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Cowardly Admins

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*Semi-long read - TL:DR at the bottom


This is now the fourth admin I've encountered that has immediately reset the server as soon as they lost a firefight they began or asked for. The most recent experience was at the Balota airfield:


I spawned in by the supermarkets in Chapaevsk, cleared out both markets gorging myself on food and drinks before heading towards the airfield. Upon approaching from the north I heard an M4 go off, but didn't see a muzzle flash so I hit the deck, weapon out scanning the strip. I hear another shot go off and see a zombie drop about 200 meters to my right. I sweep right and ah there you are, running around the strip devoid of any cover or concealment, just running along not a care in the world killing zombies in broad daylight. I check the player count, three of us are on and you have thrown caution to the wind at an airstrip, you are simply asking for trouble. I could easily take this shot right now and have you drop, but hey, maybe you don't deserve it. Maybe you, like me, are regearing your character after yet another buggy experience has left you hungry and alone on the coastline. I decide to give you a chance.


I saw you run into the tower and you have shown no signs that you know I am here so I work my way to the far prison building. I fireaxe the one zombie near the doors for a quick and silent kill and proceed into the building making sure to close the door behind me to cover my tracks. I do a quick sweep and find an ammo can, defibrillator and two precious boxes of 762. I make some room in my inventory by dropping some soda cans and unopened cans of food - both to take the bulky 2x2 items and to ensure you don't come in and think "hmmm loot looks a bit scarce, someone picked through it". I am careful to spread them out throughout the main three rooms of the building to make it look as natural as possible. I'm coming out of the second floor room when I hear the sound of some muffled footsteps. You're here, looking for loot and like a greedy little piggy you went straight for the cell instead of taking the time to clear the building of threats.


So here I am, leaning slightly sideways to get a clear shot down the stairwell. Then I hear you start to eat. Okay that's fine I can wait. Part of me wants to go down the stairs and come up from behind you while you are eating, but I don't want to risk alerting you with my footsteps or visual clipping through the wall. You're still eating... Okay maybe you didn't have space, you wanted to gorge yourself and the building looked untouched and safe- I can sympathize with that. I stop leaning and ever so slowly shuffle slightly away from the stairs making sure to time my movements with the sounds of your munching. Its like playing red light green light, and each step makes me itch with anticipation. I'm away from the stairwell just enough you can't see me from the first floor when I hear something, or rather I don't hear something. You're not eating... Did you hear me?


I freeze, weapon out and wait. Then a flash of full military kit sporting an m4 runs past the bottom of the stairwell to the 2nd room. At least that's what I thought but I don't hear any footsteps. Then... chewing... again... You stopped to eat the food right behind the stairwell, and with the right angle of peeking I can see you through the small space of the railing. I check the player count again, two of us - just you and me here while the large continent remains untouched. Well I have waited this long for a possible interaction with you, I still don't want to simply light you up - I want this to be interesting. So as I hear you start to chew again i decide its time to dance.




No vocal response, just a reloading sound - you're changing out your mags right now.




You're spinning around looking - I am so tempted to lodge 10 762 rounds into your skull




Your response? Hold down the fire button with a double mag loaded and point your barrel in the general direction of my voice. I hear ricochets and an m4 sputtering out. And then? *click* You unloaded a double mag, in a general direction and hit me exactly zero times. You haven't moved from your spot, just stood there shooting at ghosts. As I hear you start to reload I drop 10 rounds into the top of your brain housing group - your brain bucket fails to even slow the rounds down. I feel satisfied as I see you drop knowing that mid reload you heard the thundering roar of a sks before seeing the elegant white text against the black screen.


You are dead


I reload my weapon, check the player count - still just us and move downstairs to close the front door when the server reset message appears.


No response from server for x seconds.


You coward - you had no skill with your character or at the game. You rent your own server where death is meaningless because you simply reset the server whenever you die so there is no reason for you to ever get any better. You are supposed to learn from deaths meanwhile all you did was turn back the clock slightly so you never have to learn. You disgust me.


You disgust me - so much so that I immediately sort server history by time - there it is 0800, 1/40. Normally I wouldn't do this because I know most admins would be waiting at my location to kill me or will just kick me on spot. This is a rare occasion, you have really annoyed and entertained me at the same time. Lets do this.


