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I have a problem with the movement patterns of pg ... are dead in the water by lying and I'm not remain standing because i have legs broken. I can not use "respawn". Now every time I was born, drown, die, reborn and lying ..
quacuno can 'tell me com fix the situation?

i have change server and change my caracter. i have done backup ,unistall and reinstall too... but nothing.


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I dont understand

 my caracter is stucked with legs break... i cant use respawn...

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Crawl to the nearest large city and die there. Or jump from somewhere high.

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^ What I was going to say. Or if your character has decent stuffs then use Dayz Medic system.. cos your not going to find morphine crawling around the coast

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I have the same problem with the respawning.

i fell down and broke my legs. My character "died" eventually. So I logged in another server and i was near the coast with all my gear which i had with my previous character, and also with my broken legs. So i decided to kill myself again by crawling into the water.


Now everytime i log in the game, i fall in the water, i cant move because my legs are broken. And then i die (because of no oxygen). I should be able to use the respawn function but it doesn't work. So what now? i have this problem now for longer than a week and hoped it would resolve.


Any advice / tips?

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same things is happening to me

I broke my leg and fell in water and died but for some reason i cant respawn even if i change servers or press respan i dont respawn. 

Its been like this for 3 weeks not and i cant play the game.

Can some one help me.

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He's lying in the water, he has the respawn glitch where he respawns where his body is, and dies, and respawns.

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