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An interesting discussion based on this speech

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Amen ( :P ) to that sister(?). 

I question everything and often get told that I'm an idiot. People get angry at me when I talk about things like genetic engineering to alleviate suffering/save lives/improve biology and tell me it's 'playing God' like that means something. 

Buzzwords, catch phrases, quick-fixes. People don't really think about anything they do anymore and to be honest I am guilty of that to some degree as I suspect almost every human is these days. Comfort and convenience are the name of the game, often at the expense of others. It's even likely that the computers that you and I are using were manufactured at the expense of someone in another country (especially as I am currently on a Mac). 

The world is a difficult place and every detail you consider is waiting to trip you up morally and ideologically. Most people can't deal with that and so they live in a bubble.

Every word: True.

You know what else is infuriating? People bragging on me constantly about how smart I am, begging me to fix their gadgets and devices when they break down or they screw it up... But then, regardless of how smart I am, when I have something to say they are determined not to listen to it. Or better yet, they fight against that help every step of the way. Frustrating.

And despite what they say, I honestly don't feel that smart. Because I am the peice that does not fit, if I were so smart surely I could get along with the rest of them. I find the ignorance abhorrent, but I am just as disgusted by myself and my inability to cope.


Edited by Rudette

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Every word: True.

You know what else is infuriating? People bragging on me constantly about how smart I am, begging me to fix their gadgets and devices when they break down or they screw it up... But then, regardless of how smart I am, when I have something to say they are determined not to listen to it. Or better yet, they fight against that help every step of the way. Frustrating.

moral: The only people who change/learn are those who choose to change/learn. You cannot force someone to change unless they choose to (again 1984).


[edit] also, I get the same thing from people too, you are not alone Rudette.

Edited by helcol
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Every word: True.

You know what else is infuriating? People bragging on me constantly about how smart I am, begging me to fix their gadgets and devices when they break down or they screw it up... But then, regardless of how smart I am, when I have something to say they are determined not to listen to it. Or better yet, they fight against that help every step of the way. Frustrating.

And despite what they say, I honestly don't feel that smart. Because I am the peice that does not fit, if I were so smart surely I could get along with the rest of them. I find the ignorance abhorrent, but I am just as disgusted by myself and my inability to cope.


The smartest people often don't fit in. 

I actually wrote an article for a friend's website on this exact subject. Uninformed opinion seems to rule in the 21st century. Expert opinion is treated the same as uninformed opinion, instead of being considered for what it is; advice from someone who has knowledge and expertise in the area of discussion. I don't know anything at all about car mechanics so why the fuck would I expect people to listen to my opinion that my car broke down because of Gremlins and yet people do!! And then distrust the mechanic who tells me it's actually my starter motor playing up!! 

That's a big part of why governments get away with the bullshit they do, I feel.

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Man this conversation has become something so much bigger than I anticipated, it is a conversation filled with respect, admiration, and understanding. We are speaking to each other from various places around the world and are able to relate in ways we could not to the person sitting next to us. 


This conversation is ..





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I cant wait till you can fortify, I would take over electro, or cherno, and give homes to people, and make it a safe place, a bank where you can store your stuff safely, a place you can call "home", guards that rome the streets who can be trusted, citizens who walk the streets in peace.

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I cant wait till you can fortify, I would take over electro, or cherno, and give homes to people, and make it a safe place, a bank where you can store your stuff safely, a place you can call "home", guards that rome the streets who can be trusted, citizens who walk the streets in peace.

I can't wait for the hunting. Maybe I'll come trade leather, fur, and meat to your shanty town, then be on my way again. ;p

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Man this conversation has become something so much bigger than I anticipated, it is a conversation filled with respect, admiration, and understanding. We are speaking to each other from various places around the world and are able to relate in ways we could not to the person sitting next to us. 


This conversation is ..