I log back in - glitched through the floor I am on the first floor in the room by the stairwell. You are... doing the same thing I caught you doing before. Standing there by the staircase eating. The door between us is closed - but I know you heard me load in with all the rifle racket. Weapon up I open the door and there you are - your lovely military gear and pimped out m4 on your back - and ..... can of beans in your hand? You really didn't hear me??


"Remember me?"


You turn around - look dead at me and decide to put away the beans. As you're drawing your m4 I put two rounds in your face and you drop. I dump the rest of the ammo into your dead corpse right in the back of your head. I'd have spit on you if I could. I go to reload and whats that?


No response from server for x seconds.


Really? No.... REALLY??


I decide not to do it again - I'll leave you be there are plenty of more cunning prey out there for me to match wits with. And if I don't sit there and kill you over and over someone else will - I guess at least I still have the 10 rounds from both occasions you reset the server.







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Admins abuse every little power they have, in this situation kicking and restarting the server.


I am happy that they can't teleport, spawn items and see others on map like they could in mod.

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What a dick.


I've yet to encounter a server admin resetting on death, but I think that if I did I just wouldn't bother ever joining that server again.

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Its so ridiculous - If you're going to do a reset to rollback the 30seconds or so to get your character - the one and only legitimate reason I'd accept is dying to a bug like falling through the roof or something. If you're unable to accept a legitimate death that would teach you how to better yourself at the game you need to go back to your pve games that babysit your character and have no consequences for your actions.

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I've had this experience twice, one time shooting a guy looting Balota after stalking him for 10 mins, after popping him with the m4, surprise surprise reset. I checked the time:14:49 so not a scheduled reset. The other time was at electro, where a guy trying to flank us was flanked by me and killed in a firefight. 5 seconds later, server reset. I again checked the time: 15.37. Clearly admin abuse. really frustrating as they can simple erase mistakes they made or cheaply cop out of death.  

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So far this has not happened to me where killing someone get's me kicked but i don't have that much time into the game yet.I have had a few random kicks as soon as i enter the game.Where can we report these server owners.

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So far this has not happened to me where killing someone get's me kicked but i don't have that much time into the game yet.I have had a few random kicks as soon as i enter the game.Where can we report these server owners.

There is a guide in the server section for how to report servers.

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I've had this experience twice, one time shooting a guy looting Balota after stalking him for 10 mins, after popping him with the m4, surprise surprise reset. I checked the time:14:49 so not a scheduled reset. The other time was at electro, where a guy trying to flank us was flanked by me and killed in a firefight. 5 seconds later, server reset. I again checked the time: 15.37. Clearly admin abuse. really frustrating as they can simple erase mistakes they made or cheaply cop out of death.  

Exactly - they just cheat legitimate deaths. Cheating is definitely not allowed :'(

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There is a guide in the server section for how to report servers.

Thanks i don't know how i missed that.

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they should just remove this rollback effect, problem solved, admins will go back crying to wow or whatever.


BTW report these servers, i dont think this should be allowed at all. They should lose their precious servers, period.

Edited by lipemr

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As an admin, I have never pulled that weak shit, nor would I ever entertain the thought. It really is cheating. Not to mention, its kinda hard to keep any regular traffic coming to your server if you keep restarting it and forcing everyone off.

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As an admin, I have never pulled that weak shit, nor would I ever entertain the thought. It really is cheating. Not to mention, its kinda hard to keep any regular traffic coming to your server if you keep restarting it and forcing everyone off.

Badmins that pull this shit don't care about having regular traffic - most even don't want others on their server. The people that abuse the server restart rollback effect are the types of people that will sit alone in an airfield - restart and loot until everything is pristine from their beans to their bandages and then complain that the game doesn't have enough content. These are the types of people that believe because they put on a tactical vest and kevlar they are invincible and with the admin abilities at their disposal they essentially are.

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Sometimes the server needs a restart etc but I don't kick.  Restarts are good for everyone on the server (more loot) but to kick because you lost is cowardly.  There are more places than Balota to "get your loot".


I've been killed many times on my server and I don't kick people because I died.

This keeps the tension in DayZ the makers are looking for.  I could die around ANY corner.

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Sometimes the server needs a restart etc but I don't kick.  Restarts are good for everyone on the server (more loot) but to kick because you lost is cowardly.  There are more places than Balota to "get your loot".


