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Bluffing and sadism.

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So I've only just managed to get a good life together on DayZ, and I've noticed that the majority of people I play around in servers seem not to be very creative; and a lot of experiences in the game can rely on calling bluffs or making them.I figured a lot of new players can benefit from using their ingenuity (What are you risking?) and I thought I'd share my experience with them.


The first time I noticed how stupid some players can be, I was with a friend when we hear a man shouting us down. He's 20-30 metres away and we only have axes. He's in casual clothing and he tells us to drop our gear, but he doesn't look very well armed. I tell him I'm gonna call his bluff and he can shoot me, then figure I lose nothing by taking out my axe and running him head on. I'm aware I might be popped on the way, but he puts his gun away and he tries to run. /NOMERCY.

The reverse happens in a fire station. A man with an axe runs in laughing, telling me unless I drop my gear he's going to cut me up with his axe. I take out my bone dry magnum and point it at his head. The laughing stops and I turn him against the wall; where his laughing turns to begging. He wasn't really going to mug me, he promises. He drops his axe as I say. I come collect it, and promptly kill him with his own axe.

I've had a lot of incidents where I've bluffed or called them involving an empty gun, but only one where I put two people on the floor.

I'm fresh spawn at three valley when two fairly well armed people approach me (they have axes and nice clothing but no visible guns). They're trying to shout me down, but they sound maybe eleven. They're telling me to stay still so they can handcuff me, but I figure I have nothing to lose. I tell them they've picked the wrong guy, and my friend Chris up on that hill is about to shoot both of them before they can move up to me. Somehow their voices continue increasing in pitch as they tell me it was a joke and they wouldn't have killed me (sounds familiar) and once again I send them both to the floor and collect their weapons. Pissed that these are the sorts of kids that I often hear about (sadism simulator for new spawns) I figure they should know how it feels. I make him drop his cuffs and take them. I then handcuff the second guy and hold my axe to the first man's head. I tell him that if he wants to live, he has to kill the one I handcuffed. They aren't on skype and seem to have been people who found eachother on the game. The first only has minor qualms but the second begs him not to do this, it's stupid, I'll kill him anyway. Eventually he kills him with his fists, and I tell him to back off and not take an inch or he gets his head blown off. I search the body and there's three pieces of rotten fruit and another pair of cuffs. I cuff the second guy, and tell him I'm going to let him go. His thanks me until I take out the fruit. Que angry COD kid screaming. I give him all three and point him to the hospital at Berezino. I uncuff him and watch him run, wondering if he'll make it.



TL;DR if you have nothing to lose or you calculate something as a bluff, take the chance because if you think it's a bluff it probably is.

If you THINK it's a bluff. Don't try fisticuffs with a guy pointing an M4 at you.




Have you ever had a funny experience with bluffing on this game? Post it!





PS: Don't do what I did with the whole sadist thing. The game needs some friendlier guys.


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I wish there was a video compilation of just bluffs being made/called/revealed

I saw one video, where a guy successfully took a kids mosin by bluffing then gave it back and he didn't shoot...im like.



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They are really underrated, I think people underestimate the intelligence of the average player lol.

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When i first played the game, i met up with my brother and we seemed to roam and scavenge together. we had made it to electro and had managed to find a shotgun on the way which he took, only having 1 shot, it was used as more of a scare tactic. as i was checking out the school house (Meeting center or what ever the building is), i was on the ground floor as he took off up to the roof. We was talking on skype together and kept radio chat ingame to a minimum.

I was held up by two guys, one with a pistol and one with an m4 who demanded i dropped everything before being killed.

during the chat and confrontation i told them they wouldn't survive looting me before they got killed themselfs, which made the guy with the m4 approach me and threaten to kill me.

My brother appeared on the stairs and used his 1shot to kill the guy with the m4 while repeating to tell his friend to drop the gun or risk being killed himself.

he told us how he had no ammo in his pistol and dropped it immediately, he lay on the floor as i then looted his dead friend,  

we teamed with the other guy for quite sometime before he knocked my brother unconscious after he thought i disconnected which didnt work out too well as i was only in the next room.


