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DayZ Fail Snipe

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that ''nothing i shoot gets back up again'' is funny

Edited by zewoulfe

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Might not think it but in the DayZ mod i was actually a pretty good sniper. Guess im just a bit rusty.

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Well, its really worth of posting ? At start video you missing and for rest 3 mins nothing happends.

No. not really but i was bored.

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#1 deploy bipod

#2 learn what zeroing is

#3 never post again


If you were smart you'd realize that you also have to aim slightly right of a target to hit it at range due to an optic glitch.



Also, sniping in this game is incredibly inconsistent and can be quite wonky at times. So try not to be a dick in the future

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If you have ARMA then go and try the sniper training in there, tells alot of basic stuff. Or just look for a video of this training on youtube if you don't have the game.

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first learn how to zero the gun, without correct zeroing you will never hit anyone.


Then learn to shoot a bit above and to the right of the target, the Moisen shoots like that


Then play around with FOV settings, with a LRS and a FOV at 0 you can see so much better


be sure to have compensator and bipod attachments




Once you get the hang of it it's ez mode

Edited by ASDF991
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I appreciate the suggestions.


Though as i said before i could snipe in the DayZ mod but the standalone is quite a bit different in terms of sniping i didn't have my bipod out and i don't actually have a compensator on the mosin.

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I appreciate the suggestions.


Though as i said before i could snipe in the DayZ mod but the standalone is quite a bit different in terms of sniping i didn't have my bipod out and i don't actually have a compensator on the mosin.



yeah the Mosien in the SA has a bit of a learning curve, the Mod had such better sniping weapons.


All I did was go to an empty server with zombies around and practiced shooting at 100m,200m,300m, ect...all the way up to 800-900M. Berizino was good for this.


Then the Mosien became EZ mode to hit people from 700-800M away with headshots.

Edited by ASDF991

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#1 deploy bipod

#2 learn what zeroing is

#3 never post again


no go and piss in your mouth, 

i don't know how, but do it,

it will make you less critical.

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