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[Guide] Pro Tips for Starting Out

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**SPOILER ALERT** Part of the game is figuring out how to survive, please do not read this unless you are absolutely desperate and need help to survive. **SPOILER ALERT**

Also I like to keep this short and simple so I won't be going into much detail on each subject.

Rule #1 Don't waste your time going for low loot spawns, too many zombies not enough loot... risk vs reward.

Rule #2 Don't go anywhere without Morphine and Bandages.

Rule #3 In Cherno and Elektro, kill or be killed.

Rule #4 NEVER shoot or melee in 3rd person view, the sights are off and you actually hit lower than the crosshairs.

Starting Out

- Spawned, check your location, it appears briefly in the bottom right hand corner.

- Look at dayzdb.com/map, see if you are at least 10min run from Cherno or Elektro and find your way there.

- Hit the big industrial buildings outside of the city and try to find an Axe, a Knife and Road Flares.

- Stealth your way to the Hospital for medical supplies and loot anything you find on the way. Make sure to keep an eye out for other players in windows and on rooftops. Listen carefully for footsteps, gun shots and avoid others at all cost.

- Hit the supermarket and med/high loot spawns in the residential areas to try to find matches and a Pistol then GTFO ASAP.

- If you have the inventory space pick up Crossbow Bolts, you are gonna need them later.

- When having a hard time doing the above, just try to get an Axe and Medical Supplies then get the hell outta town.


- Make trips to all the Med/High Loot places, Deer Stands, Farms, Supermarkets, Industrial and Military loot spawns.

- Farms to find a Crossbow, Supermarket for Camping Supplies, Industrial for a toolbox, Military for GPS and 24-slot Coyote Backpack.

- Keep an eye out for animals to gut for food.

- Drink all the Soda you find immediately to stay hydrated. Don't bother wasting space on Soda if you have a Water Canteen.

- Same goes for canned food which also helps keep your blood level up.

- Keep at least 4 or more pieces of cooked meat on you at all times to heal up in case you get in trouble.

- Manage your temperature, if it starts to go below 38 degrees then find shelter or cozy up next to a fire.

- Try to keep your Blood over 9000! Any lower and you risk serious injury.

Camps & Vehicles

- If you have a 16-slot backpack and a toolbox by now then make some room in your inventory for vehicle parts.

- You will want at least 4 slots free in your main inventory and 12 slots free in your backpack. This allows 2 large vehicle parts to be stored in your bag and 1 in your inventory.

- Find a wrecked vehicle and repair it! Check dayzdb.com/map for vehicle spawns, not all vehicles can be repaired. Easy way to see if its repairable is if it can be entered or not which then tells you what parts need repair.

- Once you have a Vehicle drive around to all the Supermarkets and High Residential spawn areas to find a tent.

- Fortify a camp with your tent surrounded by Sandbags, barb wire and tank traps to stop vehicles from running over your tent and destroying everything.

- Make sure to save your tent and vehicle by mouse wheel menu and then choose Save.


- Grab a military weapon/ammo and goto town... please don't shoot noobs with Coyote Backpacks...

- Hit the industrial areas to also find more military grade ammo.

- A Ghillie Suit, Night Vision Goggles and a Range Finder will also be very useful.


- Start or Join a faction.

- Find Land to claim.

- Gather Supplies.

- Build a base with even more Sandbags, barb wire and tank traps.

- Go out Raiding other bases!

Pro Tips

- Don't bother picking up any primary weapons till you find a Crossbow. The Axe is far superior to kill zombies silently. Although this leaves you prone to being killed by bandits, but they would probably kill you anyways as they have better military grade weapons.

- DayZ only allows the player to melee/shoot when standing still or walking. So when engaging in melee you can dodge zombie attacks by walking backwards/sidewards and hitting at the same time.

- Flares are your best friend, they can be used to lure a group of Zombies away from loot spawns and out of buildings. Beware this gives away your location, so keep an eye out for bandits. Reload your stack of flares as you find them.

- You make more noise and move a bit faster when crouch running with your Primary Weapon out. So equip your Pistol when crouch running through grassy areas past zombie for only 1 noise level.

- With primary weapon you can strafe crouch run for 1 noise level through grassy areas making the same noise as crouch running forward with pistol.

- Strafing left or right while walking is actually a tad bit faster than going forwards without making anymore noise.