I've been killed many times on my server and I don't kick people because I died.

This keeps the tension in DayZ the makers are looking for.  I could die around ANY corner.

The issue isn't having an admin kick you for killing them.


The issue is that they perform a server restart when they died which rolls back approximately 30-60s which is usually enough to where the admin has their character back alive.


I have been kicked before for killing an admin - but that is fine, I still killed them and their character is still dead. Rolling back effectively makes them and their precious pristine from head to toe gear immortal and inches dayz onto the path of character baby sitting games in line with hello kitty island adventure. (+1 if you got the reference)

Edited by Dethsupport
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The issue isn't having an admin kick you for killing them.


The issue is that they perform a server restart when they died which rolls back approximately 30-60s which is usually enough to where the admin has their character back alive.


I have been kicked before for killing an admin - but that is fine, I still killed them and their character is still dead. Rolling back effectively makes them and their precious pristine from head to toe gear immortal and inches dayz onto the path of character baby sitting games in line with hello kitty island adventure. (+1 if you got the reference)

Yeah that's stupid.  I most definitely don't do that. If I am dead they earned the kill either because of my stupidity or they got the jump on me good.  Either way back to Running around helpless for me.

I don't understand why people get so attached to their gear.  If they want immediate gratification they should go back to COD where your kit is always there.

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Ya, they collect all the good shit by constantly restarting their server for them and they friends.  They then hop onto other servers and go around killing people while yapping in VOIP about how 1337 they are.  This shit needs to stop, characters should be saved server side which will also prevent server hopping.

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A server should need to have a certain activity level every week/month or it should be shut down to stop this retarded shit.

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I have dealt with one server where my buddy dropped his mosin on the ground so we needed to go back to it. We killed two kids running acorss the field like they had no care in the world, server restarts. Next they are halfway up the hill, we kill them again, they are behind us next restart, they kill my buddy and I kill them. After that restart we figured the mosin wasn't worth this abuse. 

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*Semi-long read - TL:DR at the bottom


This is now the fourth admin I've encountered that has immediately reset the server as soon as they lost a firefight they began or asked for. The most recent experience was at the Balota airfield:


I spawned in by the supermarkets in Chapaevsk, cleared out both markets gorging myself on food and drinks before heading towards the airfield. Upon approaching from the north I heard an M4 go off, but didn't see a muzzle flash so I hit the deck, weapon out scanning the strip. I hear another shot go off and see a zombie drop about 200 meters to my right. I sweep right and ah there you are, running around the strip devoid of any cover or concealment, just running along not a care in the world killing zombies in broad daylight. I check the player count, three of us are on and you have thrown caution to the wind at an airstrip, you are simply asking for trouble. I could easily take this shot right now and have you drop, but hey, maybe you don't deserve it. Maybe you, like me, are regearing your character after yet another buggy experience has left you hungry and alone on the coastline. I decide to give you a chance.


I saw you run into the tower and you have shown no signs that you know I am here so I work my way to the far prison building. I fireaxe the one zombie near the doors for a quick and silent kill and proceed into the building making sure to close the door behind me to cover my tracks. I do a quick sweep and find an ammo can, defibrillator and two precious boxes of 762. I make some room in my inventory by dropping some soda cans and unopened cans of food - both to take the bulky 2x2 items and to ensure you don't come in and think "hmmm loot looks a bit scarce, someone picked through it". I am careful to spread them out throughout the main three rooms of the building to make it look as natural as possible. I'm coming out of the second floor room when I hear the sound of some muffled footsteps. You're here, looking for loot and like a greedy little piggy you went straight for the cell instead of taking the time to clear the building of threats.


So here I am, leaning slightly sideways to get a clear shot down the stairwell. Then I hear you start to eat. Okay that's fine I can wait. Part of me wants to go down the stairs and come up from behind you while you are eating, but I don't want to risk alerting you with my footsteps or visual clipping through the wall. You're still eating... Okay maybe you didn't have space, you wanted to gorge yourself and the building looked untouched and safe- I can sympathize with that. I stop leaning and ever so slowly shuffle slightly away from the stairs making sure to time my movements with the sounds of your munching. Its like playing red light green light, and each step makes me itch with anticipation. I'm away from the stairwell just enough you can't see me from the first floor when I hear something, or rather I don't hear something. You're not eating... Did you hear me?


