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Bambi's dreamland starts! Epoch v. - Friendly Admins

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Hi community!


I want to introduce our new DayZ Epoch server! The Server is online for round about 24 hours now and we already got 2 nice players ( :3 ) . 

Of course, new servers also got some disadvantages  -  but enough advantages.  For example, you can build your base where ever you want because all the good spots arent't used... yet... so hurry! :)

Then, their aren't any players that are " fully equipped" or Clans with extremely high loot in their base, because its a new Server. We're a small community, that shell grow...

The server got 20 player slots, we will expand them if needed, and it got no lags.

We also got 2 very friendly admins and you can trade at trader bases/cities. / of course /

The only rule is no killing at traders/safe zones and, please, dont destroy other bases.

The time is set to GMT -1 , because the Day-Time is longer :D


I hope you liked our little inroducion, and please dont be mad because of the english, im german :P


Thanks :)



Server name: Bambi's dreamland - Epoch Chernarus [ Friendly Admins | Anti Hack | GMT -1 | Great FPS]



Edited by lowiee

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Last time i checked the epoch mod there was only 2 servers with very little amount of players on both so you might have wasted your money on that server as everyone is basically playing the SA now 

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Last time i checked the epoch mod there was only 2 servers with very little amount of players on both so you might have wasted your money on that server as everyone is basically playing the SA now 

For me its 6k servers and very much players... Something must be wrong with you game. :/

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