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Zombies still exactly the same?

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The zombies still suck.  They basically just stand perfectly motionless until you walk within a mile of them.  Then at some point, (or never) they will go "blargh" and sprint at you, at which point you bop them on the head with your ax.  All other melee weapons are effectively useless.  In some buildings where the ground floor is elevated a bit, you will see their heads popping through the floor like a shark's fin.


I do feel like there are a bit more of them.  But I am looking forward to the day when (or if) there will be dozens or hundreds of them around the major PvP areas.  I mean right now, Balota is just a great big weapons depot.  It was a bit different in the Mod where you might find an AK but may need to use half the ammo just escaping the zombies in the area.


Lol this is to true I was so excited when the machete was added and had visions of walking dead style zombie executions. Finally found one in some garages and rushed to test it out, about 15 swings and 3 bandages later I managed to kill a zombie. Disappointed  :(

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