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It finally happened...

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A teleporting hacker killed me twice yesterday night. I made a post about it in another thread. What i don't understand is some other players here treating the situation lightly or as if the victim is bullshitting.

Guys this is a serious situation which directly threatens the game. Last night was the first time i encountered a hacker but still it made me question the point in playing this game if i'll die to a hacker after spending a good time improving my character.

This is serious.


There will always be hackers/cheaters if the game is online and worth playing. if your worried about it you should stay away from online gaming.

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Why not have some honor and play how the devs imagined you to play. Join full servers. Give Your self challenge. I promise the reward will pay off the struggles.

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Where do you think the cheaters and script kiddies get their hacks?  From hackers, derp.


What are they actually hacking? Writing code or changing game files isn't hacking. If these people were actually real "hackers" I'm sure they'll be spending their time on bigger and better things than a game. Like I dunno maybe hacking into someone's bank account, or stealing thousands of passwords and account details, including credit card details from big companies such as Sony, heck they might even hack into Government files.


There's a clear line between a hacker and a cheater maybe you should learn it.

Edited by RagedDrew

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There will always be hackers/cheaters if the game is online and worth playing. if your worried about it you should stay away from online gaming.


I've been playing online games for more than 10 years now. Played battlefield, gta series, counter strike, starcraft a lot and still do. Yes, you can encounter cheaters in those games as well but the worst thing it can happen in those games is you lose a single match. The type of game Dayz is, makes it a much more serious issue. This is a survivor game where you try to make your character last as long as possible. and dying to a hacker after spending so much time with your character makes a much bigger impact on the game play. 


That's why I hope it doesn't get out of hand, cuz if it does then majority of the players will be done with this game. 

Why not have some honor and play how the devs imagined you to play. Join full servers. Give Your self challenge. I promise the reward will pay off the struggles.


I was in a full 40/40 gameservers.com server when I got killed last night by a hacker/cheater. 


Also didn't understand the point behind your post. Hackers surely like full servers even more. 

Edited by dodobir

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I was killed by a teleporting hacker on a hardcore server. I logged out at the NEAF hidden in a bush last night and logged back in this morning and the server was empty. The doors on the building I was facing had it's door closed, then suddenly they flew open and I kept my gun aimed at the doors. I checked the server list and one other player was on the server. The next thing I know I am getting lit up from behind and never saw the guy come through those doors. Congratulations on having a tiny penis, bro.

You touched his penis?

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