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jokosmash (DayZ)

I'm creating a DayZ group finder web app. What features do you guys want?

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First post to the boards, but someone on Reddit recommended I post this here as well. (See original post here)


I'm creating a web app for DayZ players to create and search for relevant player groups to play with. This was something that I've heard a lot of players ask for, but haven't found anything that does the job the way that I'd like to see it done. But the way I want to see it done might not be the way the majority of the community wants to see it done, so I thought I'd ask everyone for some feedback during the development cycle.


All feedback is super appreciated, and this is something I'm doing during my free time and completely free of charge. I love this game and figured it's the least I could do to help make sure it stays around awhile longer.


Thanks all!

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You need location and timezone

Dont forget a time stamp on when an invite to team up was sent 

Have a slider so people can anounce their skill level noob, ok, pro...

Good Luck

Edited by LeeFriendField

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Looting group -


Hunting Group -


Then If you can give people Reviews or Tags. aka  Trusted or Back stabber. 

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Reputation system so that if someone screwed you over you can down vote his profile and comment.

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Reputation system so that if someone screwed you over you can down vote his profile and comment.

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how much gear they have, and whether or not they are of the unsuspecting personality...



OH! and if they trust everyone :)

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hmm, a log in system that requires a users e-mail, and a flagging system, so if someone uses your app to find people, and shoot them, they get a bad reputation...


anyway i like the idea, and would like to support it. am experienced with html/php/css/mysql.. if you need a hand, PM me or find me on skype (same name).


ohh and i have 2 domains/servers (LAMP) if you need to test it

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