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Is there anything being planned that incentivizes not shooting on sight?

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Anyone complaining about KoS should go back to playing L4D. DayZ has PvP in it - deal with it.

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this thread appears to be slowly mutating into the "WE NEED WAYS TO IDENTIFY HEROES/BANDITS!" thread lol

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I think the best way to solve getting killed on sight is to stop being so easy to be spotted...  


I'm relatively new to the game, only a couple of months in, but I've never been killed on sight.  I've seen a good number of other players, and have successfully avoided them and as such avoided being shot.  

To accomplish this, I pick my routes very carefully into dangerous areas if I must enter into them.  I will observe my target insertion carefully before risking crossing the open field required to get to my entry point.  I will cover my tracks, closing doors behind me, and will observe as much of my area of responsibility as I can before moving to the next building.  When traversing from location to location, alone or in groups, you should cover your movement, observe where you are going, take the route that presents the least likelihood of danger if you want to avoid danger.  I will not travel along roads or paths as much as possible, taking the harder route when I can with this goal in mind.  




The way to survive is to protect yourself from death in its variety of forms.  The best way to not get shot is to avoid getting shot at.  The incentive is having not been killed or even been detected by other players.

That is a good plan but with all good plans they go to hell when you go into the firestation tower in elektro

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That is a good plan but with all good plans they go to hell when you go into the firestation tower in elektro


good plans don't involve going in there lol

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Lol Rocket will be hopfully Adding a lot more zombies, making them even more dangerous. He talked about it, will be fun to get the "Walking dead" feeling of being scared to enter a city just because of Zombies.. Play the mod, you wont give a flying fuck about the Zombies.

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i mistrust everyone in the game (except when i play with friends i know from the real world :) ) because killing on sight is too rewarding at the moment.

but i do want to tell other people "hey guys stop kos, please start trusting each other, we can have peace all"

thats totally not what i want, and i also dont know why some numbnuts want to put those words in my mouth in this thread.

i just want there to be psychological consequences for certain actions. period.



I don't think that's viable. It's just too complicated, and would be incredibly difficult to balance properly. Trying to simulate human psychology in a computer programme in any sort of realistic way would be an absolute nightmare. It's a can of worms that this game doesn't need to open.

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Perhaps everytime a player gets shot it should provoke a close proximity zombie spawn :D

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everyone would cope with the situation differently. making everyone suffer from the same symptoms regardless of individuality is the wrong approach.


you want to reduce the deathmatch?


  • a lot more zombies.
  • have zombies be really poor at hearing quiet characters at more than 10-20m, but have them go ape shit for gunfire up to 500m
  • one serious bite = infection and death
  • much more crafting, bas ebuilding, vehicles and repair mechanics.
  • add tradeskills that reset on death.

then you will see people thinking twice about kos.


the death match game only exists because people have nothing to do once geared up.

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lol it will leave a mental scar... did i tell otherwise??? did i neglect any kind of traumata which comes from involvement with zombies? show me that sentence of mine pls...


so then i want the hunger and falling damage removed, because i also dont want to be punished unfairly for doing stuff i like to do:

- jumping off high buildings

- not eating for 6 weeks




You've never mentioned zombies inducing mental health issues on your character.  Everything you have mentioned is player on player.  Step back and think about what you are suggesting.  I kill a player, I suffer.  I kill a zombie, I suffer.  By the end of it you'll have every player walking around shaking like a shitting dog.  The only thing left for us to do without impunity, is hunt (unless you wanna add negatives for killing that lil bunny wabbit) and base building. 


It's a stupid game breaking idea to add mental health issues due to killing anything. 

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 No its not, not at all

Yes. Yes it is. This is not a psychology sim, its a survival sim.



And I am STILL going to shoot you in the face, regardless of consequence.

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The way to defeat KOS is to avoid being seen, by being better at surviving all things, including encounters with other human beings.  If you want to interact with other players, do so in a controlled manner, where you control the outcome.  Keep your head on a swivel, always dig your corners, don't risk being seen until you are the one controlling whether or not you are seen. 


Easier said than done, but taking steps in that direction will increase your lifespan significantly.  It's a dangerous world out there.

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 No its not, not at all



Lay out the benefits for me then?  Sell the idea to me.

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Yes. Yes it is. This is not a psychology sim, its a survival sim.



And I am STILL going to shoot you in the face, regardless of consequence.