Teams are great on this game but when you have a disloyal member in your party with the wrong intentions their is only one thing you can do.


Kill them... Protect your group as much as possible. 

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That's awesome man, unlucky about the ending though. I'd say never accept a survivor you pick up from another group, because chances are they're friends outside the game and they'll wait for a moment to get revenge.

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I wish I had a chance to play like this because it would be so much fun. Instead all I get are bullets whizzing by and I either return fire or bolt into the wilderness.


People go on and on about how KOS is great and a badge of honor but the game would be infinitely more fun if people tried to  kidnap folks or just shake them down for gear.


It may change once vehicles get implimented and some people can simply drive up on you and tell you to get in the car and then drive back to their base or some desolate spot to finish you off.


Right now this game for me plays like an extended counter strike mission which is sad because thats not what DayZ is supposed to be

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Yeah kidnapping isn't really viable right now because you can't really take people, but they're getting there. You can cover people's heads with Burlap sacks now (or might still be experimental) and of course there's cuffs. I'm the same though, I think it's a much better experience for gameplay if there's alternatives to just being shot.

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I saw one video, where a guy successfully took a kids mosin by bluffing then gave it back and he didn't shoot...im like.



Do you have this video? Sounds cool lol

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I don't understand why people who are obviously violent pull the whole "i'm innocent" thing when the tables turn, I had a guy charge me with a fire axe (we were both pretty new spawns with fire axes) and break my legs, I managed to knock him unconcious, he started going on about how I didn't have to do that and he thought I was a micless newbie and was therefore a douche-bag and he needed to charge me out of nowhere in self defense (mind you he didn't even try to make contact), started saying how I had to help him so that he could go get me morphine or a splint as if I would believe him. I cuffed him, read peace and war to him, and then left him there unconscious indefinitely.

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Do you have this video? Sounds cool lol

no it was a month ago early jan. honestly it was simple like just as it sounds he bluffs the kid drops gun bam its just like 30 seconds worth and the dude filming was so boring it was meh. just the fact the kid didnt say lol YOLO was what made me say huh? but like i said...this was back at the release

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I was on my way to Berezino running along the highway when I looked behind me and saw a newspawn following me. I stopped and he layed down in the grass, thinking he was hidden. I decided to play along and put my SKS away, eating some food. I kept my back to him, occasionally checking if he was moving. By the time I finished eating a can of beans he was in a bush about 15 meters away from me. He called out from behind me "Don't move or I'll blow your brains out". I stood up, pulled out my SKS, and with it lowered I slowly walked toward the bush. I stood there and pointed my gun at him. He looked up at me and I said "Boo".

Damn I wish facial expressions were possible in video games. The guy sprinted off saying "shit shit shit!".


Funny thing is he kept following me afterwards! I was walking and I look behind me just as he ducks behind a bush. I stopped in the middle of the road and shot the ground in front of the bush and he ran away.


I'm not sure if he would have followed me again. The server restarted shortly after.

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It's survival mentality coupled with the fact that a lot of people that play DayZ aren't that smart.

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Disagree with you, OP. ALWAYS try fisticuffs if someone has an M4... If you only have fists, you might as well take a shot in the dark at a chance for a free M4, nothing to lose!

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As much as I enjoy having a nice mosin, sks, or m4, I really have gotten a lot of joy out of players coming up to me aggressively with some sort of melee weapon, only to then become whimpering puppy dogs when I pull out my magnum and point it at their skull.

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One only has to look at the inane drivel on this forum to see that the vast majority of players have limited intelligence.

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Vids or none of this shit happened...

Everyone's a cynic huh?


If I wanted to make a story up they'd less mundane.

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Vids or none of this shit happened...

I'm not so into proof. Never let the truth get in the way of a good yarn :)

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Pro-tip: Hide your fireaxe and handgun in your backpack to remain inconspicuous.

Nobody suspects a thing...

(Really useful to gain people's trust instead of them shooting you out of cowardice.)

Edited by Geckofrog7

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