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Why are you against many military items in game?

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The question I have is:


Why is everyone against having a lot of military gear in the game?


I would like to think that if something like this happened the military/police would be the ones to respond. Therefore it is my idea that military loot would be as random as civilian loot. Everyone rushing to leave and find a safe place to live would not even bother with picking up items off the ground.


Maybe I'm just looking at it from the wrong perspective.




1) Not only referring to weapons. I'm counting in the clothing/vests and equipment.

2) Also speaking of vehicles when they are implemented.

3) There is no "gun" that is strictly for military. Unless you're looking at some of the high end explosives/grenade launchers. Almost every weapon the military uses has some sort of civilian counter part. Meaning most of the time they are no longer fully automatic.

Edited by CrazyCorky
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To be honest think the games a bit easy mode at the moment. I would rather it take a lot longer to find an m4 as I would appreciate it more.

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In a game focused on survival, you wouldn't expect half a server of people to be running around in full military grade gear. Loot spawns a huge issue for the game, and I believe that the devs will try to find a way of ensuring that loot spawns where it should. ie, no massive stashes of weapons and ammo, civilian weapons on sensible places with a sensible amount of ammo, and a sensible smattering of survival loot. 

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just saying the game is kinda broken,by the end guns will be super rare so the bandit who has a gun and 5 bullets will be op,but zeds only take one shot so the game could not be anymore focused on pvp :/ so i think Rocket knows there is no way to balince this game. Just saying

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All about balance in guns and unbalance in teams if you stop to think about it.


All guns can kill, sure, but an M4 can rambo 1 on 3 in Regular pretty easy, daily basis.


Let's say less military stuff, Mosin can almost be a civilian type if only iron sights, and the shoot outs will be more intense and "western" type.

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The question I have is:


Why is everyone against having a lot of military gear in the game?

hardcore roleplayers.

people who don't know how to shoot.

new players.

people who accociate that gear with KOS/Banditry

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The current spawn system works great in relation to military. 

Either there is 1 or 2 in the air fields or nothing at all till restart

If they maintain sort of a 2-5 per server on the heavy stuff its great


Imagine irl how many military grade weapons would be about. 

I can see a mil base from my office in a downtown city lol 

Not that I'd be able to take it but the firepower is available to find 


I think the main complaints are founded from the ease of finding

Maybe ammo is too easy to get and dupe?  I always find mags for the m4.

It's ridiculous. 

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^ this. I look forward to advanced military type gear like the compass model thats out, the NVGs, the GPS style items that effectively help with space conservation, IE a GPS lets you drop a compass and a map. a pair of NVGs let you drop lanterns, flashlights, gas cannisters (but carry 400 batteries.) I cant wait, but at the same time I hope it's nigh impossible to find them 

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If you play experimental you'll know ammo is becoming really scarce even if amount of guns is not; hell one of our M4 guys had only 25 rounds the entire evening and this was going through the inhabited West side of the map on a 45/50 hardcore server...no idea where everyone was.

You'll have to kill more and travel more to get your gun fix. Get ready for more intense encounters.

Edited by Hethwill_Khan
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I agree that in this scenario a lot of military loot could be scavenged, but IF the military have all of this gear they'd at least be in a better situation to deal with it IMO, therefore there would be more military survivors and less available military loot.

Edited by TheWanderingMan

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A lot of that has to do with the phase the game is in. Remember, the M4 is basically a stand-in for several military weapons that will be added. The spawn counts won't likely increase with these new weapons, so matching ammo to weapons will be much tougher. The same goes for a fair amount of the other military hardware (vests, helmets, gas masks, etc.)... there will be more variety added to those spawns as the game moves forward and the volume of military gear will thin out. Plus they're going to add more players per server, straining that supply even more.  As always... it's an alpha, which is by definition broken. It's been getting better and will keep heading that way. If it's too easy for you right now, intentionally avoid gearing up completely.


Another thing to remember is this game's pedigree... it's built on a military FPS, and the original mod was played almost exclusively by fans of military simulation, at least at the beginning. It's going to have a strong military flavor. The other game elements will hopefully help balance this out.

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hardcore roleplayers.

people who don't know how to shoot.

new players.

people who accociate that gear with KOS/Banditry

By your signature i gather you want no zombies and all-out warfare. 

Please, just go try wasteland.


OP, the reason people are against it is becuase this isn't a mil sim. Its a survival game, and military gear isn't near as common irl as it is ingame (this is due to the like 20 bases on tge map). Military gear is to good for it to be everywhere. If you spawn with an M4, wheres to fun? Just go play Battlefield. Once more zombies are added, gear spawns will be lowered, turning it into a real survival game. For now, it should stay as it is becuase PvP is currently the only fun thing.

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Can only say that the weapon drop shall be reduced. Go to a school and find there 3 weapons, ridiculous isn't it? As a fresh spawned you need food and water but instead of that I find scopes and weapons, but not ammo/wrong one. SKS is on every corner, Can't find mosin that often now but I still find it often enough. M4 is like FNX, up to 6x in a small airfield. So yeah we have a lot of weapons and we can kill each other. We cannot meet others and play together/trust each other. If you want to make the game a bit more friendly, you would maybe like to rebalance food and weapons ^^ 

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umm, cept' for the shotgun and the magnum... THE'RE ALL MILITARY WEAPONS


when civilian clothing has 8 inventory slots total default let me know


Ed.1(blaze 95 is a hunting rifle from way back so w/e that could be civvie)


Ed.2(get rid of military spawns to remove mil gear, i'll always rock it otherwise)

Edited by pacific_coast

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Why is everyone against having a lot of military gear in the game?




