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Walking in cherno with just an axe and some bleeding survivor with about 12 zombies on him starts climbing up a ladder bleeding all over the place, and me behind him promising bandages. So we're both at the top of some building and I said "here, I'm friendly, don't worry." 10 seconds later I'm screaming "I'm friendly I'm friendly!" as I'm chopping away at him. What a rush!

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a couple of days ago me and my friend were sniping around electro he picked of one guy first then after waiting about 10 mins i take one last look around electro when we see dome guy looking straight at us in the power plant with binocs he zeroed down to 200m and shot at him but raight after there was 4 KILL REPORTS i asked my friend how many kills do you have? he got 3 and got a colateral somehow? so i investigated and looked at his body there was only one person i turned around and looked at the back window where i saw some guhillie dead in a feild with an M107 we were flipping out to see that we got them both

so sorry to MATT and Tacos for killing you both XD

Edited by luka978

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looking for parts for my car that eeehm... "broke down" .... into a barricade... anyhow, I put on my NVG and run to NWairfield (not the best choice exactly, but meh) I head over to the industrial buildings far east of it, and behold, the doors were open. Now, I was sure that no zombie spawn in there and open them themselves, so I cover close to a few trees overwatching the entrance, and soon enough, a survivor comes out, creeping slowly to not attract the zombies, so I aim at him carefully with my shiny Winchester (no hatin, thats a nice gun for rolling around the airfield XD) and pop 2 or 3 shots in his ass. Oddly enough, the zombies came running to him rather to me, so I was content. ofc, before I had enough time to investigate him properly, the little ass-nugget logged out. Well, I found what I came for atleast, so I continued my journey. Overall a good time was had.

oh, and yesterday, our team was abit bored, so we took our old hatchback and had a good time on the NWairfield. No shooting was done tho, and we found a crashed heli, so again, a good time was had. I love being a bandit

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use it however you want... mildots are mainly used for rangefinding... very useful on the as50 because you can actually zero the damn thing. Anyway, the basic calculation is the height of the object ( in arma, a human is 1.8 meters tall), times 1000 divided by the height in mildots. So an example... let's say we have a target running across a field. He's 1.8 meters tall * 1000 is 1800. Next, put the horizontal line on his feet and measure how many mildots it is to his head.. lets just say 2.2. In arma, you can normally round things down when the target is at a reasonable difference, so we'll just round to 2 mildots. 1800/2 is 900 meters. Since he was a little bit taller than 2, we know he's a little less than 900 meters away. Now you can zero your scope to 900 meters, aim a little below center mass (DON'T go for headshots, as50 is a 1shot anywhere on the body), account for how he's moving, and shoot.

thx i was trying to find the calculation for zeroing

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I think its one kill on another who has murdered isn't it

Oh ok. I am still adjusting to the realism in this game. I accidental shot my friend. Once we met back up we were moving into cherno and a Zombie came at us in the field. After he killed it i took the lead position and then I heard something behind him me, panicked, turned around and used my axe. I have now killed my friend twice. I play a lot of BF3 and the whole friendly fire is killing me. I guess, I am a bandit by my own stupidty. All I can do is laugh about it.

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I let loose the crossbow with perhaps the luckiest shot Ive ever taken, and BAM passes out, I then finished him with a good old hatchet.

How can you switch between a hatchet and a crossbow? I've lost two guns trying to put them in my backpack (enfield and a double barrel) just so I could stealthily use crawl through a town with a hatchet.

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I remember when i killed three people, who just killed some noobie, in the factory near Polana. Heart beated so hard, but i managed to get them all with AKM (!!!). Weapon really sucks in my opinion, but still it was a good feeling. That was first "Big" kill i gotted, and there had been since many many more. To me it's all about hunting other players. (Especially good ones)

Edited by Judings

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AKM is a solid human hunter. It fires the second largest round in the game(7.62mm). Once you understand zeroing in.. you can kill most people with just a couple rounds center mass. Most of the time I just leave it on basic zeroing. Only drawback is the banana clips for it are not super common. But it is potent so it doesn't take much to down someone.

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Does anyone here have any suggestions to how I could be a successful bandit, just using the crossbow?

well if your using only the crossbow and you don't have alot of arrows, aim for the legs.

lots of players doesn't have any morphine with them and have a small chance to pass out when you shoot them in the leg and bleed out...

but its hard to kill someone with only a crossbow even if the other player have like a pistol (exclude the makarov) lee is very easy to find and doesn a shitload of dmg :/

well good luck

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Me and a couple of the guys were playing tonight and we decided to meet up at prog barns, as we were at cherno and he was at Elecktro. In the 20 minutes it took him to loot elecktro and get to us at prog we,

Killed 4 guys and made 5 people Log out.

My personal fav was seeing a guy run into the long brown barn as we were leaving, he comes around the corner with a trail of the undead screaming, "Im friendly, Im friendly". So.....

We help him take care of his "problem" and as he is resting and collecting his thoughts he thanks us for our help in killing the zombies. Seconds later I pump a Winchester pellet into his chest. His dying words were "thats not friendly"

Made us all giggle a little bit.

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Does anyone here have any suggestions to how I could be a successful bandit, just using the crossbow?


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Got my first two "non-justified" kills today.

I was in Cherno on top of some construction building looking with my binoculars just scouting the city trying to remember where the market was and hospital, when suddenly i see someone sneaking at the side of a big warehouse, usually i was just gonna let he pass by but i really wanted some adrenaline tonight, i was tired of just scavenging and running from damn zombies, so i took my Lee Enfield and took him out with just one shot i was actually surprised with how powerful this weapon is, well anyway immediatly after the shot i heard some footsteps so i decided to watch the body a little bit and not to my surprise another unsuspecting victim was rushing to loot this poor guy i just killed, another shot with my trusty enfield and i was off to get my spoils of war. Turns out one of the guys had an AKM! And the other had an ALICE Pack with blood bags, food, a compass, box of matches and revolver with tons of ammo!!