Remember what I said before about science showing that humans are far more alike than not? That wasn't just a line. :)

This is why the internet is my preferred place to spend my time interacting with humans these days. There is far less bullshit based on your race or creed or sexuality or socio-economic status or anything else that literally doesn't fucking matter. 

There's a lot of hate drifting around in cyberspace, but a shitload more goodwill and love if you know where to look.

Edited by Nicko2580
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Every word: True.

You know what else is infuriating? People bragging on me constantly about how smart I am, begging me to fix their gadgets and devices when they break down or they screw it up... But then, regardless of how smart I am, when I have something to say they are determined not to listen to it. Or better yet, they fight against that help every step of the way. Frustrating.

And despite what they say, I honestly don't feel that smart. Because I am the peice that does not fit, if I were so smart surely I could get along with the rest of them. I find the ignorance abhorrent, but I am just as disgusted by myself and my inability to cope.


Well,every person is unique in his own ways.

Are you saying that you are frustrated by their ignorance to see the whole aspects of your personallity because they will be dissapointed

that you don'y fit in the formula of the averarage man/woman ?

What horrors lie behind a preety face of a human?

Is the person just a walikng face? Is that what you mean by cattle by any chance?

You would never believe of the number of people that cope with domestic violence or sexuall harassment every day.

Yet they still smile...that's people for you i guess.... :)

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Well,every person is unique in his own ways.

Are you saying that you are frustrated by their ignorance to see the whole aspects of your personallity because they will be dissapointed

that you don'y fit in the formula of the averarage man/woman ?

What horrors lie behind a preety face of a human?

Is the person just a walikng face? Is that what you mean by cattle by any chance?

You would never believe of the number of people that cope with domestic violence or sexuall harassment every day.

Yet they still smile...that's people for you i guess.... :)

Cattle = Herd animals = Followers = People who take the narrow view of the world they are exposed to, what they are given, and don't dare look outside it for fear of judgement. Be it the judgement of a deity or the judgement of their peers.

Frustrated. Angry. Lonely, up here on my high horse where I cast judgement on those I can't even emulate long enough to form fake relationships with let alone meaningful ones.

How..Personal. I won't divulge how personal. Coping with a bad situation simply by "Smiling" is not something to be proud of. That's the equivalent of putting on a mask so that your peers don't think there is anything abnormal about you. Anyone worth respecting will fight their way out of those situations rather than wallowing in self-pity or the negative attention it brings. Don't be simple.


Edited by Rudette
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Cattle = Herd animals = Followers = People who take narrow view of the world they are exposed to, what they are given, and don't dare look outside it for fear of judgement. Be it the judgement of a deity or the judgement of their peers.

Frustrated. Angry. Lonely, up here on my high horse where I cast judgement on those I can't even emulate long enough to form fake relationships with let alone meaningful ones.

How..Personal. I won't divulge how personal. Coping with a bad situation simply by "Smiling" is not something to be proud of. That's the equivalent of putting on a mask so that your peers don't think there is anything abnormal about you. Anyone worth respecting will fight their way out of those situations rather than wallowing in self-pity or the negative attention it brings. Don't be simple.


There is got to be a person that you can trust,we are not borned in this world alone.Do you know that angels do indeed exist? "Giving up" dosen't justify it.Life is inteted to be a bless,not a torment.I myslef am not to be proud of the things i have accomplished.I'm not gonna lie,i also wear a mask of fear about the thought of others,yet i promised myself to keep fighting.I do not know you personally,and that's a shame,you look very intreasting person.Sorry for my simplicity....but i prefer smiling than crying.

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Do you know that angels do indeed exist? 


If by angels you mean humans who go above and beyond to help others without expectations of reward in return and often at times by putting their own life at risk then yes, angels do exist. 

If you mean winged, magic, supernatural entities that somehow and for some reason watch over everything we do and intervene sporadically to help us and only on some apparently hidden agenda then, forgive me, but I am skeptical.

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Ok I wasn't able to watch the video's due to someone else being asleep in the same room as this, but I have a point to make that I think people might appreciate. But first a side note. Wasn't it "talkies" as they were first known that drove Chaplin out of a job? Something about his voice if I remember right.


