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Is DayZ for me?

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I know this is off topic, but whoever mentioned that Rust is more complete, dont listen to them, its blahhhh.


It hasnt had a good update since it came out.


Its full of hackers.


The optimization has made the game run worse.


Instead of zombies you get bullshit red wolves and bears.


KoS is 1000x worse.


Garry's forums are overall full of douches and wont let anything bad about the game allowed to be posted.


Its just soooo, the same... the experience is overall boring after you have learned the basics.


DayZ, even with Dean leaving, will always be better.


Yes thats my opinion but Rust in no way is "more complete"

and agreed 100%, rust is the more modern warz atm.

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I agree that's it's not more complete. However I do love it, and I believe that if the devs stick on the right course it could one day be brilliant (though there's plenty of time for it to get screwed up until then). But it doesn't seem to have a real aim at the moment. At least you know what DayZ is meant to be.

I'm just gonna have a think, and keep an eye out for the future of DayZ. So far no one has been able to gimme any word on future plans. So from what I've read all there is to do is kill zombies and other players (in a nutshell), that alone doesn't overly interest me. But the visual look of the game definitely does. I just hope they add more to it.

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Zombies? What zombies? All I see are people killing eachother. Oh wait, I think I did have that one zombie chase me until I hit it with an axe and never seen it again....

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