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Character and Name

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Something has happened and its annoying me.


My name on dayz is different from my steam name, I dont know whats happend.


I also keep getting a female character when i want a male one, I keep trying to change and its not working. 


Anyone help.


Hmm found out how to change, didn't realise u you just type it. But i keep getting a female character

Edited by pcombo

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In the dayz main menu click character and adjust to your preference, then click set as default. Your NEXT character will be your default one, if you still have an existing character it will be the same as the previous model until you end up respawning.


As for your name, you can adjust it by clicking on the name on the right side of the screen on the main menu. It may be hard to see the cursor but you can adjust your name from there.


Hope this helps, good luck.

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