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Character Points

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Ok, i have read a topic LIKE this before, but not the same....I am thinking of an idea that talleys Points towards being a Hero/Bandit....When you first start off....you have 50pts....(Neutral)....Now, if you heal someone else, or give food to someone, your points will increase and can go as high as 100pts, which would classify you as a hero, so really any of the heroic/friendly things you do, the points increase...but now..if you Handcuff/ForceFeed/Kill someone, then your points will decrease and you will become more towards a Bandit. Now, on the Bandit case...if the person you kill is a Fresh Spawn...you will lose more points then killing someone that is geared up/guns....So, they way you tell if someone is Hero/Bandit/Nutral, is by getting within 50meters or so and zooming in on them with either the Zoom Function or a LongRangeScope....and it will pop up abover their head with either 40-60 Points in yellow, 60-100 points in green, and 40-0 points in red, so it will notify you and let you make the choice wether to approach them or stay back.

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But paranoia is the fun part of the game...


(And yes, this has been stated 9999999999999999999999999999999999 times.)

Edited by Geckofrog7

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I don't think we'll be having that sort of system. Humanity was terrible in the mod, I don't see how it could be better in retail. :\

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I think the mystery of not knowing what kinda person they are is better. It is more realistic that way. Good idea, but not good for this game.

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But paranoia is the fun part of the game...





I think the mystery of not knowing what kinda person they are is better. It is more realistic that way. Good idea, but not good for this game.

Lol yeah, i agree 100% with both of you gys...i am now 2nd thinking this suggestion

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I'm certain that it wouldn't fit the game.

And on a side note they should allow people to delete posts.

Edited by basinox

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Let's keep all these sort of systems out of the game. 

All of this should be player generated, not forced on us by arbitrary systems.

If someone acts as a hero, the community will label them such and vice versa with bandit.

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This may seem rash and a bit aggressive but...


Drink bleach and die


You are quite possibly the one millionth person to suggest this same frikkin idea.

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While were at it, lets let bandits and heroes run with tanks with autolockingarmorpiercingtws nuclearcannons. No, maybe a different posture or facial expressions, but no colors.

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