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Encountered the first hacker...

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So, my friend and I were enjoying DayZ a lot today. Played it for 4 hours straight (with a lunchbreak). We had EXACTLY the same clothes :D

TTsKO pants, TTsKO jacket, rocket aviators, respirator, brown combat boots, yellow gloves and a blue beret (UN, we try to stay friendly B) )


So, after Elektro, Cherno, Balota and Pavlovo we went to the NW Airfield. Then, after a few buildings, we decided to camp in the police station (near the fire station) and wait for bandits to shot innocent bambies and then kill the bandits or help the bambies. We heard Mosin-fire after about a minute, and we decided to stay down. Our positions: I was standing in the cell, my friend was standing underneath the stairs, facing the entrance. There are NO windows there.


After ~3 minutes, we got suppressed by M4 fire (coming out of nowhere), and my friend got unconsious. The entrance door was closed, I closed the cell door and went to my friend a few metres away. The hallway was clear, nobody spawned in our building. I tried to bandage my unconsious friend (he was bleeding) and while I was doing that I got hit by the M4 guy. The entrance was closed, upstairs was clear of enemies.


Strange, isn't it? :( He was probably in a (for me unknown) glitch, or he shot us through the wall...

Edited by EvilTigerAce

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Probably not a hacker, more likely someone exploiting the ability to shoot from unacesible parts of the building.


Most of the time people doing this hide inside an unacesible part of that building on the opposite wall of the door. This is a masive problem, here is how to stop those little kids from killing you. Go to the back of the building by the windows you can't see through, go to thrid person, put your left or right arm right next to the building on the green bricks between two windows you can't see through. Now while in third person press your lean keys E or Q and move your camera until you can see into the building.


The little kids who sit in there are the toxic part of the DayZ community, I dont like having to check for glitchers everytime because it breaks the imersion. I have to because little cheating ass's are what I have to watch out for.


When people arn't glitching this game is fun as all hell. I was in a firefight last night with 8 other people that lasted an hour and 13 minutes! We have sniper firing on use while M4 men patroled our building, it was insane! No one glitched the system and it was an incredible time.

Edited by LeeFriendField

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Its is possible to glitch into the wall of that building, It has happened to me. I can't confirm if you can shoot out though.

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