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Perks, Currency and more!

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Firstly all these ideas would have a big effect on the game and may not be possible to implement them.

They are all ideas off a mod i have played called Experiment for Garrys Mod.


What can i say? A coin or item which could drop from zombies etc.. Could be used for playing trading or npc trading? This would add a reason to actually kill zombies.


Perks you could buy off npcs or off the ingame menu/interface. For example a perk called Bear Grylls which would reduce the amount of hunger and thrist you lose by 50%, so ultimatly it would take longer to fully dehydrate. Another idea could be Berserker which would increase all meele weapon damage by 25%. There could be many variations, these would be bought with the currency you have gained and would be whiped on death.


Standard npcs you could buy stuff from. Maybe rare npcs near crash sites etc which sell the rare ammo etc or hunters in the woods which would sell or trade meat etc.


Attributes as follows

Every attribute has 100 points which can be earned, on character creation you would have 30 spare which you could put into any attribute/s of your choice. For example you would gain Agilty by sprinting, gain endurence by taking damage etc etc.


Do more meele weapon damage, carry more items.


Run faster


Run for longer


Take less damage when hit /// Or increases total blood


Decreases time to bandage and other medical equipment


So you would start with neutral morality. This would be an indicator for bandits/survivors. For example if you would -morality you would be classes as a bandit and when people hover over your name it would say bandit or be red. If your + morality you would be a survivor that people could trust.

You would lose and gain morality based on things you do. So if you kill a bandit with -morality you would gain morality or if you bandage and blood transfusion somebody you would also gain a amount vise-versa.

Now alot of these ideas could have alot more to them and these suggestions are a breif overview.

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Make Dayz into generic RPG. No thanks.

We have a currency that drops on zombies anyway, they are called beans!

Bear Grylls perk, lol . Would make you unable to survive without a nice hotel room and a film crew to look after you ?

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Make Dayz into generic RPG. No thanks.

We have a currency that drops on zombies anyway' date=' they are called beans!

Bear Grylls perk, lol . Would make you unable to survive without a nice hotel room and a film crew to look after you ?


Beans are hardly a currency, and how would it make the experience like a nice hotel room? You would be able to travel for longer without eating and drinking which is just an inconvience. It would add on another thing to buy and try not to lose but if you did its another thing you could aim for when you make a new char... And i dont think many generic rpg's have any of these apart from npcs and currency which most games have...

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In an apocalyptic setting money would become worthless. It becomes useless paper. Items like alcohol and cigarettes would become the currency because they are heavily sought of and are more or less easy to carry.

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No offense but i think this is a terrible idea. It would destroy what dayz is. A sandbox zombie survival. Perks? Seriously? That one about not needing to eat 50% longer is a tad unrealistic and takes away from the sense of desperation of no food. Please try and come up with something that enhances what dayz is about and not turning it into the generic RPG/ MMORPG/ COD.

EDIT: I agree that currency would become worthless in this situation. At least in terms of dollars, pounds, euros that sort of thing. However i can see it kind of working if it was something like metro 2033 where ammunition was "currency".

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For fact it would become very annoying to have perks. You start with a dude who got awesome perks and you run around for 30 minutes and then you die. Start over and get sucky perks and so forth. It wouldnt work it would just be very boring at the end because everyone would become spoiled with perks.

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If you're looking for any of these features, you're playing the wrong game. In Day Z, your character's skill is determined by the player. Your worth is determined by what you've scavenged. The NPCs are zombies. The perks are a bandage, some painkillers, and a flashlight. The morality is a tell-tale heart.

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If you're looking for any of these features' date=' you're playing the wrong game. In Day Z, your character's skill is determined by the player. Your worth is determined by what you've scavenged. The NPCs are zombies. The perks are a bandage, some painkillers, and a flashlight. The morality is a tell-tale heart.



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When I think of what could be considered currency in DayZ, I kind of think of what currency is in Metro 2033. Military-grade bullets. Or, in DayZ's case, bullets used in good weapons, such as STANAG, FAL, etc etc.

I wouldn't give an AK-74 away for Makarov bullets, but if you handed me STANAG mags I might consider it.

Ergo, all the currency we need to trade and barter already exists.

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Just as everybody else have said: This is not a traditional RPG. These ideas would completely ruin the game.

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People are misunderstanding perks for the generic CALL OF FUCKING DUTY PERKS. Get your heads out of your ass and relise there are perks in other games which work perfectly in the sandbox enviroment. All they would be is minor aids which players could aim to get and lose in death which adds yet another dimention onto dayz. And perks could even be skills like in eve online which you can train in real time, maybe you could find special skill books in bookshelfs etc.

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