Your psychological state is part of surviving.......

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Lay out the benefits for me then?  Sell the idea to me.


I cant, you would never understand, its beyond you to grasp it.


Your reply above shows why you will never understand it, you care only about benefits and yourself, so impossible to sell it to you.

Edited by Ramalamadingdong

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In a way, I kind of hope that the devs DO introduce psychological effects on characters. Then everyone will see for themselves first hand how fucking stupid and annoying and gamebreaking the whole idea is.


And then they will remove it.

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I cant, you would never understand, its beyond you to grasp it.


Your reply above shows why you will never understand it, you care only about benefits and yourself, so impossible to sell it to you.


In other words you can't even come up with an idea that you can sell to yourself.  So in order to worm your way out of having to explain it you'll resort to petty insults.


You do realise when I say me, I'm talking for all of those that are against this idea.  In order to have an idea implemented you need to come up with solid reasons why it needs to be in the game. 

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In other words you can't even come up with an idea that you can sell to yourself.  So in order to worm your way out of having to explain it you'll resort to petty insults.


You do realise when I say me, I'm talking for all of those that are against this idea.  In order to have an idea implemented you need to come up with solid reasons why it needs to be in the game. 


Lol, nope, if you had an open mind and wanted to play an apocalypse survival game and where a fan of genre I could quite easily sell it to you.


But since you only want things that benefit you, i cant (and when i say you i mean everyone who is dead set against the idea because you just want a PvP game where you can kill people who have no chance of putting up a fight because you might lose) also this is the internet where no person has ever convinced anyone to change their mind, so why even bother trying.


Though please don't think that i have a problem with people killing other people, the psychological effects should effect everyone. Just because a game is a sandbox doesn't mean that you should be allowed to do anything you want without consequences, because its the consequences that make the game fun.

Edited by Ramalamadingdong

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You've never mentioned zombies inducing mental health issues on your character.  Everything you have mentioned is player on player.  Step back and think about what you are suggesting.  I kill a player, I suffer.  I kill a zombie, I suffer.  By the end of it you'll have every player walking around shaking like a shitting dog.  The only thing left for us to do without impunity, is hunt (unless you wanna add negatives for killing that lil bunny wabbit) and base building. 


It's a stupid game breaking idea to add mental health issues due to killing anything.



OK, for you again, because u obviously dont read posts that other people make quite thoroughly.


1. I never mentioned zombies inducing mental health issues. TRUE


2. I also never denied that zombies (or killing them) should induce mental health issues. It would be also realistic. I just didnt think of it.

So stop putting bullshit into my mouth, because it's not what i was suggesting. I did never restrict this to player vs player interaction.

I even said that only by witnessing a killing should increase this internal counter.


and i will say this one last time, in the hope everyone understands it, even though certain people didnt understand when i wrote it in earlier posts:


3. I dont want the psychological effects to be game breaking nor do i want shaking hands or anything that restricts normal 1PP/3PP gameplay

The only thing i suggest is that witnessing any killing (by killing or watching), of any character in the game (even zombies, YES, to make it clear to all you rattlers and gossipers)

can after a certain amount of killings lead to an effect where you get like 300x300 (still has to be considered) pixel embedded, very alpha transparent, killing scenes replayed

on the background of the sky. Those up to once per 20-60 (still has to be considered) minutes with a certain probability, lets say of 50% (still has to be considered).

And these mini-flicks do in no way interfere with any other actions the player is doing or can do. And it doesnt make him shiver etc.


This was my last post in this thread, in which I now broadly defined my suggestion again. If u didnt learn to read and understand I wont be here to help you understand anymore.

Because it's better for my health too. Thanks.


Also piece of advice to all the buffoons: I wrote ALL of this already. But some of you just dont read and come in random threads to write stuff like:

"no, your idea is dumb, what about zombies then? what about gamebreaking then? what about no? no no no, troll troll troll"

I dont know where u got your analystic skillset or communication skillset, but I really recommend you to take your time reading other peoples posts

and trying to understand what they wrote before answering bullcrap.

Though please don't think that i have a problem with people killing other people, the psychological effects should effect everyone. Just because a game is a sandbox doesn't mean that you should be allowed to do anything you want without consequences, because its the consequences that make the game fun.

this kinda narrows it down. if i can die as consequence of starving.

then i also can have "nightmares" as consequence of witnessing or commiting killings of any kind.

both are natural consequences for human beings.

the one is a psychological causality.

the other one is a physical causality.

both have the same right to exist.