- If you are completely surrounded by zombies but they don't see you yet then you can slowly crawl away for 0 noise level. Do this by equipping your primary weapon, go prone and hold shift to slowly crawl right behind a zombie.

- With your pistol you can kind of slow crawl for 0 noise level by using W+A, W+D or S but only through grass areas.

- Stand walk through most zombie infected areas, then if you see a zombie looking towards your direction crouch walk. Only need to prone when they are at least 15m away from you.

- Zombies seem to be able to see/hear through walls, if you are in a building and zombie is passing right by you get ready to take care of business.

- To lose zombies chasing you use the terrain to your advantage. Run them up and down steep hills, zig zag up/down it to run faster. Leap over fences and run through buildings or over bridges to put some distance between you then start to crouch run.

- Also Once you have distance from them run into the dark woods and start to crouch run in the shadows to lose aggro. Then finally prone in the shadows behind a tree and crawl away to safety. Or if no woods around try to break line of sight around a corner of a building then immediately go prone.

- Never fire your weapon around an infected area, if you get zombie aggro in town then crouch run out to an open field. When out of town start stand running to get some distance and then kill 'em all.

- Militar areas can have Mophine, also try to kill military type of zombies for extras. Can find Morphine in industrial areas but is even more rare and risky.

- dayzmap.info/ is good for searching for individual item spawns where as dayzdb.com/map is nice to see all the different type of spawn areas.

- You can use distant zombies as an indicator of other players in an area. I always ask myself when overlooking a village etc. "am I close enough to have spawned those zeds or did another player in the village spawn them?" This has saved my ass on numerous occasions. -SystemiK


- Only need to carry 4 bolts at a time, by killing all zombies you should loot more bolts off the hunter types so this should keep your supply going if you happen to lose one.

- Shooting from Irons Sights isn't what you would expect, the shot is actually about a 1/3 of an inch higher than the tip of the bow. Check this screenshot for exact placement. http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/9207/crossbowshot.jpg

- Crosshairs are much easier to use than Iron Sights, so join a Normal server if you want to use Crosshairs for perfect shots.

- Be very patient with your shots and make them count, you don't want to lose your bolts.

- Get as close as possible to the zombie without aggroing before you fire.

- Line-up directly in front or behind the zombie as this makes for a a wider target.

- Don't move your crosshairs to the zombie, let the zombie walk into your crosshairs and then fire.

- If you have aggro with the Crossbow equip either run away into the field and pull out your pistol or allow the zombie to come right up to you, when it stops to attack then fire. You might get hit once this way but at least you wont lose your bolt or aggro more zombies.

Might think of some more tips later... so check back. Feel free to add your own tips, might update this post with more info.

If you found this useful please reply and comment, thanks!

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It is VERY spoilery though... I wouldn't want every new player to read this.. learning this stuff the hard way is 90% of the gameplay at the moment.

-1 for sticky request.

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In my experience, when prone with secondary weapon in hand, you always "fast" crawl; you cannot select "slow" crawl using Left Shift.

If you want the ability to "slow" crawl, you must be prone with primary weapon in hand.

If there is a way to "slow" crawl with secondary out, please explain.

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In my experience' date=' when prone with secondary weapon in hand, you always "fast" crawl; you cannot select "slow" crawl using Left Shift.

If you want the ability to "slow" crawl, you must be prone with primary weapon in hand.

If there is a way to "slow" crawl with secondary out, please explain.


I never found a situation where I needed to slow crawl. If they are that close they will probably see you anyways.

It is VERY spoilery though... I wouldn't want every new player to read this.. learning this stuff the hard way is 90% of the gameplay at the moment.

-1 for sticky request.

Ya I was kind of hesitant to make this post... but some people just don't get it and I hate the "Then this game is not for you mentality." Some people could really use some help and I'd hate to see this game lose players cuz they couldn't figure out how to survive.

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in the latest build slow crawl can be useful as it is zero noise... but yeah you need to use it very infrequently.

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Nah, I wouldn't worry about 'spoilers', in the absence of a manual your post is just being helpful, especially to players with no experience of the Armaverse.

Anyway, reading about it and doing it are totally different things :)

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Well hopefully this helps more people get to endgame where we can start making faction bases and raid other peoples bases.

Added End-Game to guide :D

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I dont consider this to be spoiler sice anybody who plays for few hours can figure this out.

