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Best experience with other players?

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IDK, I haven't had but two really friendly interactions. My best would be a friend I met.

I was in kamyshovo at the well, fresh spawn, just had backpack and axe or crowbar or something. Was getting water and two guys came around the corner, both fresh spawns. Both nervous. Dude said he was looking for the well, I told him it was back here and backed up for him. I watched them drink, and they were sketched by me. Eventually I asked them if they wanted to team up, they did. We ran to elektro and geared up, then i became friends with him.

He was going to backstab me, but I like to call it: 'forced cooperation via violence'. We got shot at, so we needed to stay as a team. Hence he became my friend.

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I shot someone.

lame and unoriginal.




I logged into hardcore and someone was already yelling friendly at me (I didn't pick the best spot to log out as I had eaten a rotten kiwi > :( and still relatively fresh).  He approaches the top of the stairs hands up requesting to come up, I state my friendly nature and invite him up the stairs.


We then go to another town (Slvonsky or w/e that new northern town is) to loot together and after 15mins or so of looting I hear two shotgun shots ring out while I am drinking at the fountain.  My new friend was shot and all I had was a fire ax.  He explained that he saw him at the last second at that he was at the top floor of the hospital (5 floors of stairs and landings, we were on the TMW ts).


He asked me to get revenge for him.  I figured why not give it a shot ax I still didn't have too much stuff.  After the slow walk up the stairs I come around the last landing and start my slow walk up the stairs to the top where the ladder to the roof is.  Sure enough there is a guy with a shotgun starring me in the face.




WTF! I'm alive. Shit there are two shots in that thing.




MUHAHAHA My turn!!


I get to the top of the stairs and ax him twice before he runs off like a madman.  He makes it to the ground floor faster than me as I missed some turns.  I see him across the room reloading but he was not able to fire off any more rounds.


So, the interactions with those two players top my list of dayZ fun.  That and the fun I've been having with the TMW crew.   :thumbsup:

Edited by ChiefMasterKush
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After being attacked in Elektro I went to patch myself up in the woods. A couple guys were passing by and offered me saline and such. Since then we have become good pals and usually play together.


Actually I have a video of our first encounter.

Sometimes being friendly can spawn a decent friendship.

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Met a german guy (in game name was Mortimer if your out there, lol). He was pretty new and we were both fresh spawns. So I showed him where to loot, got him a mosin and some ammo and showed how to do some basic inventory stuff.

We went into the ship at Riffy and was explaining how it had a habit of breaking your legs... When I fell to my death. Oops. 


Still I like to think he had a good introduction to DayZ.

Edited by Kit the Great
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Most encounters have ended in a fight or each player running away

However just an hour ago I had a pretty good experience

We see a guy get into a fight with 2 guys in the street and it ends with the one with the gun winning

We see he got hurt but didn't see who started it so 2 guys head down while me and another guy provide cover from the small elektro hill

They chat with the guy when he suddenly opens fire, I manage to take him out and we wait for our friend to come back to his body

When suddenly all hell breaks loose, gunfire everywhere so me and the guy covering keep out of sight as we can't tell bandits from just unlucky survivors

Then I see him, green backpack, M4 a few metres from me looking at another guy who is running gun drawn towards the gunfire, but M4 guy doesn't shoot him and instead tried to leave elektro by running straight at my hiding spot

So I call out

"Hey green pack guy"

No response

"Hey M4 guy in hill"

Him: hey friendly friendly

There's a tense moment as he's aiming his M4 at me and I've switched to my revolver

"Can we maybe try not pointing our guns at each other?"

Him, lowers his gun and then I do

Him: "So what going on with all the gunfire?"



A sniper shot lands about an inch from my face

Him: who's shooting at me? Raising his gun at me probably thinking I tried to kill him

"Sniper! Run!"

We head into the trees and my other teammate joins us, we find some cover and I tell him that elektro just became a warzone and that we were attacked by a guy Ect

He says thanks but he's off to meet a friend

Was kinda forced together in a moment where a sniper spotted us and it was nice to run into someone who didn't try to backstabbing us

We only knew each other a few minutes, but something in the guys voice immediately told me he was friendly and just logged in in the middle of a battle from what he told us

We headed our own ways and I hope Mr. Green backpack M4 guy got far away from that hell

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For me its hasnt happened yet for the most part on SA.. but in the mods it all led up to being in a large KOS clan and hunting other KOS clans. 


That stuff was amazing. At times we had like 5-6 squads of 3-6 players each all in a fight lasting hours at the NWAF or in the valleys east of Novy. 


BoondockSaintsWillemDafoe.jpg "There was a firefight!!!!" 

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Had fun today up north. was with a group of 11, clearing a town and saw a guy looting buildings. We are friendly (CQF) clan, one of our guy makes contact the other guy was sketched, then the other 10 of us take up positions near the guy and start dropping food and sodas etc.


He had to think it was over, then left with more loot than I'm sure he found in the buildings.

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Few days ago, I saved a guy in Berenzino. I heard voices near the hospital, I approached and saw a bandit with his hostage. I killed the bandit, and searched into his body for the keys of the handcuffs, he got! I released the guy, but bandit had forced him to eat rotten fruit .. we did not have the charcoal, so the poor guy died.

We talked a litte, he was a nice guy and it was fun to save him all in all 

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Fresh spawn and ran into bandits in elektro. I didn't have tuna so they handcuffed me on the railroad tracks. They said they have to give me a blood transfusion sayin' "maybe you'll live maybe you won't" and they just left me there while they went on about there business. I wait for them to leave my sight before I got up and by some miracle I had the same blood type and not 5 seconds after I break the handcuffs I hear someone call out my name "Wuzi come over here!"....I didn't stop running lol....Then it was a small game of cat and mouse sprinting from building to building peering around corners to get away from them; and I did.

I was geared out but my guy was starving so I was looking for food. Running along the tree line I spotted another armed player go into a house in Solnichniy. So i had my gun drawn and I ran up to the house. He stopped and looked at me but didn't react. We talked and I told him what I needed and he told me he was heading to elektro to save his friend but he was out of mosin ammo. So I traded him ammo for food. He went on his way and I went on mine.

Those are just a couple short ones but I have many longer ones that were very interesting and fun.

Edited by blindwuzi

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