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The Miraculous Lives and Tragic Deaths of My First Survivors

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Allow me to start by saying this, I have watched other people play DayZ and have wanted very badly to play it for years. It has always been the game at the top of my "to get list". Sadly, I have never had a computer capable of running it. Until now.

Life and Death One

I finally acquire DayZ and, immediately after spawning into a terrifying world, I realize that although I may have watched hours of other people playing and have heard them refer to locations by name countless times, I am completely unaware of my location. This proves to be a problem and I wander aimlessly in what seems to be an industrial area. While checking one of the factory buildings, I climb up a ladder and discover, after reaching the top, that I can not move forward onto the platform. I fall what seems a short, survivable distance and I break my leg.

At this point I have yet to find a single piece of loot. I crawl around helplessly looking for anything or anyone to put me out of my misery. I crawl into a small home and, unbelievably, the first piece of loot I come across is a morphine injector. With my newly healed leg I set about to discover the world. Shortly after I am beaten to death by a zombie that ran through a wall.

Life and Death Two

I spawn in a location that I later discover is east of Cherno. I run along the coast and while in a small grouping of buildings I come across my first ever player encounter. I see two well geared, armed with rifles and what appears to be military/hunting garb, players that I assume to be bandits.  Fully expecting to be murdered on the spot, I keep my distance and slowly advance, hoping to make my way further along the coast. I must have made a mistake as one of them hears me runs back to where I am.

I immediately put my hands on my head and hope for the best. Another miracle occurs and these two players tell me they are heroes and the that they are the sheriffs around here. They direct me to the nearest fountain, give me a backpack and water bottle, and inform me of my location. "I must be the luckiest player ever," I think to myself. I embark on a journey to Cherno, now full of food, water, and hope. After walking into a building I recognize from a video, I am shot in the back with no warning.

Life and Death Three

I spawn far south of Berezino. I have, on multiple occasions, heard players discuss a NE airfield and decide I must go there next. I make my way through Berezino unharmed and look up a map to guide me to the airfield. I make it there and slowly make my way to the nearest building. I find another player who, startled, runs away and shortly after I find a handgun and ammo.

I come across another player after heading back into Berezino. I find myself struggling to decide whether I want to be a bandit or a hero. I decide, because of my luck and the kindness shown to me, I will be a hero. We both identify ourselves as friendly and exchange supplies. He later sneaks up on me, says "Hey, buddy, look what I found," and shoots me the back of the head with his newly found, backstabbing, bandit weapon. I learn the valuable lessons that no one is to be trusted and that all of my precious loot is temporary.


.This is the best first experience I have ever had with a game and I am more than happy with my purchase.

Tl:dr: I got really lucky, died tragically, and had a wonderful time

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It's great that you enjoy your stay in Chernarus!

Liked the reading and the tragedies of life and death are so close to each other. Surviving an encounter with another human being is the most precious the game can give you and this doesn't necessarily need to be a shootout.

The tension of interaction is what makes this game so very, very special, don't you think?

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It's great that you enjoy your stay in Chernarus!

Liked the reading and the tragedies of life and death are so close to each other. Surviving an encounter with another human being is the most precious the game can give you and this doesn't necessarily need to be a shootout.

The tension of interaction is what makes this game so very, very special, don't you think?

I definitely agree. The unpredictable behavior that other players exhibit and the fact that at any moment I could be forced to start over from scratch both make the game very tense and adrenaline-laced.

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The only interaction I've had so far is being shot at in Elecktro. I didn't even see the guy but I think he was in the tower at the fire station. I got into cover and called out friendly and the shooting stopped, so I am not sure whether he heard, ran out of ammo, or backed off. 

Agree, one of the most thrilling experiences in gaming today and I didn't even see the guy! 

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