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USS Khe Sanh

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The aircraft carrier in ARMA 2, I'm thinking it could have run aground off the coast of chernarus or the islands, and you'd have to swim (bad idea :D ) or use a boat to get there. (Assuming they add boats in the future) In any case, it could be a good place to spawn US military gear/weapons. (But it'd have to be kind of a pain to get there, otherwise every new spawn in Chernarus is gonna make break for the carrier.)

Edited by Geckofrog7
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Not a bad idea.  Perhaps the way to give a reason for why there's western guns in Chenarus.  Dunno if they can make it so that say M4s will only spawn on the Carrier, but that would be nice.  It'd have to either hard to get up into (as in far offshore, maybe anchored rather than run aground, like a couple KM south of Kamenka).


Maybe something to add to the exclusive loot spawns;

Only 'Russian/Soviet' gear spawns at the military bases

USS Khe Sanh is the only place to get US gear (hard to get to but in abundance)

Heli Crashes are the only place to get British Gear (Crashed Merlins I'm thinking?)


Of course this would not apply to civilian weapons, since by all rights they should spawn in civilian settings.

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And absolutely COVER it in zombies, like the flight deck with 100s of them wandering on it

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i think if it had a lot of rooms, making you search each one, with not that many zombies, especially if they made it really dark with groans from the ship and the swaying of the ocean it would bring a really tense atmosphere.

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Damn it I had this idea a few days ago. USS Khe Sanh wreck would be great. V-22 and UH-60 husks on the carrier deck, zombies in flight suits,MARPAT and Navy Working Uniforms, blackened corridors and a Ruined CIC with clear signs on an intense gun fight, and a nod to the game that made the mod capable. Dean Hall bring us the USS Khe Sanh.

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Not a bad idea.  Perhaps the way to give a reason for why there's western guns in Chenarus.  Dunno if they can make it so that say M4s will only spawn on the Carrier, but that would be nice.  It'd have to either hard to get up into (as in far offshore, maybe anchored rather than run aground, like a couple KM south of Kamenka).


Maybe something to add to the exclusive loot spawns;

Only 'Russian/Soviet' gear spawns at the military bases

USS Khe Sanh is the only place to get US gear (hard to get to but in abundance)

Heli Crashes are the only place to get British Gear (Crashed Merlins I'm thinking?)


Of course this would not apply to civilian weapons, since by all rights they should spawn in civilian settings.


I think instead of having them being the only place, have them be the best places. Not every soldier in a heli crash would have died and not every soldier on the aircraft carrier would have either. The survivors would have likely headed inland, thus resulting in things like M4A1s around the world.

Not sure I want British guns like the SA80 or L86, but maybe an Arctic Warfare rifle.

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If they were gonna do that id say use the community Nimitz carrier. Its got loads of walkable deck and even rooms, a lower hanger, working lifts. Only problem with both is the AI has a hard time doing anything on the decks. Also i dont think either has a way to board them from sea level. But im all up for it, hope they have time to solve the issues and put one in :)


EDIT - on another note there is a community Russian carrier that might suit a lot better ;)

Edited by Karmaterror

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This is a great idea, would give more beans if I could. Maybe it could even still be afloat rather than run aground, anchored well offshore, out of draw distance of the coast, to get people to use the boats which should eventually be included. It could be covered in the tough military zombies hiding in the cabins :beans:  :thumbsup: 

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