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Do baldy damaged bandages heal less than pristine ones?

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If I was designing it, non-pristine bandages would only be able to stop a certain level of bleeding and have a greater chance of infection.

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If I was designing it, non-pristine bandages would only be able to stop a certain level of bleeding and have a greater chance of infection.

You'd be able to repair them by attaching ANOTHER bandage to that bandage!

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I bandaged a friend with badly dmged rags then he sprint and he's bleeding again lol! i bandage him again with some pristine ones and it stops. No idea is the condition really working or it's a bug.

Ever since then, i always keep pristine bandages/rags.


PS: using alcohol tincture on damaged rags can make it pristine again.

Edited by Gekikara

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I bandaged a friend with badly dmged rags then he sprint and he's bleeding again lol! i bandage him again with some pristine ones and it stops. No idea is the condition really working or it's a bug.

Ever since then, i always keep pristine bandages/rags.


PS: using alcohol tincture on damaged rags can make it pristine again.


They probably started running as you finished the animation and moved before he was really done being bandaged.

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They probably started running as you finished the animation and moved before he was really done being bandaged.


Nah, he's bandaged for few minutes before that happen.

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