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Personal feelings of military weapons (and future weapons) in this game

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Ya I suppose.  At least they admitted they were trying to be a DayZ clone and failed at it.  Don't get me wrong, I played the game but all I got out of it was Call of Minecraft


True! It's interesting though, in that it's trying to find it's own way after evolving from that. Very organic, astounding to watch and see where it goes.

I think over all though, once both games have all their core features, DayZ will be more my style. Mostly because I'm vain and it's prettier! >.>



I'm loving Rust so far, but yeah, it's also in Alpha and still very rough around the edges. Kinda suffers from the issue too that there is not a WHOLE lot of content in there, and so people gear up, make bases and then murder everyone.


Also, Rust is absolutely PLAGUED with hackers. I've been on 3 servers so far where people were flying like superman, and one guy was snap-spinning with a rifle on a mountain killing everyone who came into view with a single headshot. Absolutely ridiculous.


I had to switch to a server with an active admin who was stamping out hackers.

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Running and zombies makes sense honestly. Unless you are getting them around alone, I wouldn't be running into a group of them with a damn axe or a sharpened stick. Not in a world where a flesh wound might turn septic and kill you. Honestly, I'd be setting up traps, popping a few to get them following, then lead them to their death. From as big of a distance as I can. I wouldn't be slapping them with boat oars or trying to perfectly chuck a knife at them, knowing it was more likely to bounce off their skull than do any harm. I doubt I'd be axing them in the head either, as the skull is a pretty thick bone, so the wear an tear plus potential difficulty of popping the axe back out to fend off the others would be tricky.


The only reason melee in an FPS is a good solution for zombies is because it is wonky as hell and pretty much works like a free and silent bullet. Not for any sense of "realism".


People keep forgetting this when it comes to human anatomy.


Using any type of instrument, even a weapon specifically made for cleaving, will need considerable maintenance if it's always coming into contact with bone. Even the fabled weeb weapon, the katana, needs a lot of care after battle, as nicks and dents can cause a blade to shatter.


And the skull is hard, and swinging around an axe will become quite tiring.

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1% of the population survives a random 1% and we dont all seem that friendly shit you cant trust a guy when you have food and now i am sitting down with an unknown person and teaching him skills he can use to kill me???


What percent of people in the population have these skills to start with then do the math and figure what chance that many of them do survive and then figure the chance they live long enough in the apoc to pass on the skills.....


Common sense wow it doesnt need bold letters when it spits the dummy...

You guys seem to think these skills are rare, they are not. Just becasue you watch MTV instead of watching the history channel or opening a book doesn't mean everyone else does as well.

Who said that? Stop using the "for realism" argument and just say you want something and people will probably stop pointing out to you how unlikely it is that someone would have the extremely specialized skill of musket manufacturing.

Someone had to operate those lathes before the virus, muskets are simple devices the most basic requires only a bore and a touch hole in a piece of steel strapped to a wooden stock. These are NOT extremely specialized skills.. Specialist skills would be what I have, the ability to MAKE a modern firearm from the correct kind of raw steel.

Edited by Franchi

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You guys seem to think these skills are rare, they are not. Just becasue you watch MTV instead of watching the history channel or opening a book doesn't mean everyone else does as well.

Someone had to operate those lathes before the virus, muskets are simple devices the most basic requires only a bore and a touch hole in a piece of steel strapped to a wooden stock. These are NOT extremely specialized skills.. Specialist skills would be what I have, the ability to MAKE a modern firearm from the correct kind of raw steel.

I'm sorry, I lost the ability to take you seriously after the reference to MTV. I actually had to google to find out if MTV still exists, as I haven't watched it since the 90s.

In all seriousness, though, while there are plenty of people who have used a lathe, I would argue that creating a bow from scratch is knowledge that is rare indeed. And having watched history channel is no replacement for proper knowledge and experience, as the History channel is, at this point in time, something of a joke. Unless you believe in aliens.

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...What I'm saying is that the movements, as has been touched on forever, just feels clunky. Part of the reason a lot of games add in features to help you seamlessly traverse around a map without needing 8 different buttons to accomplish this is because the human body and our motor system is incredibly complex. Just walking takes an incredible amount of balance with muscles constantly firing off in different spots just to keep you from toppling. This also means that when you're trying to do a manuever quickly through a door, let's say, you instinctively know hot to twist, turn push off and get a burst to go through. Unless you're incredibly uncoordinated, you usually don't get hung up on a little edge of the door, run in place, have to back up, strafe to the left a little and then go through.


Hey at least it's not like QUOP where you have to move the individual muscles of your legs with keys. Could you imagine?

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Hey at least it's not like QUOP where you have to move the individual muscles of your legs with keys. Could you imagine?


It would be funny trying to see everyone run from zombies, only to have their legs go behind their heads and doing reverse somersaults.

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