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Sir Schmoopy

Melee or Gun Fights.

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Which do you prefer?


Honestly I LOVE running in someones face in first person and just destroying them with an axe. Even when they have a gun. 80% of the players are TOO cautious and panic insanely shooting everywhere. Im much more satisfied when i kill you with a melee weapon because it's a little harder.

Edited by Sir Schmoopy

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Melee fights are messy and with the Arma tradition of handling melee horribly, really isn't very satisfying. Gun fights all the way.

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I've been beatin' ass on the coast in the regular servers for an hour now. It's more fun than I thought it would be.

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Close range city fights where both parties have mosins/B95s. The tense moments where you don't know whether or not a street is covered or if the other guy may be up in a window are some of the best i've ever had.

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