Anyways, onto my point, and sorry if anyone has said this or hinted towards it, so many points to take in have kinda left me a little awed that so many people think along the same lines on a game like this. But yeah, I digress.


The problem comes from the human race, in general, having a sense of self preservation. Now this may just be for ones self, their family, or maybe a community in general. However, anything that doesn't fall under this sense to a person, becomes a threat. So, instead of giving a chance to the stranger you might meet in the Dayz world, you would eliminate the potential threat, rather than risking what they have. Now people may disagree with this, and I understand why, but think of it this way. Outside of the affected community which a disaster has struck, how many people help? Yeah, if we list the number it sounds a lot, but when you compare it against the amount of people who could help? Yeah it's not so large.


Now put this into a situation where the population is limited (Look at server size, 40 people is average max right now). That number becomes a lot lower, like maybe 5 if your lucky. Now personally I try to be one of these five, and the only time I have attacked a player is once I have been attacked by them first. I've also been lucky to meet others like me however. One guy saw me under attack by 2 zombies when I had no weapons. Now whilst I had it under control due to the fact zombies drop from a blow to the face, he still ran in, unarmed himself, and helped me dispatch them. In return I gave him a can of tuna so he could eat, and we travelled along for a while before going our seperate ways.


To sum up, you will generally meet 4 types of players in this game. Those trying to survive alone, those trying to survive with their friends, those who want to help everyone, including theirselves, and those who just use it as an excuse to kill everyone.


I'm sorry this isn't as philosophical as what others have posted, but it's my view on things. I hope you can appreciate that at least.

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If by angels you mean humans who go above and beyond to help others without expectations of reward in return and often at times by putting their own life at risk then yes, angels do exist. 

If you mean winged, magic, supernatural entities that somehow and for some reason watch over everything we do and intervene sporadically to help us and only on some apparently hidden agenda then, forgive me, but I am skeptical.

Even though i don't tend to get personal,acording to my answer,you might think of me as naive,but both interpetations are correct :)

My beliefs were always supported with a logical aproach,yet you have to excuse me,because i don't have evidence for you.Concerning myslef let's just say I discovered it the "hard" way.

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Debating about belief is pointless, what I like to converse over is the morals and what would happen to people put in a tough spot.

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God is offering love to humans,if he chose,he could extreminate the whole human race and make something else in our place.

Then from that new race,he would make it so that they lack their free-will and forever love their creator.Why does God bother with humans anyway? Is even our creator a slave of the sensation called love? Why did he choose to be this way? Some say he build the world with that stuff.... Some believe he dosen't even exist.

You may be the most good looking,intelligent or rich person on Earth.Yet if you are lacking the ability to love though,none of this matters.


Edit:If even you creator,loves the feeling of feeling loved,then why should you not?

You will see soon enough that alot of people will perish in the name of love.

Those who have the luxury and don't want to lose their position in society,will gladly trample upon love's name.

Making them to be the most ruthless of the bunch,The true definition of wolves in sheep's clothing.



No such thing as a God bro...

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Debating about belief is pointless, what I like to converse over is the morals and what would happen to people put in a tough spot.

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How about we keep religion out of the rest of this thread. A fight will be the only thing that results.

There is a time and place for debates about religion and it's effect on the world or philosophical musings on the existence of deities and the supernatural, but it's not here. 

Let's keep it human and about human problems, human morals and human ideals.

Edited by Nicko2580
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Like I said on page 1. It will only get messy. Especially if I participate. Those conversations drive me to tear down and destroy, or beat my head against the brick wall that is the closed mind.
Either way, I end up feeling terrible.

Edited by Rudette

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Religion is for the weak...


Which explains why it is perfect for humanity.

Edited by Burnham113

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I noticed at 2:03 the innermost microphone on the right is the same microphone I use for DayZ lol. Inspiring speech  :thumbsup:

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