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Wowzers the luck i've had tonight

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Me and a buddy of mine head out for Stary Sobor after i died earlier in the day to get me back on my feet.

1) we find a bus, fully functioning with a full tank of gas

2) 5 minutes later we find a heli crash site with a night vision FAL

( 2.5) i crash the bus and get it stuck lol xD)

3) we arrive in Stary find a hatchet, hunting knife, matches, and tons of ammo (new life so i needed all that)

4) we are exploring the deer stands in the hills north of Stary and come across another heli crash. this time with just regular FAL's and an AKM

pretty eventful night!

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Bit like my finds yesterday, arrived unarmed in cherno, found a dead guy with a dmr +2 mags in the fire station and matches, knife, map and compass in the supermarket. Happy DayZ!

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I found a Bizon yesterday, wasn't very impressed with it though. I had an AKS-74 Kobra before that and didn't like it all that much either; it felt like a crappy version of the AKM (granted, the sight is better).

Honestly, I think the Winchester might be my favorite gun. It's basically an Enfield that doesn't aggro everything within ten thousand meters.

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Winnies can mostly be found in barns -especially the ones with stairs inside - and cowsheds (the big long barns) in the corridor which runs off the main room.

'Tis a fine weapon. A Civilised weapon, for a different age. Only problem is it's as LOUD AS FUCK.

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