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About Magermayn

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  1. Magermayn

    Random Deaths

    So i havent played for a while is heart attacks really a thing now?
  2. Magermayn


    Go in steam and get dayz mod in case you are using dayZ commander that wont work anymore and from my pov i would say the mod is a great way to start of dayz
  3. Magermayn

    FPS Is Fine, Then Drops To Zero...

    Well have you thought about ITS APLHA the game will have problems i gotta admit thats why i stopped playing but i dont go around and whine about it i just wait for the game to be finished and if you have played the mod like myself you should have trust in the devs that they do what is best for this game sorry for my bad english im a bit wasted right now ;)
  4. Magermayn

    stuck in the rocks at 044,072

    Just log out and in a couple of times and it should fix atleast its working for me when it happens
  5. Magermayn

    New PVE server for the mature gamer 40+

    Im not sure on this but i dont think there is such a thing as pve servers yet ofc you can make it a rule but i know that isn't allowed
  6. Magermayn

    Dayz Service Down / DDoS Attack

    They are under a ddos attack at the moment so just be patient they are working on it :)
  7. Magermayn

    Can't find vechicles?

    Just stop looking for the stuff and boom its there
  8. Magermayn

    Arma 2: DayZ Mod

    They are the latest update came out the 20 nov from what i can see :)
  9. Just join a server until you get out of it i did it sometimes and then suddenly spawned in front of the rock
  10. I was playing on the experimental patch when i started gliding down a hill and into some rocks where my char is now stuck i tried leaving and joining again and i just get some wierd white grapichs and cant move or go into inventory
  11. Magermayn

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Finally after been searching for a long time i finally found my first car oh the feels when driving for 5 min then my game crashes but atleast i got to try it can't wait for them to get on stable now :D
  12. Magermayn

    steamless playing still possible?

    Steam is love, steam is life
  13. Magermayn

    Dayz stopped working

    Cool was just watching someone stream it without it happening but ofc it wont happen to all players
  14. I might be wrong on this but from what i know is that thier plan is to add all the content and the optimize and polish it after but again i might be wrong
  15. Magermayn

    Dayz stopped working

    So i just tried out the new experimental server and my game keeps shutting down with the message Dayz stopped working it happens every 5-7 min after i joined a server sometimes it also do when im joining a server just wanna know if others have this issue or its me that are fucking something up :P