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Can't Run DayZ

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So, whenever I try to run DayZ, purchased on steam, it opens, then as soon as the black screen appears, it crashes, with the error message "DayZ has stopped working." I have tried all the available fixes I could find on other threads, but none of them are working.

My computers specs:

-Windows 8.1

-CPU: Quad Core 4th Gen i-7

-GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT755m

-8 GB Ram

-Nvidia Driver and directX are both latest versions.


The program works when I use the integrated intel HD graphics, but when I use those, the game is practically unplayable.


Any fixes?

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Have you verified game files on steam?

Have you updated you graphics drivers?

Have you turned your computer on and off to see if the problem persists?

Have you redownloaded the game to see if it is fixed by that?


Other than that i'd say wait till the next update when Intel CPU graphics gets a massive FPS boost.

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To both of you, I have tried all of those, but none have worked so far.

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