet misses me only be centimeters, but I make it to the towerblocks and hide in there, waiting, my Magnum drawn, pointing at the entry.
After some time, a girl with a cowboy hat runs by, I call out "friendly, don't shoot",she turns around, draws her SKS, I move behind the wall and Q out. She doesn't seem to trust me, but she also doesn't try to kill me, instead she moves away backwards, the SKS pointing at the door.
After she is gone I decide that it was enough Berezino for the day and head out north....and after some time I see the warehouse that is next to the railroad...abnd a guy lying there, looking out.
I jump behind the wall and, once more, call friendly. We talk for a little through the wall, then I say "I come in, don't shoot, I'll have my weapon not drawn."
As I go in I see the guy lying in the corner, and right next to him sitting the girl with the cowboy hat, both aiming at me with an SKS...but they don't shoot. I tell them about the unlucky guy with the motorcycle helmet and that they should not go to Berezino, since a sniper is sitting somewhere there and shooting at people.
He laughs and explains that he got shot by that sniper, breaking his leg but got out somehow and hid here, while his friend - the girl - was taking the risk and went back to search for morphine or sticks to cure him, but got ambushed by the same sniper and had to run out of town.
His luck was, that I had sticks in my backpack (never ever I walk around without sticks or morphine^^) and I gave them to him and also some cans of sardiens to get healthy faster. While he explains that I am the first friendly guy he met in DayZ and how happy he is that I took the risk of talking to them and coming in, to which I response that this behaviour has costed me already some characters...but well, it's not easy being nice in this game ;)
Healed now, we decide to roll together as three and head for the shipwreck to loot it...


...and no, they didn't betray me, and also no, I didn't betray them - we talked, scavenged, looked out for snipers and had a good time before we had to split ;)

Edited by LaughingJack
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The only people I've really ever helped out in DayZ is friends.


That's not to say I kill other people, but I would rather not help them.

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Beware of a long read - needed to build up the base. For the attention-span deficient amongst us, there is a tl;dr at the bottom.


I was a baby faced new spawn who emerged from the DayZ womb on the island at Kamyshovo.


I was relatively close to logging off so I thought I would chance my hand in Electro, running down the main street straight to the west fire station area.


By the time I got as far as the church I witnessed a bandit - before you ask, if you have a gun in Electro you are most likely a bandit - face off. A mosin and SKS at the back of firestation versus (at least) two m4 guys in the house above firestation.


I watched as they exchanged a host of shots. It didn't take long before one of them fell. Mosin man had went for a dirt nap while his friend had bolted round the back (presumably into cover at the back or in the fire station).


As I was a bambi, I decided to grab a quick last burst of enjoyment before hopefully spawning somewhere where I had a chance for my next life. Using the age-old "eeny meeny" technique, I sided with the most likely victors, the m4 guys.


I ran behind the house across from fire station and entered the bottom floor where I heard panic movement as they realised someone was in there. I shouted down comms "I'm a bambi, I'm going to help you and go distract the snipers". No sooner had the last word rolled off my tongue I was fist sprinting to behind the firestation going left and round the back.


I had seen SKS guys fallen comrade but avoided the body in case SKS was near. Peaked around the corner but to my surprise he was nowhere to be seen. He had either logged or managed to get to roof without being put down.


I grabbed all the loot I could from Mosin man (complete with pristine PU scope) when I heard a shot from an SKS just meters away. I checked myself (before I wrecked myself) and hugged the wall. I had deduced that SKS man was hiding in the corner on the east side of the building attempting to make his escape by keeping the M4 guys' heads down.


Double checked there was at least 1 in the mosin and I slowly stepped out, SKS guy was running towards me, oblivious to my presence, takes one shot to the shoulder from myself and ducks back into the corner. A quick step in and one in the neck puts him down.


Quickly loot and get out of there, in case M4 guys seeing my in the Mosin mans attire, decide to fire.


I run to the well on the east side of the town to top up as I'm parched and church well is too risky with all the shots being fired.


Meet a bambi who instantly surrenders despite my friendly presence (waving gesture etc). Hear gunfire and decide to take him with me as he is likely to get shot and I was a bambi just 10 minutes prior so I still had a warm heart in my body.


Someone else near hospital with M4 battling with someone else, decide to dodge out of the way and not interact. I was going to take bambi to get the SKS guys body so he can have some loot and I could set him free in the wild.


Suddenly another explosion of M4 fire at the building across from firestation, as I was geared and had a buddy now, I decided to check it out together.


As I was running down on the street behind getting a look at what was going on I was approached by a better clothed bambi with a blaze 93 and a cowboy hat. He shouted he was friendly and said that he needed rounds for his gun to defend himself.


I gave him rounds without a hesitation as there was a lot going on and pushed up a little bit. I turned around to see the first bambi by my side but the cowboy had gone, assuming he had pushed round church for a look and as I was wary of the M4 fire sounding closer I began scoping out fire tower when I heard a shot and fade to black.


Assuming that I had been bested by a long range sniper dotted anywhere in the map I wasn't too bothered.


Up pops a message in the corner "_____ has added you as a friend", I accept (I'm a TF2 trader so friend requests often and plenty are nothing new). Turns out it was the bambi who was with me who said the guy I gave rounds to shot me in the back, he had picked up my axe and tried to kill him but he got put down by my assailant.


Me and the bambi teamed up and played a little longer.




Helped bandits kill bandits and took the spoils and ran.

Looked after bambi

Help another somewhat bambi with a blaze93 without ammo

Attempt to kill some bandits

Shot in back by armed bambi

( T_T )

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In response to the user about my earlier story. From the way the two spoke the guy knew i wasn't one of the bandits. He knew I had saved his friend and that I was armed with some stuff. SO he took advantage of my friendly stance and killed me. Then congratulated his friend for keeping me there long enough for him to get there >.>

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