After feeling pretty happy with myself i made my way to the firestation and scouted some more with my binoculars, after a good couple of minutes without finding anything i was going downstairs when i suddenly an face to face with a guy unharmed, it was a snap second decision and i fired my AKM at him and he promptly shouted "HEY!! Chill man chill!!" I don´t know why but he sounded so desperate i coundn´t finish him, but i told him to get out of my way before i changed my mind, it was fun seeing him running scared shitless with a bunch of zeds after him.

I don´t know if i´m fit to be a bandit cause i like to try and help other people but after getting killed for no reason in cherno and then brutalized by a bandit in Stary Sobor i just wanted to get some revenge.

Sorry for any mispellings, english is not my first language

Edited by Zordon

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Hey, I was up in stary sobor at the military tents, heard shots. Found a guy, shot him with my enfield. He had an as50 with two 10 rnd mags and NVG's. I also have an ak with 2 mags as a secondary weapon. I have no clue what to do now and where to go with my AS. Any tips?

EDIT: Any help on how to use the mildots on the AS would be appreciated too.

Read the USMC Sniper handbook.

As im pretty sure nobody will bother telling you how mildots work, as there are actually quite some theory behind it.

If you are a new bandit, go to elektro or cherno, thats what all the "cool kids" do :D

If not, then come play with us up in the north, we can have a 1.5click sniper challenge :>

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a couple of days ago me and my friend were sniping around electro he picked of one guy first then after waiting about 10 mins i take one last look around electro when we see dome guy looking straight at us in the power plant with binocs he zeroed down to 200m and shot at him but raight after there was 4 KILL REPORTS i asked my friend how many kills do you have? he got 3 and got a colateral somehow? so i investigated and looked at his body there was only one person i turned around and looked at the back window where i saw some guhillie dead in a feild with an M107 we were flipping out to see that we got them both

so sorry to MATT and Tacos for killing you both XD

Bullets don't pass through targets in ArmA or any of its mods. Either he didn't kill them, or you're not being a truther.

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Who else is getting sick and tired of the groups and anti-bandits posting here... It's one thing to say you killed a bandit and another alltogether to put suggestions or ask how to kill bandits in here.

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Hey! I'm thinking about creating a group of us that can work together to gear up and get vehicles to become a nice little clan together there is currently just me and 2 friends in it if anyones interested I could use tips for being a good bandit and if you wanna join etc. :)

hey i am interested in joining a clan or group of players and i may have a few friends that might join as well so if you have Steam hit me up.

my steam name is:

Michael Mc'Bride

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Thing that sucks about these forums is that I can spend an hour dictating something long and in depth to have it murdered by people saying "TL;DR LOOK AT ME I'M COOL" or buried under "NEW CLAN OMG LOOK AT US WE'VE GOT TEAMSPEK". I would love for there to be a separate clan announcement page.

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Thing that sucks about these forums is that I can spend an hour dictating something long and in depth to have it murdered by people saying "TL;DR LOOK AT ME I'M COOL" or buried under "NEW CLAN OMG LOOK AT US WE'VE GOT TEAMSPEK". I would love for there to be a separate clan announcement page.

To be honest, there shouldn't be any clan announcement threads. If you're gonna form a bandit clan, do it quietly with a few close friends so no other clans or survivors know about it.

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To be honest, there shouldn't be any clan announcement threads. If you're gonna form a bandit clan, do it quietly with a few close friends so no other clans or survivors know about it.

True that. And I don't think a bandit clan should exist. It's an oxymoron.

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LOL ^^^

Looking for another player to that has a good shot,currently east of the NWAF picking players off, Please add my skype superstarrat

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I just wanna know when you guys are gonna do something about the hackers making you look bad? Ran into one or several (hard to tell when they can teleport) that killed a heavily armed 4 man crew with time enough to pop up infront of 2 at once and declare "BOO!"..........any takers?

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To be a bandit is a choise Great it is also a choise to be a helpful survivor. I wish to let you know that the innocent never kill another path is much more challenging almost impossible.

I also wish to ask a question respectufully of the bandit community Is it possible that haveing an innocent rank of never have taiken another marker not lootable by bandits might make things more interesting.

I mean we have bandits they are supposed to hold you up take some risk maybe force one to do or give information. Now most of you are just cannibals in the waiting personally i think the game would be more interesting if bandits murderers can only loot other murderers after all it is a choise right this also might lead to more interesting occurences than hunting two legged beasts. You might have to extort or negotiate to get what you need thus would balance the difficulty out somewhat. Heck might even make being a bandit hard to do instead of taking the easy way out as it stands now!

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Be a damn good shot!

Just yesterday i actually got a lucky shot off.

was in a supermarket in a town south of nw airfield.

with my bycycle!

guy cruises in with his double barrell, all i had was a crosbow and 1 bolt.

he sees me, shits his pants and opens fired,

luckily his trigger finger was far too itchy and he pretty much blew a hole in the roof above his head.

I let loose the crossbow with perhaps the luckiest shot Ive ever taken, and BAM passes out, I then finished him with a good old hatchet.

so as far as crossbow use goes.... get really really lucky lol

that was you? DANG, i walked into a supermarket south of the air field and saw a dead guy with a crossbow bolt in his leg holding a double barrel, he was loaded too!
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Hey! I'm thinking about creating a group of us that can work together to gear up and get vehicles to become a nice little clan together there is currently just me and 2 friends in it if anyones interested I could use tips for being a good bandit and if you wanna join etc. :)

I'M IN!!!!!

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