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An interesting discussion based on this speech

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I loathe religion. 



Religion is for the weak...


Personally, I can speak about religion and my belief freely because I can do so in a respectful manner and I am able to set our differences aside and listen to what this man/woman has to say. Please lead by example and do not make this thread end because of our differences. As said earlier, we are more similar than we are different. Let us speak about religion and beliefs ethically and be understanding of others beliefs. If that cannot be done, then I'm afraid for what this thread will ultimately become...another tombstone in the graveyard!


Back to the subject, I would like to add that many cruel things that humans do to one another could be linked to social psychology. The Milgram experiment is an example of even the kindest of individuals giving in to authority. I'm curious if there were times in which social psychology affected people's behavior in Dayz.

There was one times in which I saw my friend kill someone we were trying to save, we were like "WHY!" and he said "Why not?".  :facepalm:

But really, what other situations like this affect humanity and/or the players of Dayz?

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@abentwookie, I have watched the mist, the end made my sister 'rage quit'. When she saw what happened, she stood up silently, went to her room, and slammed it shut. 


The video does show the evil side of humanity and it could explain some of the interactions that happens in Dayz. Good post!


lol Yeah, it was one of the most depressing endings in any movie I have seen but that is what makes it so good.  :P Instead of the usual cookie-cutter happy ending, they did something that has an impact on the viewer. Not many movies leave you feeling really bad for the main character. 


Anyway, I think if you actually put people in a situation like Dayz they would definitely act the same way or worse than they do in game. I have no doubt people would be slaughtering each other over a can of beans.  :o

Edited by abentwookie
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I don't think you can compare Dayz to most disasters and slap morality on it. Dayz is the apocalypse. Not a temporary distaster.


Most disasters are just that. Temporary and local. If you haveo a hurricane or tornado you can escape the damaged area and outside of it life continues as normal.


DayZ is the apocalypse or  "The Zone" for Stalker SOC players. It's a "Zone" where there is no morality because there is no escape or respite from it. This may change as base building gets added in. For right now though, you are in a war with no fronts. Hence the KOS. There is no where to fallback to or safe zone. Because of that there is no morality.


Mark my words.


Once base building starts and someone builds the first big Megaton for their group the game will radically change. When there is an area that is safe then you can have morality and people will go there to talk to eachother even in the roads are lined with bandits.


In a war with no fronts, there is no morality and the order of the day is KOS

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@Duenan the majority of players on Dayz have morality, everyone has there own definition of what is or is not moral. Note how none of us used "kos" in any of our post because that is a "micro" level perspective and it neglects the big picture, the "macro" level perspective.


Morals will be an ever present part of society because it is human to have morals. (I'm pretty sure some other animals are also intelligent enough to understand morals too)

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I don't think you can compare Dayz to most disasters and slap morality on it. Dayz is the apocalypse. Not a temporary distaster.


World War II was very nearly an apocalypse. Especially for the regular people caught up in it who, like you say, were in a war with no fronts (or might as well have been from their perspective). The tsunami in Asia is another example, on a local scale. It killed 230,000 people in fourteen countries, many of which are still recovering to this day. Another war with no fronts for a large portion of the poor people who have no means to escape. 

Horrible things happened, but good things happened too in all of these situations. People still helped each other. People were still human. I don't think it's unreasonable to make predictions based on real world events of such magnitude. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that morality won't disappear completely overnight even if there was a worldwide calamity (we might find out soon enough, if we don't curb climate change). They are not uninformed assumptions - we have 2,000 years of history to draw from. 

Edited by Nicko2580
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@Duenan the majority of players on Dayz have morality, everyone has there own definition of what is or is not moral. Note how none of us used "kos" in any of our post because that is a "micro" level perspective and it neglects the big picture, the "macro" level perspective.


Morals will be an ever present part of society because it is human to have morals. (I'm pretty sure some other animals are also intelligent enough to understand morals too)


I mean a global standard of morals. I.e. when living in society we agree to  not kill rob and rape for the most part and collectively have the gov't punish those that do.


Everybody living by their own morals in DayZ is moral relativism. AKA no moral standard because there is no agreed upon moral standard that would make a liveable society.


The agreed upon standard is that of no standard- which allows people to do whatever and justify thier actions later.


This by itself isn't a moral code- its a state of nature. Dayz stimulates that very well. In DayZ we all act like animals doing what comes naturally for the most part to us but theres no greater good or society from it. Atleast not yet

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Personally, I can speak about religion and my belief freely because I can do so in a respectful manner and I am able to set our differences aside and listen to what this man/woman has to say. Please lead by example and do not make this thread end because of our differences. As said earlier, we are more similar than we are different. Let us speak about religion and beliefs ethically and be understanding of others beliefs. If that cannot be done, then I'm afraid for what this thread will ultimately become...another tombstone in the graveyard!


Back to the subject, I would like to add that many cruel things that humans do to one another could be linked to social psychology. The Milgram experiment is an example of even the kindest of individuals giving in to authority. I'm curious if there were times in which social psychology affected people's behavior in Dayz.

There was one times in which I saw my friend kill someone we were trying to save, we were like "WHY!" and he said "Why not?".  :facepalm:

But really, what other situations like this affect humanity and/or the players of Dayz?


.....I didn't say anything about you in particular.


But you and your friend just have different morals on how to socialize and interact with people, possibly just because your friend has been exposed to different games that could perhaps already spark that KoS attitude( CS:S, CoD,  Counter Strike, Quake, Halo, and even Unreal Tournaments).

Edited by ArsenicLamb

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World War II was very nearly an apocalypse. Especially for the regular people caught up in it who, like you say, were in a war with no fronts (or might as well have been from their perspective). The tsunami in Asia is another example, on a local scale. It killed 230,000 people in fourteen countries, many of which are still recovering to this day. Another war with no fronts for a large portion of the poor people who have no means to escape. 


 If world war 2 had ended in a nuclear holocaust then it would approach the true meaning of the word apocalypse.


By this I mean the end of civilization. Even during WW2 and massacres and bloodshed there was still civilzation. Still gov'ts fighting government. Still military law even though there was chaos on the ground. There was still humanity because there was still civilization even if it was being slowly destroyed around them.


If you want to talk about humanity look at the old reels of Stalingrad in WW2. Notice there are no corpses in any of those videos and then ask why. That is still not an apocalypse as civilization did not end. Only moral taboo about cannabilism.


The last time we had an end of civilization you  could say the fall of rome or the incan or olmec empires. Although in Europe there were still peasant tribes throughout the countryside there is a reason there are no records of the Dark Ages and there is a reason most of the population of Rome died after it fell. We can only speculate on the chaos that caused but that was the only thing that could come close to mirroring the scope of apocalyptic devestation that DayZ creates.


Imagine seriously what would happen in a situation where 90%+ of humanity dies.


Then imagine the survivors of that from all walks of life and intelligence with a still lingering disease that could kill the remaining 10% along with all the natural things and reprecussions of the dissappearance of infrastructure.


A disaster while terrible, a war, is not comprable to an apocalypse and the moral turpitude of those that live through a disaster or war is not the same as the revision to a state of nature

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