Edited by Ovomaltine

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a PvP game where you can kill people who have no chance of putting up a fight because you might lose


what the hell does this mean? it makes no sense at all.

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OK, for you again, because u obviously dont read posts that other people make quite thoroughly.


1. I never mentioned zombies inducing mental health issues. TRUE


2. I also never denied that zombies (or killing them) should induce mental health issues. It would be also realistic. I just didnt think of it.

So stop putting bullshit into my mouth, because it's not what i was suggesting. I did never restrict this to player vs player interaction.

I even said that only by witnessing a killing should increase this internal counter.


and i will say this one last time, in the hope everyone understands it, even though certain people didnt understand when i wrote it in earlier posts:


3. I dont want the psychological effects to be game breaking nor do i want shaking hands or anything that restricts normal 1PP/3PP gameplay

The only thing i suggest is that witnessing any killing (by killing or watching), of any character in the game (even zombies, YES, to make it clear to all you rattlers and gossipers)

can after a certain amount of killings lead to an effect where you get like 300x300 (still has to be considered) pixel embedded, very alpha transparent, killing scenes replayed

on the background of the sky. Those up to once per 20-60 (still has to be considered) minutes with a certain probability, lets say of 50% (still has to be considered).

And these mini-flicks do in no way interfere with any other actions the player is doing or can do. And it doesnt make him shiver etc.


This was my last post in this thread, in which I now broadly defined my suggestion again. If u didnt learn to read and understand I wont be here to help you understand anymore.

Because it's better for my health too. Thanks.


Also piece of advice to all the buffoons: I wrote ALL of this already. But some of you just dont read and come in random threads to write stuff like:

"no, your idea is dumb, what about zombies then? what about gamebreaking then? what about no? no no no, troll troll troll"

I dont know where u got your analystic skillset or communication skillset, but I really recommend you to take your time reading other peoples posts

and trying to understand what they wrote before answering bullcrap.



Change the goalposts all you want bud, your idea is still crap.


Why would I see deaths, from my hand or those I have witnessed be replayed in the sky?


Just because you can't write down your ideas in a decent format in no way shows up my analytical skills. 

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Lol, nope, if you had an open mind and wanted to play an apocalypse survival game and where a fan of genre I could quite easily sell it to you.


But since you only want things that benefit you, i cant (and when i say you i mean everyone who is dead set against the idea because you just want a PvP game where you can kill people who have no chance of putting up a fight because you might lose) also this is the internet where no person has ever convinced anyone to change their mind, so why even bother trying.


Though please don't think that i have a problem with people killing other people, the psychological effects should effect everyone. Just because a game is a sandbox doesn't mean that you should be allowed to do anything you want without consequences, because its the consequences that make the game fun.



What effects on your gaming experience would you like to see implemented?

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Why would I see deaths, from my hand or those I have witnessed be replayed in the sky?

Like a daydream.

Goodbye now.

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Like a daydream.

Goodbye now.


What does pictures in the sky bring to the game?  Apart from a drop in frames per second...

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You CANNOT force a psychological effect on a player in a game, especially this one, because to do so would mandate that the player in question is already bound to a certain psychological mindset. By forcibly implementing a particular psychological outcome on a characters actions, you immediately and irrevocably prevent the player from being able to immerse himself in HIS game, by making it YOUR game.


Since this is sandbox,and not a linear or story-driven game, each individual player is responsible for his own individual character. By forcing "rules" such as your proposed psychological effects, you have just stuck EVERYONE within a defined area of gameplay, thus limiting their individual playstyles. You, me, the devs, NO ONE knows how ANYONE is going to react in any situation, nor how they will react after the fact- so how can you possibly think that forcing a psychological aftereffect on a player is a just means of 'dealing' with a specific action?


Any player could very well represent, in game, an individual who has no morals at all, and thereby would feel absolutely zero remorse for killing over and over. Who are you to dictate that after X number of kills, said random player MUST be affected by anything at all? At the same time, how can you assume that the random carebear would NOT be overly traumatized by seeing their very first gunshot victim?


If this game was totally story driven, then having these types of effects might be justified to add. But since the game is completely sandbox, and interactions are dependent on each individual players choices, forcing any type of psychological effect as a result of any type of event is not only game-breaking bad design, but just plain dumb.

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