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Stuffed message, buff or debuff?

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Ok so iv been keeping my guy healthy, hydrated and energised. Iv been avoiding getting the stuffed message as i was under the impression it was a bad thing. But I read in a totally unrelated thread something like..."I drink at the well till I get the stuffed buff" 


So is it a buff...or debuff?

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It's a buff, Don't get overstuffed, Overstuffed means you can't run without throwing up losing your hunger status. Being stuffed in a zombie apocalypse is a good thing by the way, as food is scarce, in a role play point of view, your character should let his food and drink go down for a few minutes before sprinting and you can sprint away anyway to get the healthy status after around 5-10 minutes, given that you are engergized and hydrated.

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Oh yeah i get the stuffed thing is a way to carry extra food and in a way "stockpile" it in your virtual stomach. But is there any negative effects (or positive) that go with the messages. Really id expect it to be a debuff, just because stuffed to me means feeling slugish, or heavy...hard to explain. Id rather just be not hungry, than stuffed if iv got to run somewhere lol


Maybe theyl go full realism and if your stuffed, then sprint, you get a stitch lol :)

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It's just a warning to stop eating/drinking.  Once you get stuffed and get the text messages saying it, you'll want to wait a bit before intaking any more as you will vomit if you continue.


The post you're referencing too was probably saying they drank until they couldn't drink anymore, to ensure their water would be full and they wouldn't have to worry about it.  I personally wouldn't go that far, I would just go until I have bright green hydrated, but that post could be before they added the hydrated/energized indicators.  Back then, it was typically advised to immediately find a well, drink until you're full, and then run inland until you find a town.

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