I don't want another military shooter game, and having BF/CoD type weapons will only encourage that play style and player base.


Why would a survival game in an area 15kmx15km be littered in military weapons.  If you drew a 15km circle around my house i doubt you would find a single military weapon.  Some shotguns & civilian rifles a plenty.. but no military gear.

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Aesthetics is probably the biggest part of my dismissal of military gear. I mean. Look at the M4. It's a hideous looking weapon. Ugly. Generic.
(Mind you this is not an insult to those who implemented it into the game, but rather to the real-life counterpart)

I like the aesthics of civilian grade firearms and clothes. Anything improvised is especially sexy.

Military Gear is efficient at killing. Too effecient. Makes you feel safe. You DO NOT want to feel safe in a survival game.
The stress is part of the fun.

That is my perspective at least, hope it helps you gain some insight in relation to your question.


Edited by Rudette
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Its hilarious.. it always has to turn into some war of my opinion is better than yours.


I like Mil gear. I dont want to walk around for 10 hours and end up with a crossbow. This is an apocalypse scenario here.. I would not be having the issues I have in this game in real life. I would walk straight to my local police station, armory, or gun shop and boom, Im armed to the teeth. I would easily find food, water, etc.. those parts would be easy. I repeat EASY.


Its the staying alive from the zeds, and other armed players that should make this game. If they can get that part right, than the looting is just secondary. The way its been with the mods, and the SA up to now is either full on PVP or almost no PVP because the zeds are so damn dangerous. Make the zeds so dangerous that you fear shooting your weapon for what happens next. Anyone play the mods where the zeds would see you and hear you from miles away almost, and they would spawn in packs of about 30-40 per player in towns? It was craziness. That was survival. But if they make the entire focus of the game looting..


well than is it even a survival game anymore or just a glorified treasure hunt?

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Since this game is supposed to be about survival, your first concerns should be to find food and drink, and not to find an m4 within 30 minutes of gameplay. I want to be amazed by finding a pistol, since it gives me a lot advantage for surviving the apocalypse, but right now its not really a big deal...

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keep it real


you find a military item, you'd use it


the people who are against it are REALLY saying


"M4 keeps killing me, it must be OP. get rid of it"

"Everyone who kills me, wears military gear, get rid of it"

"I cant survive long enough to get to a barracks, firestation, jail, office building, police station, warehouse, ect, ect anyways, so get rid of it"


and my fav




please, please, please... go play RUST/MINCRAFT 90% of this community.

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Since this game is supposed to be about survival, your first concerns should be to find food and drink, and not to find an m4 within 30 minutes of gameplay. I want to be amazed by finding a pistol, since it gives me a lot advantage for surviving the apocalypse, but right now its not really a big deal...











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I don't want another military shooter game, and having BF/CoD type weapons will only encourage that play style and player base.


Why would a survival game in an area 15kmx15km be littered in military weapons.  If you drew a 15km circle around my house i doubt you would find a single military weapon.  Some shotguns & civilian rifles a plenty.. but no military gear.

If you drew the same circle around my house you would find at least 15 AR's and more than 20 bolt action rifles, 5 or more SKS's, a couple of semi auto AK's along with many shotguns, handguns, lever action rifles and assorted semi auto hunting rifles. That's not even considering the gun stores and pawn shops+wally world in town (just outside that circle) they all sell guns and ammo or the feed stores that sell ammunition, wally world has at least 4 AR's in stock all the time.


If you were willing to take an excursion 50 miles north you would find a military munitions depot, probably dangerous as all hell but almost guaranteed to find something left there in the first weeks after the outbreak.


As far as military camo gear, Ive got a full set of military surplus camo and a combat harness from when I used to paintball, Ive also got a lot of camo and some gillie suits from when I used to hunt along with assorted camouflage backpacks and equipment belts. My brother hard core bow hunter that he is makes his own camo from cargo pants and shirts + spray paint to match the different hides/stands he uses.


Team America FUCK YEAH!

Edited by Franchi

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keep it real


you find a military item, you'd use it


the people who are against it are REALLY saying


"M4 keeps killing me, it must be OP. get rid of it"

"Everyone who kills me, wears military gear, get rid of it"

"I cant survive long enough to get to a barracks, firestation, jail, office building, police station, warehouse, ect, ect anyways, so get rid of it"


and my fav




please, please, please... go play RUST/MINCRAFT 90% of this community.

>.> Really that's not it at all for me at least.

I'm just vain and find M4s to be ugly lol.

I wanna look post-apoc mad max with improvised gear! Not like G.I. Joe. But I'm not gonna go tell the Joes not to have their fun!

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I agree that in this scenario a lot of military loot could be scavenged, but IF the military have all of this gear they'd at least be in a better situation to deal with it IMO, therefore there would be more military survivors and less available military loot.

I never understand in games, movies, and tv, how an armed and trained military force could be overrun by slow, uncoordinated, and unarmed zombies...

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I never understand in games, movies, and tv, how an armed and trained military force could be overrun by slow, uncoordinated, and unarmed zombies...

Hollywood has this perception of the US military as stupid uneducated bloodthirsty rednecks and the poor who join the military becasue they don't have any other options. This leads them to portray the military as for the most part incompetent.

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