I mean Cherno and Elektro + Balota tents are killing zones, that you learn faster then you would like. T

hen its up to each player to asses if its worth the risk to loot in town or stick to small villages.

Like yesterday when I respawned in Elektro,got some stuff but got shot near power plant (that douche had military grade weapon most likely).

Then I respawned near Cherno and was lucky enough to get all stuff I needed (Enfield, M1911,CZ backpack, survival tools - compass). Then some zombie sensed me through building and broke my leg so I had to crawl to hospital, axe door and stuff my backpack with morphine,blood and bandages :-).

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Great guide. I just started playing about 3 days ago and ohh boy did i die alot lol. Needless to say, i learnt from my mistakes and am now roaming freely with a winchester with about 50 rounds, map and all the other nice little things to make things easier :)

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I dont thing that it is relevant to loot Cherno/Elektro ATM, TBH. Too many people suggest it so too many people are constantly doing it. I've been playing DZ for a few weeks and NEVER found anything useful at suggested spots because everyone is constantly looting these locations and then do a server-hopping.

Best locations for easy high-grade loot are deer stands. These stands spawn only 3 zombies and dont come under constant sniper fire.

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yeah i keep hearing that cherno/elektro are high player agro areas so why send noobs there to get powned?

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If you can make it out alive then you will have a better chance of surviving in the long run.

Also gives you more supplies faster at the start.

You have to get medical supplies PERIOD, fill your pack with them.

2 x pain killers

2 x blood packs

4 x bandages

4 x morphine

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I found this usefull. I have a pretty good grasp on the game and though I refuse to use the maps online so I'm still struggling finding places a couple tips here definitly will help.

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Cool, glad its being helpful!

Sure have seen an influx of people to Cherno and Elektro today lol.

Thinking of switching up the survival part of the guide, getting tired of running everywhere!

Got Sniped earlier so I had to start over, soon as I get a bigger backpack gonna try to repair a vehicle.

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I red this after 4 days of playing :).

You learned me some tips i wanna try, like to not pick primmary weapon.

I was talking about that with a friend yesterday, "stragely i feel safer with an axe than with a lee enfield" because of the silence.

Another thing had for me was to find how to heal myself... without friend i found it quit imposible !

You don't mention it, or i missed, but can we coock from fire place like there are in some industrial.. some cities ?

(Place where u can "start incendy") ?

Thank you for this post anyway ^^

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It is VERY spoilery though... I wouldn't want every new player to read this.. learning this stuff the hard way is 90% of the gameplay at the moment.

-1 for sticky request.

You don't mention it' date=' or i missed, but can we coock from fire place like there are in some industrial.. some cities ?


You're able to cook meat which heals for 800 blood.

Hunting Knife to gut animals for meat.

Axe to chop a tree for firewood.

Matches to make a fireplace and lite the fire.

Then cook the meat!

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Great guide.

Just kinda disagree with your dependence on the crossbow.

Yes it's silent, but the iron sights are awkward, ammo takes a lot of inventory slots, and bolt recollection is beyond buggy.

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Good guide.

Found out most of these the hard way but it's all good!

One thing i'm unsure of is, I have a hatchet on my toolbelt. I just seem incapable of equipping it to take down some zombies silent style. Unless there's a different kind of axe i'm missing?

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Great guide.

Just kinda disagree with your dependence on the crossbow.

Yes it's silent' date=' but the iron sights are awkward, ammo takes a lot of inventory slots, and bolt recollection is beyond buggy.


I use the Crossbow a ton, you are right about the iron sights... think they should be bugged. Use the crosshairs instead, so make sure you join a server that has crosshairs... lol

You only need 3 bolts, same amount of ammo boxes you would normally carry.

Collecting bolts, if you can see it you can grab it... Most the time it ends up sticking out of their arm. Otherwise don't bother... I think they break eventually and can't be recovered as sometimes there is no bolt at all after shooting them.

Good guide.

Found out most of these the hard way but it's all good!

One thing i'm unsure of is' date=' I have a hatchet on my toolbelt. I just seem incapable of equipping it to take down some zombies silent style. Unless there's a different kind of axe i'm missing?


Right click the hatchet from your toolbelt and choose equip.

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Maybe I'm doing something wrong then, all it says is gather firewood when I do that (or something similar).

I'll try again!

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