I freeze, weapon out and wait. Then a flash of full military kit sporting an m4 runs past the bottom of the stairwell to the 2nd room. At least that's what I thought but I don't hear any footsteps. Then... chewing... again... You stopped to eat the food right behind the stairwell, and with the right angle of peeking I can see you through the small space of the railing. I check the player count again, two of us - just you and me here while the large continent remains untouched. Well I have waited this long for a possible interaction with you, I still don't want to simply light you up - I want this to be interesting. So as I hear you start to chew again i decide its time to dance.




No vocal response, just a reloading sound - you're changing out your mags right now.




You're spinning around looking - I am so tempted to lodge 10 762 rounds into your skull




Your response? Hold down the fire button with a double mag loaded and point your barrel in the general direction of my voice. I hear ricochets and an m4 sputtering out. And then? *click* You unloaded a double mag, in a general direction and hit me exactly zero times. You haven't moved from your spot, just stood there shooting at ghosts. As I hear you start to reload I drop 10 rounds into the top of your brain housing group - your brain bucket fails to even slow the rounds down. I feel satisfied as I see you drop knowing that mid reload you heard the thundering roar of a sks before seeing the elegant white text against the black screen.


You are dead


I reload my weapon, check the player count - still just us and move downstairs to close the front door when the server reset message appears.


No response from server for x seconds.


You coward - you had no skill with your character or at the game. You rent your own server where death is meaningless because you simply reset the server whenever you die so there is no reason for you to ever get any better. You are supposed to learn from deaths meanwhile all you did was turn back the clock slightly so you never have to learn. You disgust me.


You disgust me - so much so that I immediately sort server history by time - there it is 0800, 1/40. Normally I wouldn't do this because I know most admins would be waiting at my location to kill me or will just kick me on spot. This is a rare occasion, you have really annoyed and entertained me at the same time. Lets do this.


I log back in - glitched through the floor I am on the first floor in the room by the stairwell. You are... doing the same thing I caught you doing before. Standing there by the staircase eating. The door between us is closed - but I know you heard me load in with all the rifle racket. Weapon up I open the door and there you are - your lovely military gear and pimped out m4 on your back - and ..... can of beans in your hand? You really didn't hear me??


"Remember me?"


You turn around - look dead at me and decide to put away the beans. As you're drawing your m4 I put two rounds in your face and you drop. I dump the rest of the ammo into your dead corpse right in the back of your head. I'd have spit on you if I could. I go to reload and whats that?


No response from server for x seconds.


Really? No.... REALLY??


I decide not to do it again - I'll leave you be there are plenty of more cunning prey out there for me to match wits with. And if I don't sit there and kill you over and over someone else will - I guess at least I still have the 10 rounds from both occasions you reset the server.








I almost feel like i'm reading a semi-erotic piece of literature.


But yeah, that stuff is weak. We usually leave a server and never go back if it resets consecutively within like 10 minutes. People need to report these servers so that they get their admin stripped as well as the server, with no refund. 

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I had an 8 man squad kicked off a server by the admin's due to a firefight that they started. We killed them and then we got kicked. Kinda bullshit if you ask me. Everyone with the TWD tag was removed, and we had a few that had not yet been given tags who were not kicked.


It almost wants to make me remove tag's while in game to keep them guessing.

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Its so ridiculous - If you're going to do a reset to rollback the 30seconds or so to get your character - the one and only legitimate reason I'd accept is dying to a bug like falling through the roof or something. If you're unable to accept a legitimate death that would teach you how to better yourself at the game you need to go back to your pve games that babysit your character and have no consequences for your actions.


There is no legitimate reason PERIOD. 


Once you open that path it becomes very broad very quickly.  It is cheating and cheating needs to be dealt with swiftly and to the extreme.

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Bahaha, what a loser. Seriously. If someone wants to play the game alone can't they just set the player count to 1? (I have no idea what rules are available for server admins).

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There would be an easy fix, make any restart delayed by 10-15 minutes. So whenever you trigger a restart it will not happen as soon as you request it, but will be scheduled for later.

Sadly it won't fix the whole "restart for loot respawn" issue.


Funny enough, we have this kind of issues and people keep screaming all day that private hives will solve everything.

Edited by Lady Kyrah

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